#ifndef CUBES_H #define CUBES_H #include #include #include #include #ifndef PARAM_H #include #endif #ifndef DETECTION_H #include #endif using std::string; using std::vector; /****************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Definition of an n-dimensional data array: //// array of pixel values, size & dimensions //// array of Detection objects ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class DataArray { public: DataArray(){numDim=0; numPixels=0;}; DataArray(short int nDim){numDim=nDim; numPixels=0;}; DataArray(short int nDim, long size); DataArray(short int nDim, long *dimensions); virtual ~DataArray(){}; // Size and Dimension related long getDimX(){if(numDim>0) return axisDim[0]; else return 0;}; long getDimY(){if(numDim>1) return axisDim[1]; else return 1;}; long getDimZ(){if(numDim>2) return axisDim[2]; else return 1;}; void getDim(long &x, long &y, long &z); long getSize(){return numPixels;}; short int getNumDim(){return numDim;}; // Related to the various arrays void getDimArray(long *output); void getArray(float *output); virtual void saveArray(float *input, long size); float getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];}; void setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;}; // Related to the object lists Detection getObject(long number){return objectList[number];}; void addObject(Detection object); // adds a single detection to the object list vector getObjectList(){return objectList;}; void addObjectList(vector newlist); // adds all objects in a detection list to the object list long getNumObj(){return objectList.size();}; void clearDetectionList(){this->objectList.clear();}; // Parameter list related. void readParam(string ¶mfile){par.readParams(paramfile);}; void showParam(std::ostream &stream){stream << par;}; Param getParam(){return par;}; void saveParam(Param newpar){par = newpar;}; Param& pars(){Param &rpar = par; return rpar;}; bool isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);}; friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& theStream, DataArray &array); protected: short int numDim; // number of dimensions. long *axisDim; // array of dimensions of cube // (ie. how large in each direction). long numPixels; // total number of pixels in cube float *array; // array of data vector objectList; // the list of detected objects in the image Param par; // a parameter list. }; /****************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Definition of an image object (2D): //// a DataArray object //// arrays for: probability values (for FDR) //// mask image to indicate location of objects //// detected objects //// statistics information ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Image : public DataArray { public: Image(){ numPixels=0; numDim=2;}; Image(long nPix); Image(long *dimensions); virtual ~Image(){}; // Defining the array void saveArray(float *input, long size); void extractSpectrum(float *Array, long *dim, long pixel); void extractImage(float *Array, long *dim, long channel); // Accessing the data. float getPixValue(long x, long y){return array[y*axisDim[0] + x];}; float getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];}; float getPValue(long pos){return pValue[pos];}; float getPValue(long x, long y){return pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x];}; short int getMaskValue(long pos){return mask[pos];}; short int getMaskValue(long x, long y){return mask[y*axisDim[0] + x];}; // the next few should have checks against array overflow... void setPixValue(long x, long y, float f){array[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;}; void setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;}; void setPValue(long pos, float p){pValue[pos] = p;}; void setPValue(long x, long y, float p){pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x] = p;}; void setMaskValue(long pos, short int m){mask[pos] = m;}; void setMaskValue(long x, long y, short int m){mask[y*axisDim[0] + x] = m;}; // Stats-related void setStats(float m, float s, float c){mean=m; sigma=s; cutLevel=c;}; void findStats(int code); float getMean(){return mean;}; void setMean(float m){mean=m;}; float getSigma(){return sigma;}; void setSigma(float s){sigma=s;}; float getCut(){return cutLevel;}; void setCut(float c){cutLevel=c;}; float getPCut(){return pCutLevel;}; void setPCut(float p){pCutLevel = p;}; float getAlpha(){return alpha;}; void setAlpha(float a){alpha = a;}; int getMinSize(){return minSize;}; void setMinSize(int s){minSize = s;}; void maskObject(Detection &object); // Detection-related void lutz_detect(); // in Detection/lutz_detect.cc void spectrumDetect(); // in Detection/spectrumDetect.cc int setupFDR(); // in Detection/thresholding_functions.cc bool isDetection(float value); // in Detection/thresholding_functions.cc bool isDetection(long x, long y); // in Detection/thresholding_functions.cc bool isDetectionFDR(float pvalue); // in Detection/thresholding_functions.cc private: float *pValue; // the array of p-values for each pixel // --> used by FDR method short int *mask; // a mask image indicating where objects are float mean; // the mean background level of the image float sigma; // the standard deviation of the background in the image float cutLevel; // the limiting value (in sigmas above the mean) for // a pixel to be called a detection. float alpha; // used by FDR routine -- significance level float pCutLevel; // the limiting P-value for the FDR analysis int minSize; // the minimum number of pixels for a detection to be accepted. }; /****************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Definition of an data-cube object (3D): //// a DataArray object limited to dim=3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Cube : public DataArray { public: Cube(){numPixels=0; numDim=3; flagWCS=false;}; Cube(long nPix); Cube(long *dimensions); virtual ~Cube(){}; // destructor // additional accessor functions -- in Cubes/cubes.cc unless otherwise specified. int getCube(string fname); void initialiseCube(long *dimensions); void saveReconstructedCube(); int readReconCube(); bool isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);}; bool isBlank(long x, long y, long z){ return par.isBlank(array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x]);}; float getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];}; float getPixValue(long x, long y, long z){ return array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];}; short getDetectMapValue(long pos){return detectMap[pos];}; short getDetectMapValue(long x, long y){return detectMap[y*axisDim[0] + x];}; bool isRecon(){return reconExists;}; float getReconValue(long pos){return recon[pos];}; float getReconValue(long x, long y, long z){ return recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];}; float getBaselineValue(long pos){return baseline[pos];}; float getBaselineValue(long x, long y, long z){ return baseline[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];}; // these should have checks against array overflow... void setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;}; void setPixValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){ array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;}; void setDetectMapValue(long pos, short f){detectMap[pos] = f;}; void setDetectMapValue(long x, long y, short f){ detectMap[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;}; void setReconValue(long pos, float f){recon[pos] = f;}; void setReconValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){ recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;}; void setReconFlag(bool f){reconExists = f;}; void saveArray(float *input, long size); void saveRecon(float *input, long size); void getRecon(float *output); // Statistics for cube float getSpecMean(int pixel){return specMean[pixel];}; float getSpecSigma(int pixel){return specSigma[pixel];}; float getChanMean(int channel){return chanMean[channel];}; float getChanSigma(int channel){return chanSigma[channel];}; void setCubeStats(); // in Cubes/cubes.cc // Functions that act on the cube void removeMW(); // in Cubes/cubes.cc void trimCube(); // in Cubes/trimImage.cc void unTrimCube(); // in Cubes/trimImage.cc void removeBaseline(); // in ATrous/baselineSubtract.cc void replaceBaseline(); // in ATrous/baselineSubtract.cc void invert(); // in Cubes/invertCube.cc void reInvert(); // in Cubes/invertCube.cc // Reconstruction and Searching functions void ReconSearch1D(); // in ATrous/ReconSearch.cc void ReconSearch2D(); // in ATrous/ReconSearch.cc void ReconSearch3D(); // in ATrous/ReconSearch.cc void SimpleSearch3D(); // in Cubes/CubicSearch.cc // Dealing with the WCS bool isWCS(){return flagWCS;}; void setWCS(wcsprm *w); wcsprm *getWCS(); void setNWCS(int n){nwcs = n;}; int getNWCS(){return nwcs;}; void setBUnit(char *s){bunit = s;}; string getBUnit(){return bunit;}; // Dealing with the detections void ObjectMerger(); // in Cubes/Merger.cc void calcObjectWCSparams(); void sortDetections(); void updateDetectMap(); void updateDetectMap(Detection obj); void setObjectFlags(); float enclosedFlux(Detection obj); bool objAtEdge(Detection obj); // Text outputting of detected objects. void outputDetectionsKarma(std::ostream &stream); // in Cubes/detectionIO.cc void outputDetectionsVOTable(std::ostream &stream); // in Cubes/detectionIO.cc void outputDetectionList(); // in Cubes/detectionIO.cc void logDetectionList(); // in Cubes/detectionIO.cc void logDetection(Detection obj, int counter); // in Cubes/detectionIO.cc // Graphical plotting of detections. void plotDetectionMap(string pgDestination); // in Cubes/plotting.cc void plotMomentMap(string pgDestination); // in Cubes/plotting.cc void plotWCSaxes(); // in Cubes/plotting.cc void outputSpectra(); // in Cubes/outputSpectra.cc void drawScale(float xstart, float ystart, float channel, float scaleLength); // in Cubes/drawMomentCutout.cc private: float *recon; // reconstructed array -- used when doing a trous reconstruction. bool reconExists; // flag saying whether there is a reconstruction short *detectMap; // "moment map" -- x,y locations of detected pixels float *baseline; // array of spectral baseline values. float *specMean; // array of means for each spectrum in cube float *specSigma; // array of sigmas for each spectrum in cube float *chanMean; // array of means for each channel map in cube float *chanSigma; // array of sigmas for each channel map in cube bool flagWCS; // a flag indicating whether there is a valid WCS present. wcsprm *wcs; // the WCS parameters for the cube -- a struct from wcslib int nwcs; // number of WCS parameters string bunit; // The header keyword BUNIT -- the units of brightness in the FITS file. }; /****************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prototypes for functions that use above classes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DataArray getImage(string fname, short int maxdim); Image getImage(string fname); void findSources(Image &image); void findSources(Image &image, float mean, float sigma); vector reconSearch(long *dim,float *originalArray,float *reconArray, Param &par); vector cubicSearch(long *dim, float *Array, Param &par); vector cubicSearchNMerge(long *dim, float *Array, Param &par); void growObject(Detection &object, Image &image); void growObject(Detection &object, Cube &cube); void drawMomentCutout(Cube &cube, Detection &object); #endif