\secA{User Inputs} \label{sec-param} Input to the program is provided by means of a parameter file. Parameters are listed in the file, followed by the value that should be assigned to them. The syntax used is \begin{quote} \texttt{paramName value}. \end{quote} Parameter names are not case-sensitive, and lines in the input file that start with \texttt{\#} are ignored. If a parameter is listed more than once, the latter value is used, but otherwise the order in which the parameters are listed in the input file is arbitrary. Example input files can be seen in Appendix~\ref{app-input}. If a parameter is not listed, the default value is assumed. The defaults are chosen to provide a good result (using the reconstruction method), so the user doesn't need to specify many new parameters in the input file. Note that the image file \textbf{must} be specified! The parameters that can be set are listed in Appendix~\ref{app-param}, with their default values in parentheses. The parameters with names starting with \texttt{flag} are stored as \texttt{bool} variables, and so are either \texttt{true = 1} or \texttt{false = 0}. They can be entered in the file either in text or integer format -- \duchamp will read them correctly in either case. An example input file is included in the distribution tar file. It is as follows: \begin{verbatim} imageFile your-file-here logFile logfile.txt outFile results.txt spectraFile spectra.ps minPix 2 flagATrous 1 snrRecon 5. snrCut 3. minChannels 3 flagBaseline 1 \end{verbatim} You would, of course, replace the ``\texttt{your-file-here}'' with the FITS file you wanted to search. Further examples are given in Appendix~\ref{app-input}.