source: branches/fitshead-branch/docs/Guide.tex @ 1377

Last change on this file since 1377 was 101, checked in by Matthew Whiting, 18 years ago

Updated version of the documentation and images to go with it.
Close to finalised for v1.0 -- only README/Install section not updated.

File size: 82.0 KB
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49\title{A Guide to the \duchamp\ Source Finding Software}
50\author{Matthew Whiting\\
51%{\small \href{}{}}\\
52Australia Telescope National Facility\\CSIRO}
53%\date{January 2006}
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86\section{Introduction and getting going quickly}
88This document gives details on the program \duchamp: how to use it and
89what it does. This has been designed to provide a source-detection
90facility for spectral-line data cubes. The basic execution of
91\duchamp\ is to read in a FITS data cube, find sources in the cube,
92and produce a text file of positions, velocities and fluxes of the
93detections, as well as a postscript file of the spectra of each
96So, you have a FITS cube, and you want to find the sources in it. What
97do you do? The first step is to make an input file that contains the
98list of parameters. Brief and detailed examples are shown in
99Appendix~\ref{app-input}. This provides the input file name, the various
100output files, and defines various parameters that control the
103The standard way to run \duchamp\ is by the command
105\texttt{Duchamp -p [parameter file]}
107replacing \texttt{[parameter file]} with the name of the file you have
108just created/copied. Alternatively, you can use the syntax
110\texttt{Duchamp -f [FITS file]}
112where \texttt{[FITS file]} is the file you wish to search. In the latter
113case, all parameters will take their default values detailed in
114Appendix~\ref{app-param}. In either case, the program will then work
115away and give you the list of detections and their spectra. The
116program execution is summarised below, and detailed in
117\S\ref{sec-flow}. Information on inputs is in \S\ref{sec-param} and
118Appendix~\ref{app-param}, and descriptions of the output is in
121\subsection{A summary of the execution steps}
123The basic flow of the program is summarised here -- all steps are
124discussed in more detail in the following sections.
126\item If the \texttt{-p} option is used, the parameter file given on
127  the command line is read in, and the parameters absorbed.
128\item The FITS image is located and read in to memory.
129\item If requested, a FITS image with a previously reconstructed array
130  is read in.
131\item If requested, blank pixels are trimmed from the edges, and
132  the baseline of each spectrum is removed.
133\item If the reconstruction method is requested, and the reconstructed
134  array has not been read in at Step 3 above, the cube is
135  reconstructed using the \atrous\ wavelet method.
136\item Searching for objects then takes place, using the requested
137  thresholding method.
138\item The list of objects is condensed by merging neighbouring objects
139  and removing those deemed unacceptable.
140\item The baselines and trimmed pixels are replaced prior to output.
141\item The details of the detections are written to screen and to the
142  requested output file.
143\item Maps showing the spatial location of the detections are written.
144\item The integrated spectra of each detection are written to a
145  postscript file.
146\item If requested, the reconstructed array can be written to a new
147  FITS file.
150\subsection{Guide to terminology}
152First, a brief note on the use of terminology in this guide. \duchamp\
153is designed to work on FITS ``cubes''. These are FITS\footnote{FITS is
154the Flexible Image Transport System -- see \citet{hanisch01} or
155websites such as
157for details.} image arrays with three dimensions -- they are assumed
158to have the following form: the first two dimensions (referred to as
159$x$ and $y$) are spatial directions (that is, relating to the position
160on the sky), while the third dimension, $z$, is the spectral
161direction, which can correspond to frequency, wavelength, or
162velocity. The three dimensional analogue of pixels are ``voxels'', or
163volume cells -- a voxel is defined by a unique $(x,y,z)$ location and
164has a unique flux or intensity value associated with it.
166Each spatial pixel (a given $(x,y)$ coordinate) can be said to be a
167single spectrum, while a slice through the cube perpendicular to the
168spectral direction at a given $z$-value is a single channel (the 2-D
169image is a channel map).
171Detection involves locating a contiguous group of voxels with fluxes
172above a certain threshold. \duchamp\ makes no assumptions as to the
173size or shape of the detected features, other than having
174user-selected minimum size criteria.
176Features that are detected are assumed to be positive. The user can
177choose to search for negative features by setting an input parameter
178-- this inverts the cube prior to the search (see
179\S\ref{sec-detection} for details).
181Note that it is possible to run \duchamp\ on a two-dimensional image
182(\ie one with no frequency or velocity information), or indeed a
183one-dimensional array, and many of the features of the program will
184work fine. The focus, however, is on object detection in three
187\subsection{Why \duchamp?}
189Well, it's important for a program to have a name, and the initial
190working title of \emph{cubefind} was somewhat uninspiring. I wanted to
191avoid the classic astronomical approach of designing a cute acronym,
192and since it is designed to work on cubes, I looked at naming it after
193a cubist. \emph{Picasso}, sadly, was already taken \citep{minchin99},
194so I settled on naming it after Marcel Duchamp, another cubist, but
195also one of the first artists to work with ``found objects''.
197\section{User Inputs}
200Input to the program is provided by means of a parameter
201file. Parameters are listed in the file, followed by the value that
202should be assigned to them. The syntax used is \texttt{paramName
203value}. Parameter names are not case-sensitive, and lines in the input
204file that start with \texttt{\#} are ignored. If a parameter is listed
205more than once, the latter value is used, but otherwise the order in
206which the parameters are listed in the input file is arbitrary.
208If a parameter is not listed, the default value is assumed. The
209defaults are chosen to provide a good result (using the reconstruction
210method), so the user doesn't need to specify many new parameters in
211the input file. Note that the image file \textbf{must} be specified! The
212parameters that can be set are listed in Appendix~\ref{app-param},
213with their default values in parentheses.
215The 'flag' parameters are stored as \texttt{bool} variables, and so are
216either \texttt{true = 1} or \texttt{false = 0}. \duchamp\ will only
217read them from the file as integers, and so they should be entered in
218the file as 0 or 1 (see example file in Appendix~\ref{app-input}).
220\section{What \duchamp\ is doing}
223The execution flow of \duchamp\ is detailed here, indicating the
224main algorithmic steps that are used. The program is written in C/C++
225and makes use of the {\sc cfitsio}, {\sc wcslib} and {\sc pgplot}
228%\subsection{Parameter input}
230%The user provides parameters that govern the selection of files and
231%the parameters used by the various subroutines in the program. This is
232%done via a parameter file, and the parameters are stored in a C++
233%class for use throughout the program. The form of the parameter file is
234%discussed in \S\ref{sec-param}, and the parameters themselves are
235%listed in Appendix~\ref{app-param}.
237\subsection{Image input}
239The cube is read in using basic {\sc cfitsio} commands, and stored as
240an array in a special C++ class. This class keeps track of
241the list of detected objects, as well as any reconstructed arrays that
242are made (see \S\ref{sec-recon}). The World Coordinate System (WCS)
243information for the cube is also obtained from the FITS header by {\sc
244wcslib} functions \citep{greisen02, calabretta02}, and this
245information, in the form of a \texttt{wcsprm} structure, is also stored
246in the same class.
248A sub-section of an image can be requested via the \texttt{subsection}
249parameter in the parameter file -- this can be a good idea if the cube
250has very noisy edges, which may produce many spurious detections. The
251generalised form of the subsection that is used by {\sc cfitsio} is
252\texttt{[x1:x2:dx,y1:y2:dy,z1:z2:dz]}, such that the x-coordinates run
253from \texttt{x1} to \texttt{x2} (inclusive), with steps of
254\texttt{dx}. The step value can be omitted (so a subsection of the
255form \texttt{[2:50,2:50,10:1000]} is still valid). \duchamp\ does not
256at this stage deal with the presence of steps in the subsection
257string, and any that are present are removed before the file is
260If one wants the full range of a coordinate then replace the range
261with an asterisk, \eg \texttt{[2:50,2:50,*]}. If one wants to use a
262subsection, one must set \texttt{flagSubsection = 1}. A complete
263description of the section syntax can be found at the {\sc fitsio} web
269\subsection{Image modification}
272Several modifications to the cube can be made that improve the
273execution and efficiency of \duchamp\ (these are optional -- their
274use is indicated by the relevant flags set in the input parameter
277\subsubsection{Blank pixel removal}
279First, the cube is trimmed of any BLANK pixels that pad the image out
280to a rectangular shape. This is optional, its use determined by the
281\texttt{flagBlankPix} parameter. The value for these pixels is read from
282the FITS header (using the BLANK, BSCALE and BZERO keywords), but if
283these are not present then the value can be specified by the user in
284the parameter file using \texttt{blankPixValue}.
286This stage is particularly important for the reconstruction step, as
287lots of BLANK pixels on the edges will smooth out features in the
288wavelet calculation stage. The trimming will also reduce the size of
289the cube's array, speeding up the execution. The amount of trimming is
290recorded, and these pixels are added back in once the source-detection
291is completed (so that quoted pixel positions are applicable to the
292original cube).
294Rows and columns are trimmed one at a time until the first non-BLANK
295pixel is reached, so that the image remains rectangular. In practice,
296this means that there will be BLANK pixels left in the trimmed image
297(if the non-BLANK region is non-rectangular). However, these are
298ignored in all further calculations done on the cube.
300\subsubsection{Baseline removal}
302Second, the user may request the removal of baselines from the
303spectra, via the parameter \texttt{flagBaseline}. This may be necessary
304if there is a strong baseline ripple present, which can result in
305spurious detections on the high points of the ripple. The baseline is
306calculated from a wavelet reconstruction procedure (see
307\S\ref{sec-recon}) that keeps only the two largest scales. This is
308done separately for each spatial pixel (\ie for each spectrum in the
309cube), and the baselines are stored and added back in before any
310output is done. In this way the quoted fluxes and displayed spectra
311are as one would see from the input cube itself -- even though the
312detection (and reconstruction if applicable) is done on the
313baseline-removed cube.
315The presence of very strong signals (for instance, masers at several
316hundred Jy) can affect the determination of the baseline, leading to a
317large dip centred on the signal in the baseline-subtracted
318spectrum. To prevent this, the signal is trimmed prior to the
319reconstruction process at some standard threshold (at $8\sigma$ above
320the mean). The baseline determined should thus be representative of
321the true, signal-free baseline. Note that this trimming is only a
322temporary measure which does not affect the source-detection.
324\subsubsection{Ignoring bright Milky Way emission}
326Also, a single set of contiguous channels can be ignored -- these may
327exhibit very strong emission, such as that from the Milky Way as seen
328in extragalactic \hi\ cubes (hence the references to ``Milky Way'' in
329relation to this task -- apologies to Galactic astronomers!). Such
330dominant channels will both produce many unnecessary, uninteresting
331and large (in size and hence in memory usage) detections, and so will
332slow the program down and detract from the interesting detections. The
333use of this feature is controlled by the \texttt{flagMW} parameter, and
334the exact channels concerned are able to be set by the user (using
335\texttt{maxMW} and \texttt{minMW} -- these give an inclusive range of
336channels). When employed, these channels are temporarily blanked out
337for the searching, and the scaling of the spectral output (see
338Fig.~\ref{fig-spect}) will not take them into account. They will be
339present in the reconstructed array, however, and so will be included
340in the saved FITS file (see \S\ref{sec-reconIO}). When the final
341spectra are plotted, the range of channels covered by these parameters
342is indicated by a green hashed box.
344\subsection{Image reconstruction}
347This is an optional step, but one that greatly enhances the
348source-detection process. The user can direct \duchamp\ to reconstruct
349the data cube using the \atrous\ wavelet procedure. A good
350description of the procedure can be found in
351\citet{starck02:book}. The reconstruction is an effective way of
352removing a lot of the noise in the image, allowing one to search
353reliably to fainter levels, and reducing the number of spurious
354detections. The payoff is that it can be relatively time- and
359The steps in the \atrous\ reconstruction are as follows:
361\item Set the reconstructed array to 0 everywhere.
362\item The input array is discretely convolved with a given filter
363  function. This is determined from the parameter file via the
364  \texttt{filterCode} parameter -- see Appendix~\ref{app-param} for
365  details on the filters available.
366\item The wavelet coefficients are calculated by taking the difference
367  between the convolved array and the input array.
368\item If the wavelet coefficients at a given point are above the
369  requested threshold (given by \texttt{snrRecon} as the number of
370  $\sigma$ above the mean and adjusted to the current scale -- see
371  Appendix~\ref{app-scaling}), add these to the reconstructed array.
372\item The separation of the filter coefficients is doubled.
373\item The procedure is repeated from step 2, using the convolved array
374  as the input array.
375\item Continue until the required maximum number of scales is reached.
376\item Add the final smoothed (\ie convolved) array to the
377  reconstructed array. This provides the ``DC offset'', as each of the
378  wavelet coefficient arrays will have zero mean.
381The reconstruction has at least two iterations. The first iteration
382makes a first pass at the wavelet reconstruction (the process outlined
383in the 8 stages above), but the residual array will inevitably have
384some structure still in it, so the wavelet filtering is done on the
385residual, and any significant wavelet terms are added to the final
386reconstruction. This step is repeated until the change in the $\sigma$
387of the background is less than some fiducial amount.
389It is important to note that the \atrous\ decomposition is an
390example of a ``redundant'' transformation. If no thresholding is
391performed, the sum of all the wavelet coefficient arrays and the final
392smoothed array is identical to the input array. The thresholding thus
393removes only the unwanted structure in the array.
395Note that any BLANK pixels that are still in the cube will not be
396altered by the reconstruction -- they will be left as BLANK so that
397the shape of the valid part of the cube is preserved.
401The correct calculation of the reconstructed array needs good
402estimation of the underlying mean and standard deviation of the
403background noise distribution. These statistics are estimated using
404robust methods, to avoid corruption by strong outlying points. The
405mean of the distribution is actually estimated by the median, while
406the median absolute deviation from the median (MADFM) is calculated
407and corrected assuming Gaussianity to estimate the underlying standard
408deviation $\sigma$. The Gaussianity (or Normality) assumption is
409critical, as the MADFM does not give the same value as the usual rms
410or standard deviation value -- for a normal distribution
411$N(\mu,\sigma)$ we find MADFM$=0.6744888\sigma$. The difference
412between the MADFM and $\sigma$ is corrected for, so the user need only
413think in the usual multiples of $\sigma$ when setting
414\texttt{snrRecon}. See Appendix~\ref{app-madfm} for a derivation of
415this value.
417When thresholding the different wavelet scales, the value of $\sigma$
418as measured from the wavelet array needs to be scaled to account for the
419increased amount of correlation between neighbouring pixels (due to
420the convolution). See Appendix~\ref{app-scaling} for details on this
423\subsubsection{User control of reconstruction parameters}
425The most important parameter for the user to select in relation to the
426reconstruction is the threshold for each wavelet array. This is set
427using the \texttt{snrRecon} parameter, and is given as a multiple of the
428rms (estimated by the MADFM) above the mean (which for the wavelet
429arrays should be approximately zero). There are several other
430parameters that can be altered as well that affect the outcome of the
433By default, the cube is reconstructed in three dimensions, using a
4343-dimensional filter and 3-dimensional convolution. This can be
435altered, however, using the parameter \texttt{reconDim}. If set to 1,
436this means the cube is reconstructed by considering each spectrum
437separately, whereas \texttt{reconDim=2} will mean the cube is
438reconstructed by doing each channel map separately. The merits of
439these choices are discussed in \S\ref{sec-notes}, but it should be
440noted that a 2-dimensional reconstruction can be susceptible to edge
441effects if the spatial shape is not rectangular.
443The user can also select the minimum scale to be used in the
444reconstruction -- the first scale exhibits the highest frequency
445variations, and so ignoring this one can sometimes be beneficial in
446removing excess noise. The default, however, is to use all scales
447(\texttt{minscale = 1}).
449Finally, the filter that is used for the convolution can be selected
450by using \texttt{filterCode} and the relevant code number -- the choices
451are listed in Appendix~\ref{app-param}. When multi-dimensional
452reconstruction is selected, this filter is used to construct a 2- or
4533-dimensional equivalent.
455\subsection{Reconstruction I/O}
458The reconstruction stage can be relatively time-consuming, particularly
459for large cubes and reconstructions in 3-D. To get around this, \duchamp\
460provides a shortcut to allow users to perform multiple searches (\eg with
461different thresholds) on the same reconstruction without calculating the
462reconstruction each time.
464The first step is to choose to save the reconstructed array as a FITS
465file by setting \texttt{flagOutputRecon = true}. The file will be saved
466in the same directory as the input image, so the user needs to have write
467permissions for that directory.
469The filename will be derived from the input filename, with extra information
470detailing the reconstruction that has been done. For example, suppose
471\texttt{image.fits} has been reconstructed using a 3-dimensional
472reconstruction with filter 2, thresholded at $4\sigma$ using all scales. The
473output filename will then be \texttt{image.RECON-3-2-4-1.fits} (\ie it uses
474the four parameters relevant for the \atrous\ reconstruction as listed in
475Appendix~\ref{app-param}). The new FITS file will also have these
476parameters as header keywords.
478Likewise, the residual image, defined as the difference between the input
479and reconstructed arrays, can also be saved in the same manner by setting
480\texttt{flagOutputResid = true}. Its filename will be the same as above,
481with RESID replacing RECON.
483If a reconstructed image has been saved, it can be read in and used
484instead of redoing the reconstruction. To do so, the user should set
485\texttt{flagReconExists = true}. The user can indicate the name of the
486reconstructed FITS file using the \texttt{reconFile} parameter, or, if
487this is not specified, \duchamp\ searches for the file with the name
488as defined above. If the file is not found, the reconstruction is
489performed as normal. Note that to do this, the user needs to set
490\texttt{flagAtrous = true} (obviously, if this is \texttt{false}, the
491reconstruction is not needed).
493\subsection{Searching the image}
496The image is searched for detections in two ways: spectrally (a
4971-dimensional search in the spectrum in each spatial pixel), and
498spatially (a 2-dimensional search in the spatial image in each
499channel). In both cases, the algorithm finds connected pixels that are
500above the user-specified threshold. In the case of the spatial image
501search, the algorithm of \citet{lutz80} is used to raster scan through
502the image and connect groups of pixels on neighbouring rows.
504Note that this algorithm cannot be applied directly to a 3-dimensional
505case, as it requires that objects are completely nested in a row: that
506is, if you are scanning along a row, and one object finishes and
507another starts, you know that you will not get back to the first one
508(if at all) until the second is completely finished for that
509row. Three-dimensional data does not have this property, which is why
510we break up the searching into 1- and 2-dimensional cases.
512The determination of the threshold is done in one of two ways. The
513first way is a simple sigma-clipping, where a threshold is set at a
514fixed number $n$ of standard deviations above the mean, and pixels
515above this threshold are flagged as detected. The value of $n$ is set
516with the parameter \texttt{snrCut}. As before, the value of the
517standard deviation is estimated by the MADFM, and corrected by the
518ratio derived in Appendix~\ref{app-madfm}.
520The second method uses the False Discovery Rate (FDR) technique
521\citep{miller01,hopkins02}, whose basis we briefly detail here. The
522false discovery rate (given by the number of false detections divided
523by the total number of detections) is fixed at a certain value
524$\alpha$ (\eg $\alpha=0.05$ implies 5\% of detections are false
525positives). In practice, an $\alpha$ value is chosen, and the ensemble
526average FDR (\ie $\langle FDR \rangle$) when the method is used will
527be less than $\alpha$.  One calculates $p$ -- the probability,
528assuming the null hypothesis is true, of obtaining a test statistic as
529extreme as the pixel value (the observed test statistic) -- for each
530pixel, and sorts them in increasing order. One then calculates $d$
533d = \max_j \left\{ j : P_j < \frac{j\alpha}{c_N N} \right\},
535and then rejects all hypotheses whose $p$-values are less than or equal
536to $P_d$. (So a $P_i<P_d$ will be rejected even if $P_i \geq
537j\alpha/c_N N$.) Note that ``reject hypothesis'' here means ``accept
538the pixel as an object pixel'' (\ie we are rejecting the null
539hypothesis that the pixel belongs to the background).
541The $c_N$ values here are normalisation constants that depend on the
542correlated nature of the pixel values. If all the pixels are
543uncorrelated, then $c_N=1$. If $N$ pixels are correlated, then their
544tests will be dependent on each other, and so $c_N = \sum_{i=1}^N
545i^{-1}$. \citet{hopkins02} consider real radio data, where the pixels
546are correlated over the beam. In this case the sum is made over the
547$N$ pixels that make up the beam. The value of $N$ is calculated from
548the FITS header (if the correct keywords -- BMAJ, BMIN -- are not
549present, a default value of 10 pixels is assumed).
551The theory behind the FDR method implies a direct connection between the
552choice of $\alpha$ and the fraction of detections that will be false
553positives. However, due to the merging process, this direct connection is
554lost when looking at the final number of detections -- see discussion in
555\S\ref{sec-notes}. The effect is that the number of false detections will
556be less than indicated by the $\alpha$ value used.
558If a reconstruction has been made, the residuals (defined as original
559$-$ reconstruction) are used to estimate the noise parameters of the
560cube. Otherwise they are estimated directly from the cube itself. In
561both cases, robust estimators are used as described above.
563Detections must have a minimum number of pixels to be counted. This
564minimum number is given by the input parameters \texttt{minPix} (for
5652-dimensional searches) and \texttt{minChannels} (for 1-dimensional
568The search only looks for positive features. If one is interested
569instead in negative features (such as absorption lines), set the
570parameter \texttt{flagNegative = true}. This will invert the cube (\ie
571multiply all pixels by $-1$) prior to the search, and then re-invert
572the cube (and the fluxes of any detections) after searching is
573complete. All outputs are done in the same manner as normal, so that
574fluxes of detections will be negative.
576\subsection{Merging detected objects}
579The searching step produces a list of detected objects that will have many
580repeated detections of a given object -- for instance, spectral
581detections in adjacent pixels of the same object and/or spatial
582detections in neighbouring channels. These are then combined in an
583algorithm that matches all objects judged to be ``close''. This
584determination is made in one of two ways.
586One way is to define two thresholds -- one spatial and one in velocity
587-- and say that two objects should be merged if there is at least one
588pair of pixels that lie within these threshold distances of each
589other. These thresholds are specified by the parameters
590\texttt{threshSpatial} and \texttt{threshVelocity} (in units of pixels
591and channels respectively).
593Alternatively, the spatial requirement can be changed to say that
594there must be a pair of pixels that are \emph{adjacent} -- a stricter,
595but perhaps more realistic requirement, particularly when the spatial pixels
596have a large angular size (as is the case for \hi\ surveys). This
597method can be selected by setting the parameter
598\texttt{flagAdjacent} to 1 (\ie \texttt{true}) in the parameter file. The
599velocity thresholding is done in the same way as the first option.
601Once the detections have been merged, they may be ``grown''. This is a
602process of increasing the size of the detection by adding adjacent
603pixels that are above some secondary threshold. This threshold is
604lower than the one used for the initial detection, but above the noise
605level, so that faint pixels are only detected when they are close to a
606bright pixel. The value of this threshold is a possible input
607parameter (\texttt{growthCut}), with a default value of $1.5\sigma$. The
608use of the growth algorithm is controlled by the \texttt{flagGrowth}
609parameter -- the default value of which is \texttt{false}. If the
610detections are grown, they are sent through the merging algorithm a
611second time, to pick up any detections that now overlap or have grown
612over each other.
614Finally, to be accepted, the detections must span \emph{both} a minimum
615number of channels (to remove any spurious single-channel spikes that
616may be present), and a minimum number of spatial pixels. These
617numbers, as for the original detection step, are set with the
618\texttt{minChannels} and \texttt{minPix} parameters. The channel
619requirement means there must be at least one set of \texttt{minChannels}
620consecutive channels in the source for it to be accepted.
625\subsection{During execution}
627\duchamp\ provides the user with feedback whilst it is running, to
628keep the user informed on the progress of the analysis. Most of this
629consists of self-explanatory messages about the particular stage the
630program is up to. The relevant parameters are printed to the screen at
631the start (once the file has been successfully read in), so the user
632is able to make a quick check that the setup is correct (see
633Appendix~{app-input} for an example).
635If the cube is being trimmed (\S\ref{sec-modify}), the resulting
636dimensions are printed to indicate how much has been trimmed. If a
637reconstruction is being done, a continually updating message shows
638either the current iteration and scale, compared to the maximum scale
639(when \texttt{reconDim=3}), or a progress bar showing the amount of
640the cube that has been reconstructed (for smaller values of
643During the searching algorithms, the progress through the 1D and 2D
644searches are shown. When the searches have completed,
645the number of objects found in both the 1D and 2D searches are
646reported (see \S\ref{sec-detection} for details).
648In the merging process (where multiple detections of the same object
649are combined -- see \S\ref{sec-merger}), two stages of output
650occur. The first is when each object in the list is compared with all
651others. The output shows two numbers: the first being how far through
652the list the current object is, and the second being the length of the
653list. As the algorithm proceeds, the first number should increase and
654the second should decrease (as objects are combined). When the numbers
655meet (\ie the whole list has been compared), the second phase begins,
656in which multiply-appearing pixels in each object are removed, as are
657objects not meeting the minimum channels requirement. During this
658phase, the total number of accepted objects is shown, which should
659steadily increase until all have been accepted or rejected. Note that
660these steps can be very quick for small numbers of detections.
662Since this continual printing to screen has some overhead of time and
663CPU involved, the user can elect to not print this information by
664setting the parameter \texttt{verbose = 0}. In this case, the user is
665still informed as to the steps being undertaken, but the details of
666the progress are not shown.
670\subsubsection{Table of Results}
672Finally, we get to the results -- the reason for running \duchamp\ in
673the first place. Once the detection list is finalised, it is sorted by
674the mean velocity of the detections (or, if there is no good WCS
675associated with the cube, by the mean Z-pixel position). The results
676are then printed to the screen and to the output file, given by the
677\texttt{OutFile} parameter. The results list, an example of which can be
678seen in Appendix~\ref{app-output}, contains the following columns
679(note that the title of the columns depending on WCS information will
680depend on the projection of the WCS):
683\item[Obj\#] The ID number of the detection (simply the sequential
684  count for the list, which is ordered by increasing velocity).
685\item[Name] The IAU-format name of the detection (derived from the WCS
686  projection).
687\item[X] The average X-pixel position.
688\item[Y] The average Y-pixel position.
689\item[Z] The average Z-pixel position.
690\item[RA/GLON] The Right Ascension or Galactic Longitude of the centre
691of the object.
692\item[DEC/GLAT] The Declination or Galactic Latitude of the centre of
693the object.
694\item[VEL] The mean velocity of the object [units given by the
695  \texttt{spectralUnits} parameter].
696\item[w\_RA/w\_GLON] The width of the object in Right Ascension or
697Galactic Longitude [arcmin].
698\item[w\_DEC/w\_GLAT] The width of the object in Declination Galactic
699  Latitude [arcmin].
700\item[w\_VEL] The full velocity width of the detection (max channel
701  $-$ min channel, in velocity units [see note below]).
702\item[F\_int] The integrated flux over the object, in the units of
703  flux times velocity, corrected for the beam if necessary.
704\item[F\_peak] The peak flux over the object, in the units of flux.
705\item[X1, X2] The minimum and maximum X-pixel coordinates.
706\item[Y1, Y2] The minimum and maximum Y-pixel coordinates.
707\item[Z1, Z2] The minimum and maximum Z-pixel coordinates.
708\item[Npix] The number of voxels (\ie distinct $(x,y,z)$ coordinates)
709  in the detection.
710\item[Flag] Whether the detection has any warning flags (see below).
712The Name is derived from the WCS position. For instance, a source
713centred on the RA,Dec position 12$^h$53$^m$45$^s$,
714-36$^\circ$24$'$12$''$ will be called J1253$-$3624 (if the epoch is
715J2000) or B1253$-$3624 (if B1950). An alternative form is used for
716Galactic coordinates: a source centred on the position ($l$,$b$) =
717(323.1245, 5.4567) will be called G323.12$+$05.45. If the WCS is not
718valid (\ie is not present or does not have all the necessary
719information), the Name, RA, DEC, VEL and related columns are not
720printed, but the pixel coordinates are still provided.
722The velocity units can be specified by the user, using the parameter
723\texttt{spectralUnits} (enter it as a single string). The default value
724is km/s, which should be suitable for most users. These units are also
725used to give the units of integrated flux.
727The last column contains any warning flags about the detection. There
728are currently two options here. An `E' is printed if the detection is
729next to the edge of the image, meaning either the limit of the pixels,
730or the limit of the non-BLANK pixel region. An `N' is printed if the
731total flux, summed over all the (non-BLANK) pixels in the smallest box
732that completely encloses the detection, is negative. Note that this
733sum is likely to include non-detected pixels. It is of use in
734pointing out detections that lie next to strongly negative pixels,
735such as might arise due to interference -- the detected pixels might
736then also be due to the interference, so caution is advised.
738\subsubsection{Other results lists}
740Two alternative results files can also be requested. One option is a
741VOTable-format XML file, containing just the RA, Dec, Velocity and the
742corresponding widths of the detections, as well as the fluxes. The
743user should set \texttt{flagVOT = 1}, and put the desired filename in the
744parameter \texttt{votFile} -- note that the default is for it not to be
745produced. This file should be compatible with all Virtual Observatory
746tools (such as Aladin\footnote{ Aladin can be found on the web at
747\href{}{}}). The
748second option is an annotation file for use with the Karma toolkit of
749visualisation tools (in particular, with \texttt{kvis}). This will draw a
750circle at the position of each detection, and number it according to
751the Obj\# given above. To make use of this option, the user should
752set \texttt{flagKarma = 1}, and put the desired filename in the parameter
753\texttt{karmaFile} -- again, the default is for it not to be produced.
755As the program is running, it also (optionally) records the detections
756made in each individual spectrum or channel (see
757\S\ref{sec-detection} for details on this process). This is
758recorded in the file given by the parameter \texttt{LogFile}. This file
759does not include the columns \texttt{Name, RA, DEC, w\_RA, w\_DEC, VEL,
760w\_VEL}. This file is designed primarily for diagnostic purposes: \eg
761to see if a given set of pixels is detected in, say, one channel
762image, but does not survive the merging process. The list of pixels
763(and their fluxes) in the final detection list are also printed to
764this file, again for diagnostic purposes. This feature can be turned
765off by setting \texttt{flagLog = false}. (This may be a good idea if you
766are not interested in its contents, as it can be a large file.)
772\caption{\footnotesize An example of the spectrum output. Note several
773  of the features discussed in the text: the red lines indicating the
774  reconstructed spectrum; the blue dashed lines indicating the
775  spectral extent of the detection; the green hashed area indicating
776  the Milky Way channels that are ignored by the searching algorithm;
777  the blue border showing its spatial extent on the 0th moment map;
778  and the 15~arcmin-long scale bar.}
786\caption{\footnotesize An example of the moment map created by
787  \duchamp. The full extent of the cube is covered, and the 0th moment
788  of each object is shown (integrated individually over all the
789  detected channels).}
793\subsubsection{Graphical output -- spectra}
795As well as the output data file, a postscript file is created that
796shows the spectrum for each detection, together with a small cutout
797image (the 0th moment) and basic information about the detection (note
798that any flags are printed after the name of the detection, in the
799format \texttt{[E]}). If the cube was reconstructed, the spectrum from
800the reconstruction is shown in red, over the top of the original
801spectrum. The spectral extent of the detected object is indicated by
802two dashed blue lines, and the region covered by the ``Milky Way''
803channels is shown by a green hashed box.
805The spectrum that is plotted is governed by the
806\texttt{spectralMethod} parameter. It can be either \texttt{peak},
807where the spectrum is from the spatial pixel containing the
808detection's peak flux; or \texttt{sum}, where the spectrum is summed
809over all spatial pixels, and then corrected for the beam size.
811The spectral extent of the detection is indicated with blue lines, and
812a zoom is shown in a separate window. The cutout image can optionally
813include a border around the spatial pixels that are in the detection
814(turned on and off by the parameter \texttt{drawBorders} -- the
815default is \texttt{true}). It also includes a scale bar in the bottom
816left corner to indicate size -- it is 15~arcmin long (note that due to
817projection effects it may be a slightly different physical length from
818object to object). An example detection can be seen below in
821\subsubsection{Graphical output -- maps}
823Finally, a couple of images are optionally produced: a 0th moment map
824of the cube, combining just the detected channels in each object,
825showing the integrated flux in grey-scale; and a ``detection image'',
826a grey-scale image where the pixel values are the number of channels
827that spatial pixel is detected in. In both cases, if
828\texttt{drawBorders = true}, a border is drawn around the spatial
829extent of each detection. An example moment map is shown in
830Fig.~\ref{fig-moment}.  The production or otherwise of these images is
831governed by the \texttt{flagMaps} parameter.
833The purpose of these images are to provide a visual guide to where the
834detections have been made, and, particularly in the case of the moment
835map, to provide an indication of the strength of the source. In both
836cases, the detections are numbered (in the same sense as the output
837list), and the spatial borders are marked out as for the cutout images
838in the spectra file. Both these images are saved as postscript files
839(given by the parameters \texttt{momentMap} and \texttt{detectionMap}
840respectively), with the latter also displayed in a {\sc pgplot}
841window (regardless of the state of \texttt{flagMaps}).
843\section{Notes and hints on the use of \duchamp}
846In using \duchamp, the user has to make a number of decisions about
847the way the program runs. This section is designed to give the user
848some idea about what to choose.
850The main choice is whether or not to use the wavelet
851reconstruction. The main benefits of this are the marked reduction in
852the noise level, leading to regularly-shaped detections, and good
853reliability for faint sources. The main drawback with its use is the
854long execution time: to reconstruct a $170\times160\times1024$
855(\hipass) cube often requires three iterations and takes about 20-25
856minutes to run completely. Note that this is for the three-dimensional
857reconstruction: using \texttt{reconDim=1} makes the reconstruction
858quicker (the full program then takes about 6 minutes), but it is still
859the largest part of the time.
861The searching part of the procedure is much quicker: searching an
862un-reconstructed cube leads to execution times of only a couple of
863minutes. Alternatively, using the ability to read in previously-saved
864reconstructed arrays makes running the reconstruction more than once a
865more feasible prospect.
867On the positive side, the shape of the detections in a cube that has
868been reconstructed will be much more regular and smooth -- the ragged
869edges that objects in the raw cube possess are smoothed by the removal
870of most of the noise. This enables better determination of the shapes
871and characteristics of objects.
873A further point to consider when using the reconstruction is that if
874the two-dimensional reconstruction is chosen (\texttt{reconDim=2}), it
875can be susceptible to edge effects. If the valid area in the cube (\ie
876the part that is not BLANK) has non-rectangular edges, the convolution
877can produce artefacts in the reconstruction that mimic the edges and
878can lead (depending on the selection threshold) to some spurious
879sources. Caution is advised with such data -- the user is advised to
880check carefully the reconstructed cube for the presence of such
881artefacts. Note, however, that the 1- and 3-dimensional
882reconstructions are \emph{not} susceptible in the same way, since the
883spectral direction does not generally exhibit these BLANK edges, and
884so we recommend the use of either of these.
886If one chooses the reconstruction method, a further decision is
887required on the signal-to-noise cutoff used in determining acceptable
888wavelet coefficients. A larger value will remove more noise from the
889cube, at the expense of losing fainter sources, while a smaller value
890will include more noise, which may produce spurious detections, but
891will be more sensitive to faint sources. Values of less than about
892$3\sigma$ tend to not reduce the noise a great deal and can lead to
893many spurious sources (although this will depend on the nature of the
896When it comes to searching, the FDR method produces more reliable results
897than simple sigma-clipping, particularly in the absence of reconstruction.
898However, it does not work in exactly the way one would expect for a
899given value of \texttt{alpha}. For instance, setting fairly liberal values
900of \texttt{alpha} (say, 0.1) will often lead to a much smaller fraction
901of false detections (\ie much less than 10\%). This is the effect of the
902merging algorithms, that combine the sources after the detection stage, 
903and reject detections not meeting the minimum pixel or channel requirements.
904It is thus better to aim for larger \texttt{alpha} values than those derived
905from a straight conversion of the desired false detection rate.
907Finally, as \duchamp\ is still undergoing development, there are some
908elements that are not fully developed. In particular, it is not as
909clever as I would like at avoiding interference. The ability to place
910requirements on the minimum number of channels and pixels partially
911circumvents this problem, but work is being done to make \duchamp\
912smarter at rejecting signals that are clearly (to a human eye at
913least) interference. See the following section for further
914improvements that are planned.
916%\section{Drawbacks of the current program}
918%The program currently has a few problems/drawbacks/things to be aware
919%of that will hopefully be fixed in the future:
922%\item Narrow interference spikes are still getting found, particularly
923%  if there is no reconstruction, or reconstruction with a relatively
924%  low \texttt{snrRecon} (such as 2 or 3). Increasing the
925%  \texttt{minChannels} parameter is one way to circumvent this, but
926%  making the algorithm a bit more clever would be preferable.
928%\item Sources that have strong continuum ripple and/or artefacts often
929%  generate many spurious detections. This needs some work to avoid
930%  \duchamp\ doing this, and until then users are advised to be aware
931%  of the possibility. Strong continuum ripples may generate many
932%  sources on the same spatial pixel, and this will be apparent on the
933%  detection images.
935%\item Spectra are integrated over every spatial pixel of the
936%  detection, and this may dilute the actual detection, making it
937%  harder to see \ie the apparent strength of the line as plotted may
938%  not give a true indication of how strong it really is.
940%%\item A caution on the merging part of the procedure. This can be time
941%%  consuming if there are many detections that do not require merging
942%%  -- in this case, the time will go like $N^2$ ($N$ = number of
943%%  detections). If there are plenty of mergers, the size of the list
944%%  reduces quickly, so the execution time will be less.
950%\section{Comparison with other software (to be developed further...)}
952%\subsection{fred, by Matt Howlett}
954%This is the program used in the \hipass\ analysis. It smoothes the
955%data spectrally with a boxcar filter of a size that varies over a
956%user-specified range, and then thresholds the data.
958%Works effectively, but generally doesn't find as many sources as
959%\duchamp, particularly when the reconstruction is used. Sensitive to
960%faint, broad features that fall below the reconstruction threshold.
962%Execution takes a long time, depending on the range of filter widths
963%that are used.
967%Hard to evaluate, as it does not (as far as I can see) output the
968%channel number at which detections are made, and does not merge
969%detections made at adjacent channels (\ie it just works in 2
973\section{Future Developments}
975This is both a list of planned improvements and a wish-list of
976features that would be nice to include (but are not planned in the
977immediate future). Let me know if there are items not on this list, or
978items on the list you would like prioritised.
982\item Better determination of the noise characteristics of
983  spectral-line cubes, including understanding how the noise is
984  generated and developing a model for it. \textbf{Planned.}
986\item Include more source analysis. Examples could be: shape
987  information; measurements of HI mass; more variety of measurements
988  of velocity width and profile. \textbf{Some planned.}
990\item Provide some indication of the significance of the detection
991  (\ie some S/N-like value). \textbf{Planned.}
993\item Improved ability to reject interference, possibly on the
994  spectral shape of features. \textbf{Planned.}
996\item Ability to separate (de-blend) distinct sources that have been
997  merged. \textbf{Planned.}
999\item Link to lists of possible counterparts (\eg via NED/SIMBAD/other
1000  VO tools?). \textbf{Wish-list.}
1002\item On-line web service interface, so a user can upload a cube and
1003  get back a source-list. \textbf{Wish-list}.
1005\item Embed \duchamp\ in a GUI, to move away from the text-based
1006  interaction. \textbf{Wish-list}.
1015\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Calabretta} \& {Greisen}}{{Calabretta} \&
1016  {Greisen}}{2002}]{calabretta02}
1017{Calabretta} M.,  {Greisen} E.,  2002, A\&A, 395, 1077
1019\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Greisen} \& {Calabretta}}{{Greisen} \&
1020  {Calabretta}}{2002}]{greisen02}
1021{Greisen} E.,  {Calabretta} M.,  2002, A\&A, 395, 1061
1023\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Hanisch}, {Farris}, {Greisen}, {Pence},
1024  {Schlesinger}, {Teuben}, {Thompson} \& {Warnock}}{{Hanisch}
1025  et~al.}{2001}]{hanisch01}
1026{Hanisch} R.,  {Farris} A.,  {Greisen} E.,  {Pence} W.,  {Schlesinger} B.,
1027  {Teuben} P.,  {Thompson} R.,    {Warnock} A.,  2001, A\&A, 376, 359
1029\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Hopkins}, {Miller}, {Connolly}, {Genovese},
1030  {Nichol} \& {Wasserman}}{{Hopkins} et~al.}{2002}]{hopkins02}
1031{Hopkins} A.,  {Miller} C.,  {Connolly} A.,  {Genovese} C.,  {Nichol} R.,
1032  {Wasserman} L.,  2002, AJ, 123, 1086
1035Lutz R.,  1980, The Computer Journal, 23, 262
1037\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Meyer} et~al.,}{{Meyer}
1038  et~al.}{2004}]{meyer04:trunc}
1039{Meyer} M.,  et~al., 2004, MNRAS, 350, 1195
1041\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{Miller}, {Genovese}, {Nichol}, {Wasserman},
1042  {Connolly}, {Reichart}, {Hopkins}, {Schneider} \& {Moore}}{{Miller}
1043  et~al.}{2001}]{miller01}
1044{Miller} C.,  {Genovese} C.,  {Nichol} R.,  {Wasserman} L.,  {Connolly} A.,
1045  {Reichart} D.,  {Hopkins} A.,  {Schneider} J.,    {Moore} A.,  2001, AJ, 122,
1046  3492
1049Minchin R.,  1999, PASA, 16, 12
1051\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Starck \& Murtagh}{Starck \&
1052  Murtagh}{2002}]{starck02:book}
1053Starck J.-L.,  Murtagh F.,  2002, {``Astronomical Image and Data Analysis''}.
1061\section{Available parameters}
1064The full list of parameters that can be listed in the input file are
1065given here. If not listed, they take the default value given in
1066parentheses. Since the order of the parameters in the input file does
1067not matter, they are grouped here in logical sections.
1069\subsection*{Input-output related}
1071\item[ImageFile (no default assumed)] The filename of the
1072  data cube to be analysed.
1073\item[flagSubsection \texttt{[false]}] A flag to indicate whether one
1074  wants a subsection of the requested image.
1075\item[Subsection \texttt{[ [*,*,*] ]}] The requested subsection, which
1076  should be specified in the format \texttt{[x1:x2,y1:y2,z1:z2]}, where
1077  the limits are inclusive. If the full range of a dimension is
1078  required, use a \texttt{*}, \eg if you want the full spectral range of
1079  a subsection of the image, use \texttt{[30:140,30:140,*]}.
1080\item[flagReconExists \texttt{[false]}] A flag to indicate whether the
1081  reconstructed array has been saved by a previous run of \duchamp. If
1082  set true, the reconstructed array will be read from the file given by
1083  \texttt{reconFile}, rather than calculated directly.
1084\item[reconFile (no default assumed)] The FITS file that contains the
1085  reconstructed array. If \texttt{flagReconExists} is true and this
1086  parameter is not defined, the default file searched will be
1087  determined by the \atrous\ parameters (see \S\ref{sec-recon}).
1088\item[OutFile \texttt{[duchamp-Results.txt]}] The file containing the
1089  final list of detections. This also records the list of input
1090  parameters.
1091\item[SpectraFile \texttt{[]}] The postscript file
1092  containing the resulting integrated spectra and images of the
1093  detections.
1094\item[flagLog \texttt{[true]}] A flag to indicate whether intermediate
1095  detections should be logged.
1096\item[LogFile \texttt{[duchamp-Logfile.txt]}] The file in which intermediate
1097  detections are logged. These are detections that have not been
1098  merged. This is primarily for use in debugging and diagnostic
1099  purposes -- normal use of the program will probably not require
1100  this.
1101\item[flagOutputRecon \texttt{[false]}] A flag to say whether or not to
1102  save the reconstructed cube as a FITS file. The filename will be
1103  derived from the ImageFile -- the reconstruction of \texttt{image.fits}
1104  will be saved as \texttt{image.RECON?.fits}, where \texttt{?} stands for
1105  the value of \texttt{snrRecon} (see below).
1106\item[flagOutputResid \texttt{[false]}] As for \texttt{flagOutputRecon}, but
1107  for the residual array -- the difference between the original cube
1108  and the reconstructed cube. The filename will be \texttt{image.RESID?.fits}.
1109\item[flagVOT \texttt{[false]}] A flag to say whether to create a VOTable
1110  file corresponding to the information in \texttt{outfile}. This will be
1111  an XML file in the Virtual Observatory VOTable format.
1112\item[votFile \texttt{[duchamp-Results.xml]}] The VOTable file with the
1113  list of final detections. Some input parameters are also recorded.
1114\item[flagKarma \texttt{[false]}] A flag to say whether to create a
1115  Karma annotation file corresponding to the information in
1116  \texttt{outfile}. This can be used as an overlay for the Karma
1117  programs such as \texttt{kvis}.
1118\item[karmaFile \texttt{[duchamp-Results.ann]}] The Karma annotation
1119  file showing the list of final detections.
1120\item[flagMaps \texttt{[true]}] A flag to say whether to save
1121  postscript files showing the 0th moment map of the whole cube
1122  (parameter \texttt{momentMap}) and the detection image
1123  (\texttt{detectionMap}).
1124\item[momentMap \texttt{[]}] A postscript file
1125  containing a map of the 0th moment of the detected sources, as well
1126  as pixel and WCS coordinates.
1127\item[detectionMap \texttt{[]}] A postscript
1128  file showing each of the detected objects, coloured in greyscale by
1129  the number of channels spanned by each pixel. Also shows pixel and WCS
1130  coordinates.
1133\subsection*{Modifying the cube}
1135\item[flagBlankPix \texttt{[true]}] A flag to say whether to remove BLANK
1136  pixels from the analysis -- these are pixels set to some particular
1137  value because they fall outside the imaged area.
1138\item[blankPixValue \texttt{[-8.00061]}] The value of the BLANK pixels,
1139  if this information is not contained in the FITS header (the usual
1140  procedure is to obtain this value from the header information -- in
1141  which case the value set by this parameter is ignored).
1142\item[flagMW \texttt{[false]}] A flag to say whether to ignore channels
1143  contaminated by Milky Way (or other) emission -- the searching
1144  algorithms will not look at these channels.
1145\item[maxMW \texttt{[112]}] The maximum channel number containing
1146  ``Milky Way'' emission.
1147\item[minMW \texttt{[75]}] The minimum channel number containing
1148  ``Milky Way'' emission. Note that the range specified by
1149  \texttt{maxMW} and \texttt{minMW} is inclusive.
1150\item[flagBaseline \texttt{[false]}] A flag to say whether to remove the
1151  baseline from each spectrum in the cube for the purposes of
1152  reconstruction and detection.
1155\subsection*{Detection related}
1157\subsubsection*{General detection}
1159\item[flagNegative \texttt{[false]}] A flag to indicate that the features
1160  being searched for are negative. The cube will be inverted prior to
1161  searching.
1162\item[snrCut \texttt{[3.]}] The cut-off value for thresholding, in terms
1163  of number of $\sigma$ above the mean.
1164\item[flagGrowth \texttt{[false]}] A flag indicating whether or not to
1165  grow the detected objects to a smaller threshold.
1166\item[growthCut \texttt{[2.]}] The smaller threshold using in growing
1167  detections. In units of $\sigma$ above the mean.
1170\subsubsection*{\Atrous\ reconstruction}
1172\item [flagATrous \texttt{[true]}] A flag indicating whether or not to
1173  reconstruct the cube using the \atrous\ wavelet
1174  reconstruction. See \S\ref{sec-recon} for details.
1175\item[reconDim \texttt{[3]}] The number of dimensions to use in the
1176  reconstruction. 1 means reconstruct each spectrum separately, 2
1177  means each channel map is done separately, and 3 means do the whole
1178  cube in one go.
1179\item[scaleMin \texttt{[1]}] The minimum wavelet scale to be used in the
1180  reconstruction. A value of 1 means ``use all scales''.
1181\item[snrRecon \texttt{[4]}] The thresholding cutoff used in the
1182  reconstruction -- only wavelet coefficients this many $\sigma$ above
1183  the mean (or greater) are included in the reconstruction.
1184\item[filterCode \texttt{[2]}] The code number of the filter to use in
1185  the reconstruction. The options are:
1186  \begin{itemize}
1187  \item \textbf{1:} B$_3$-spline filter: coefficients =
1188    $(\frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{3}{8}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{16})$
1189  \item \textbf{2:} Triangle filter: coefficients = $(\frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{4})$
1190  \item \textbf{3:} Haar wavelet: coefficients = $(0, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2})$
1191  \end{itemize}
1194\subsubsection*{FDR method}
1196\item[flagFDR \texttt{[false]}] A flag indicating whether or not to use
1197  the False Discovery Rate method in thresholding the pixels.
1198\item[alphaFDR \texttt{[0.01]}] The $\alpha$ parameter used in the FDR
1199analysis. The average number of false detections, as a fraction of the
1200total number, will be less than $\alpha$ (see \S\ref{sec-detection}).
1203\subsubsection*{Merging detections}
1205\item[minPix \texttt{[2]}] The minimum number of spatial pixels for a single
1206  detection to be counted.
1207\item[minChannels \texttt{[3]}] The minimum number of consecutive
1208  channels that must be present in a detection.
1209\item[flagAdjacent \texttt{[true]}] A flag indicating whether to use the
1210  ``adjacent pixel'' criterion to decide whether to merge objects. If
1211  not, the next two parameters are used to determine whether objects
1212  are within the necessary thresholds.
1213\item[threshSpatial \texttt{[3.]}] The maximum allowed minimum spatial
1214  separation (in pixels) between two detections for them to be merged
1215  into one. Only used if \texttt{flagAdjacent = false}.
1216\item[threshVelocity \texttt{[7.]}] The maximum allowed minimum channel
1217  separation between two detections for them to be merged into
1218  one.
1221\subsubsection*{Other parameters}
1223\item[spectralMethod \texttt{[peak]}] This indicates which method is used
1224  to plot the output spectra: \texttt{peak} means plot the spectrum
1225  containing the detection's peak pixel; \texttt{sum} means sum the
1226  spectra of each detected spatial pixel, and correct for the beam
1227  size. Any other choice defaults to \texttt{peak}.
1228\item[spectralUnits \texttt{[km/s]}] The user can specify the units of
1229  the spectral axis. Assuming the WCS of the FITS file is valid, the
1230  spectral axis is transformed into velocity, and put into these units
1231  for all output and for calculations such as the integrated flux of a
1232  detection.
1233\item[drawBorders \texttt{[true]}] A flag indicating whether borders
1234  are to be drawn around the detected objects in the moment maps
1235  included in the output (see for example Fig.~\ref{fig-spect}).
1236\item[verbose \texttt{[true]}] A flag indicating whether to print the
1237  progress of computationally-intensive algorithms (such as the
1238  searching and merging) to screen.
1243\section{Example parameter files}
1246This is what a typical parameter file would look like.
1249imageFile       /DATA/SITAR_1/whi550/cubes/H201_abcde_luther_chop.fits
1250logFile         logfile.txt
1251outFile         results.txt
1253flagSubsection  0
1254flagOutputRecon 0
1255flagOutputResid 0
1256flagBlankPix    1
1257flagMW          1
1258minMW           75
1259maxMW           112
1260minPix          3
1261flagGrowth      1
1262growthCut       1.5
1263flagATrous      0
1264scaleMin        1
1265snrRecon        4
1266flagFDR         1
1267alphaFDR        0.1
1268numPixPSF       20
1269snrCut          3
1270threshSpatial   3
1271threshVelocity  7
1274Note that it is not necessary to include all these parameters in the
1275file, only those that need to be changed from the defaults (as listed
1276in Appendix~\ref{app-param}), which in this case would be very few. A
1277minimal parameter file might look like:
1279imageFile       /DATA/SITAR_1/whi550/cubes/H201_abcde_luther_chop.fits
1280flagLog         0
1281snrRecon        3
1282snrCut          2.5
1283minChannels     4
1285This will reconstruct the cube with a lower SNR value than the
1286default, select objects at a lower threshold,  with a looser minimum
1287channel requirement, and not keep a log of the intermediate
1290The following page demonstrates how the parameters are presented to the
1291user, both on the screen at execution time, and in the output and log
1292files. On each line, there is a description on the parameter, the relevant
1293parameter name that is used in the input file (if there is one that the
1294user can enter), and the value of the parameter being used.
1297Typical presentation of parameters in output and log files: 
1299---- Parameters ----
1300Image to be analysed.........................[imageFile]  =  input.fits
1301Intermediate Logfile...........................[logFile]  =  duchamp-Logfile.txt         
1302Final Results file.............................[outFile]  =  duchamp-Results.txt         
1303Spectrum file..............................[spectraFile]  =   
13040th Moment Map...............................[momentMap]  =
1305Detection Map.............................[detectionMap]  =
1306Saving reconstructed cube?.............[flagoutputrecon]  =  false
1307Saving residuals from reconstruction?..[flagoutputresid]  =  false
1309Searching for Negative features?..........[flagNegative]  =  false
1310Fixing Blank Pixels?......................[flagBlankPix]  =  true
1311Blank Pixel Value.......................................  =  -8.00061
1312Removing Milky Way channels?....................[flagMW]  =  true
1313Milky Way Channels.......................[minMW - maxMW]  =  75-112
1314Beam Size (pixels)......................................  =  10.1788
1315Removing baselines before search?.........[flagBaseline]  =  false
1316Minimum # Pixels in a detection.................[minPix]  =  2
1317Minimum # Channels in a detection..........[minChannels]  =  3
1318Growing objects after detection?............[flagGrowth]  =  false
1319Using A Trous reconstruction?...............[flagATrous]  =  true
1320Number of dimensions in reconstruction........[reconDim]  =  3
1321Minimum scale in reconstruction...............[scaleMin]  =  1
1322SNR Threshold within reconstruction...........[snrRecon]  =  4
1323Filter being used for reconstruction........[filterCode]  =  1 (B3 spline function)
1324Using FDR analysis?............................[flagFDR]  =  false
1325SNR Threshold...................................[snrCut]  =  3
1326Using Adjacent-pixel criterion?...........[flagAdjacent]  =  true
1327Max. velocity separation for merging....[threshVelocity]  =  7
1328Method of spectral plotting.............[spectralMethod]  =  peak
1332\section{Example results file}
1334This the typical content of an output file, after running \duchamp\
1335with the parameters illustrated on the previous page.
1338  \begin{verbatim}
1339Results of the \duchamp\ source finder: Tue May 23 14:51:38 2006
1340---- Parameters ----
1341      (... omitted for clarity -- see previous page for examples...)
1343Total number of detections = 25
1346 Obj#       Name     X     Y     Z           RA          DEC      VEL     w_RA    w_DEC   w_VEL     F_int    F_peak  X1  X2  Y1  Y2  Z1  Z2  Npix Flag
1347                                                               [km/s] [arcmin] [arcmin]  [km/s] [Jy km/s] [Jy/beam]                         [pix]     
1349    1 J0618-2532  30.2  86.0 113.3  06:18:12.54 -25:32:44.79  208.502    45.17    34.61  26.383    24.394     0.350  25  35  82  90 112 114   137    E
1350    2 J0609-2156  59.5 140.6 114.6  06:09:19.66 -21:56:31.20  225.572    44.39    31.47  65.957    16.128     0.213  55  65 137 144 113 118   153     
1351    3 J0545-2143 141.2 143.2 114.8  05:45:51.71 -21:43:36.20  228.470    19.61    16.66  26.383     2.412     0.090 139 143 142 145 114 116    29     
1352    4 J0617-2633  33.3  70.8 115.6  06:17:25.52 -26:33:33.83  238.736    65.02    30.10  26.383     9.776     0.117  26  41  68  75 115 117   104    E
1353    5 J0601-2500  86.2  94.9 117.9  06:01:39.54 -25:00:32.46  269.419    27.99    24.02  26.383     3.920     0.124  83  89  92  97 117 119    44     
1354    6 J0602-2547  84.0  83.1 118.0  06:02:18.29 -25:47:31.69  270.319    20.01    19.99  26.383     2.999     0.118  82  86  81  85 117 119    34     
1355    7 J0547-2448 133.0  97.2 118.7  05:47:52.53 -24:48:38.16  279.113    19.72    12.54  26.383     1.474     0.074 131 135  96  98 118 120    21     
1356    8 J0606-2719  71.1  60.0 121.3  06:06:10.99 -27:19:48.61  314.090    52.36    39.59  39.574    14.268     0.150  65  77  55  64 120 123   154     
1357    9 J0611-2137  52.4 145.3 162.5  06:11:20.92 -21:37:29.57  857.955    32.39    23.49 118.722    43.178     0.410  49  56 142 147 158 167   265    E
1358   10 J0600-2859  89.7  35.3 202.4  06:00:34.08 -28:59:00.43 1383.160    23.93    24.10 171.487    24.439     0.173  87  92  33  38 196 209   271     
1359   11 J0558-2638  95.4  70.3 223.1  05:58:53.03 -26:38:45.91 1656.140    11.93    12.07  92.339     1.045     0.063  94  96  69  71 220 227    18     
1360   12 J0617-2723  34.7  58.3 227.4  06:17:07.07 -27:23:50.65 1712.868    16.75    23.53 290.209     8.529     0.093  33  36  56  61 215 237   118     
1361   13 J0558-2525  95.8  88.6 231.7  05:58:49.27 -25:25:33.60 1770.134    27.87    24.16 237.444    12.863     0.115  92  98  86  91 221 239   175     
1362   14 J0600-2141  88.8 144.4 232.5  06:00:54.02 -21:41:57.06 1780.188    27.96    24.13 224.252    30.743     0.166  86  92 142 147 222 239   344    E
1363   15 J0615-2634  40.0  70.8 232.6  06:15:25.50 -26:34:20.04 1782.214    12.44    15.69  52.765     2.084     0.068  39  41  69  72 231 235    31     
1364   16 J0604-2606  76.0  78.4 233.0  06:04:41.13 -26:06:21.19 1787.226    24.13    23.87 211.061    23.563     0.155  73  78  76  81 225 241   278     
1365   17 J0601-2340  87.9 114.9 235.8  06:01:08.83 -23:40:19.37 1824.122    31.95    28.09 237.444    82.380     0.297  85  92 112 118 227 245   647     
1366   18 J0615-2235  38.2 130.5 254.5  06:15:32.09 -22:35:37.24 2070.934    12.29    11.70 105.531     1.555     0.070  37  39 129 131 249 257    24     
1367   19 J0617-2305  31.4 122.8 258.1  06:17:33.45 -23:05:28.94 2118.752    12.34    11.65  26.383     1.022     0.062  30  32 122 124 257 259    16     
1368   20 J0612-2149  49.6 142.2 270.3  06:12:11.04 -21:49:29.72 2279.926    16.27    15.73 395.740    15.156     0.101  48  51 141 144 257 287   204     
1369   21 J0616-2133  35.3 146.0 300.6  06:16:15.78 -21:33:09.69 2679.148    20.22     7.47 224.252     3.014     0.127  33  37 145 146 294 311    28    E
1370   22 J0555-2956 107.3  20.9 367.6  05:55:08.02 -29:56:09.08 3562.236    19.71    20.30  39.574     5.891     0.169 105 109  19  23 366 369    58     
1371   23 J0557-2246  99.8 128.2 434.0  05:57:43.77 -22:46:42.95 4438.776    11.88    16.12 105.531     1.703     0.167  99 101 127 130 430 438    17    N
1372   24 J0616-2648  38.1  67.2 546.8  06:16:02.10 -26:48:35.49 5926.464    12.35    11.67  26.383     1.276     0.064  37  39  66  68 546 548    18     
1373   25 J0552-2916 117.0  30.5 727.0  05:52:13.64 -29:16:58.02 8303.952    11.59    20.25 303.400    35.523     0.479 116 118  28  32 716 739   111     
1374  \end{verbatim}
1376Note that the
1377width of the table can make it hard to read. A good trick for those
1378using UNIX/Linux is to make use of the \texttt{a2ps} command. The
1379following works well, producing a postscript file \texttt{}:
1380\\\verb|a2ps -1 -r -f8 -o duchamp-Results.txt|
1385\section{Example VOTable output}
1387This is part of the VOTable, in XML format, corresponding to the
1388output file in Appendix~\ref{app-output} (the indentation has been
1389removed to make it fit on the page).
1393  \begin{verbatim}
1394<?xml version="1.0"?>
1395<VOTABLE version="1.1" xmlns:xsi=""
1396 xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
1397<COOSYS ID="J2000" equinox="J2000." epoch="J2000." system="eq_FK5"/>
1398<RESOURCE name="Duchamp Output">
1399<TABLE name="Detections">
1400<DESCRIPTION>Detected sources and parameters from running the Duchamp source finder.</DESCRIPTION>
1401<PARAM name="FITS file" datatype="char" ucd="meta.file;meta.fits" value="/DATA/SITAR_1/whi550/cubes/H201_abcde_luther_chop.fits"/>
1402<PARAM name="Threshold" datatype="float" ucd="stat.snr" value="2.5">
1403<PARAM name="ATrous note" datatype="char" ucd="meta.note" value="The a trous reconstruction method was used, with the following parameters.">
1404<PARAM name="ATrous Dimension" datatype="int" ucd="meta.code;stat" value="3">
1405<PARAM name="ATrous Cut" datatype="float" ucd="stat.snr" value="4">
1406<PARAM name="ATrous Minimum Scale" datatype="int" ucd="stat.param" value="1">
1407<PARAM name="ATrous Filter" datatype="char" ucd="meta.code;stat" value="B3 spline function">
1408<FIELD name="ID" ID="col1" ucd="" datatype="int" width="4"/>
1409<FIELD name="Name" ID="col2" ucd=";meta.main" datatype="char" arraysize="14"/>
1410<FIELD name="RA" ID="col3" ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="10" precision="6" unit="deg"/>
1411<FIELD name="Dec" ID="col4" ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="10" precision="6" unit="deg"/>
1412<FIELD name="w_RA" ID="col3" ucd="phys.angSize;pos.eq.ra" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="7" precision="2" unit="arcmin"/>
1413<FIELD name="w_Dec" ID="col4" ucd="phys.angSize;pos.eq.dec" ref="J2000" datatype="float" width="7" precision="2" unit="arcmin"/>
1414<FIELD name="Vel" ID="col4" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc" datatype="float" width="9" precision="3" unit="km/s"/>
1415<FIELD name="w_Vel" ID="col4" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc;spect.line.width" datatype="float" width="8" precision="3" unit="km/s"/>
1416<FIELD name="Integrated_Flux" ID="col4" ucd="phys.flux;spect.line.intensity" datatype="float" width="10" precision="3" unit="km/s"/>
1420<TD>   1</TD><TD> J0609-2200</TD><TD> 92.410416</TD><TD>-22.013390</TD><TD>  48.50</TD><TD>  39.42</TD><TD>  213.061</TD><TD>  65.957</TD><TD>    17.572</TD>
1423<TD>   2</TD><TD> J0608-2605</TD><TD> 92.042633</TD><TD>-26.085157</TD><TD>  44.47</TD><TD>  39.47</TD><TD>  233.119</TD><TD>  39.574</TD><TD>     4.144</TD>
1426<TD>   3</TD><TD> J0606-2724</TD><TD> 91.637840</TD><TD>-27.412022</TD><TD>  52.48</TD><TD>  47.57</TD><TD>  302.213</TD><TD>  39.574</TD><TD>    17.066</TD>
1428(... table truncated for clarity ...)
1434  \end{verbatim}
1439\section{Example Karma Annotation File output}
1442This is the format of the Karma Annotation file, showing the locations
1443of the detected objects. This can be loaded by the plotting tools of
1444the Karma package (for instance, \texttt{kvis}) as an overlay on the FITS
1448# Duchamp Source Finder results for
1449#  cube /DATA/SITAR_1/whi550/cubes/H201_abcde_luther_chop.fits
1452CIRCLE 92.3376 -21.9475 0.403992
1453TEXT 92.3376 -21.9475 1
1454CIRCLE 91.9676 -26.0193 0.37034
1455TEXT 91.9676 -26.0193 2
1456CIRCLE 91.5621 -27.3459 0.437109
1457TEXT 91.5621 -27.3459 3
1458CIRCLE 92.8285 -21.6344 0.269914
1459TEXT 92.8285 -21.6344 4
1460CIRCLE 90.1381 -28.9838 0.234179
1461TEXT 90.1381 -28.9838 5
1462CIRCLE 89.72 -26.6513 0.132743
1463TEXT 89.72 -26.6513 6
1464CIRCLE 94.2743 -27.4003 0.195175
1465TEXT 94.2743 -27.4003 7
1466CIRCLE 92.2739 -21.6941 0.134538
1467TEXT 92.2739 -21.6941 8
1468CIRCLE 89.7133 -25.4259 0.232252
1469TEXT 89.7133 -25.4259 9
1470CIRCLE 90.2206 -21.6993 0.266247
1471TEXT 90.2206 -21.6993 10
1472CIRCLE 93.8581 -26.5766 0.163153
1473TEXT 93.8581 -26.5766 11
1474CIRCLE 91.176 -26.1064 0.234356
1475TEXT 91.176 -26.1064 12
1476CIRCLE 90.2844 -23.6716 0.299509
1477TEXT 90.2844 -23.6716 13
1478CIRCLE 93.8774 -22.581 0.130925
1479TEXT 93.8774 -22.581 14
1480CIRCLE 94.3882 -23.0934 0.137108
1481TEXT 94.3882 -23.0934 15
1482CIRCLE 93.0491 -21.8223 0.202928
1483TEXT 93.0491 -21.8223 16
1484CIRCLE 94.0685 -21.5603 0.168456
1485TEXT 94.0685 -21.5603 17
1486CIRCLE 86.0568 -27.6095 0.101113
1487TEXT 86.0568 -27.6095 18
1488CIRCLE 88.7932 -29.9453 0.202624
1489TEXT 88.7932 -29.9453 19
1493\section{Installing \duchamp\ (README file)}
1495There is an executable (Duchamp) that has been compiled on a Debian
1496Linux kernel 2.6.8-2-686, with gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
1498If that is no good to you, you can compile it yourself using the
1499Makefile included in this directory (sorry for not having a configure
1500script or similar yet!).
1502Duchamp uses three main external libraries: pgplot, cfitsio and
1503wcslib. You will need to set the paths for the base directory and
1504three libraries, as they are currently configured for my use and will
1505not be of much use to you. These are:
1507BASE --> the current directory
1508PGDIR --> where the pgplot libraries (and header files) are located
1509CFITSIODIR --> where the header file fitsio.h is
1510CFITSIOLDIR --> where the cfitsio library is located (libcfitsio.a)
1511WCSDIR --> where the wcslib header files are
1512WCSLDIR --> where the wcslib library is located (libwcs.a)
1514If you do not have the libraries, they can be downloaded from the
1515following locations:
1516PGPlot --
1517cfitsio --
1518wcslib --
1520Once you've set up the Makefile correctly, then simply typing
1521> make duchamp
1522will compile the program.
1524To run it, you need to use the syntax
1525> Duchamp -p parameterFile
1526where parameterFile is a file with the input parameters, including the
1527name of the cube you want to search.
1529There are two example input files included with the distribution. The
1530smaller one, InputExample, shows the typical parameters one might want
1531to set. The large one, InputComplete, lists all parameters that can be
1532entered, and a brief description of them. Refer to the documentation
1533for further details.
1535To get going quickly, just replace the "your-file-here" in
1536InputExample with your image name, and type
1537> Duchamp -p InputExample
1538and you're off!
1541\section{Robust statistics for a Normal distribution}
1544The Normal, or Gaussian, distribution for mean $\mu$ and standard
1545deviation $\sigma$ can be written as
1547f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\ e^{-(x-\mu)^2/2\sigma^2}.
1548 \]
1550When one has a purely Gaussian signal, it is straightforward to
1551estimate $\sigma$ by calculating the standard deviation (or rms) of
1552the data. However, if there is a small amount of signal present on top
1553of Gaussian noise, and one wants to estimate the $\sigma$ for the
1554noise, the presence of the large values from the signal can bias the
1555estimator to higher values.
1557An alternative way is to use the median ($m$) and median absolute deviation
1558from the median ($s$) to estimate $\mu$ and $\sigma$. The median is the
1559middle of the distribution, defined for a continuous distribution by
1561\int_{-\infty}^{m} f(x) \diff x = \int_{m}^{\infty} f(x) \diff x.
1563From symmetry, we quickly see that for the continuous Normal
1564distribution, $m=\mu$. We consider the case henceforth of $\mu=0$,
1565without loss of generality.
1567To find $s$, we find the distribution of the absolute deviation from
1568the median, and then find the median of that distribution. This
1569distribution is given by
1571g(x) &= &{\mbox{\rm distribution of }} |x|\\
1572     &= &f(x) + f(-x),\ x\ge0\\
1573     &= &\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi\sigma^2}}\, e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2},\ x\ge0.
1575So, the median absolute deviation from the median, $s$, is given by
1577\int_{0}^{s} g(x) \diff x = \int_{s}^{\infty} g(x) \diff x.
1579Now, $\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2} \diff x = \sqrt{\pi\sigma^2/2}$, and
1580so $\int_{s}^{\infty} e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2} \diff x =
1581\sqrt{\pi\sigma^2/2} - \int_{0}^{s} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} \diff x
1582$. Hence, to find $s$ we simply solve the following equation (setting $\sigma=1$ for
1583simplicity -- equivalent to stating $x$ and $s$ in units of $\sigma$):
1585\int_{0}^{s}e^{-x^2/2} \diff x - \sqrt{\pi/8} = 0.
1587This is hard to solve analytically (no nice analytic solution exists
1588for the finite integral that I'm aware of), but straightforward to
1589solve numerically, yielding the value of $s=0.6744888$. Thus, to
1590estimate $\sigma$ for a Normally distributed data set, one can calculate
1591$s$, then divide by 0.6744888 (or multiply by 1.4826042) to obtain the
1592correct estimator.
1594Note that this is different to solutions quoted elsewhere,
1595specifically in \citet{meyer04:trunc}, where the same robust estimator
1596is used but with an incorrect conversion to standard deviation -- they
1597assume $\sigma = s\sqrt{\pi/2}$. This, in fact, is the conversion used
1598to convert the \emph{mean} absolute deviation from the mean to the
1599standard deviation. This means that the cube noise in the \hipass\
1600catalogue (their parameter Rms$_{\rm cube}$) should be 18\% larger
1601than quoted.
1603\section{How Gaussian noise changes with wavelet scale.}
1606The key element in the wavelet reconstruction of an array is the
1607thresholding of the individual wavelet coefficient arrays. This is
1608usually done by choosing a level to be some number of standard
1609deviations above the mean value.
1611However, since the wavelet arrays are produced by convolving the input
1612array by an increasingly large filter, the pixels in the coefficient
1613arrays become increasingly correlated as the scale of the filter
1614increases. This results in the measured standard deviation from a
1615given coefficient array decreasing with increasing scale. To calculate
1616this, we need to take into account how many other pixels each pixel in
1617the convolved array depends on.
1619To demonstrate, suppose we have a 1-D array with $N$ pixel values
1620given by $F_i,\ i=1,...,N$, and we convolve it with the B$_3$-spline
1621filter, defined by the set of coefficients
1622$\{1/16,1/4,3/8,1/4,1/16\}$. The flux of the $i$th pixel in the
1623convolved array will be
1625F'_i = \frac{1}{16}F_{i-2} + \frac{1}{4}F_{i-1} + \frac{3}{8}F_{i}
1626+ \frac{1}{4}F_{i+1} + \frac{1}{16}F_{i+2}
1628and the flux of the corresponding pixel in the wavelet array will be
1630W'_i = F_i - F'_i = \frac{-1}{16}F_{i-2} - \frac{1}{4}F_{i-1} + \frac{5}{8}F_{i}
1631- \frac{1}{4}F_{i+1} - \frac{1}{16}F_{i+2}
1633Now, assuming each pixel has the same standard deviation
1634$\sigma_i=\sigma$, we can work out the standard deviation for the
1635wavelet array:
1637\sigma'_i = \sigma \sqrt{\left(\frac{1}{16}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^2
1638  + \left(\frac{5}{8}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{1}{16}\right)^2}
1639          = 0.72349\ \sigma
1641Thus, the first scale wavelet coefficient array will have a standard
1642deviation of 72.3\% of the input array. This procedure can be followed
1643to calculate the necessary values for all scales, dimensions and
1644filters used by \duchamp.
1646Calculating these values is clearly a critical step in performing the
1647reconstruction. \citet{starck02:book} did so by simulating data sets
1648with Gaussian noise, taking the wavelet transform, and measuring the
1649value of $\sigma$ for each scale. We take a different approach, by
1650calculating the scaling factors directly from the filter coefficients
1651by taking the wavelet transform of an array made up of a 1 in the
1652central pixel and 0s everywhere else. The scaling value is then
1653derived by taking the square root of the sum (in quadrature) of all
1654the wavelet coefficient values at each scale. We give the scaling
1655factors for the three filters available to \duchamp\ on the following
1656page. These values are hard-coded into \duchamp, so no on-the-fly
1657calculation of them is necessary.
1659Memory limitations prevent us from calculating factors for large
1660scales, particularly for the three-dimensional case (hence the --
1661symbols in the tables). To calculate factors for
1662higher scales than those available, we note the following
1663relationships apply for large scales to a sufficient level of precision:
1665\item 1-D: factor(scale $i$) = factor(scale $i-1$)$/\sqrt{2}$.
1666\item 2-D: factor(scale $i$) = factor(scale $i-1$)$/2$.
1667\item 1-D: factor(scale $i$) = factor(scale $i-1$)$/\sqrt{8}$.
1672\item \textbf{B$_3$-Spline Function:} $\{1/16,1/4,3/8,1/4,1/16\}$
1675Scale & 1 dimension      & 2 dimension     & 3 dimension\\ \hline
16761     & 0.723489806      & 0.890796310     & 0.956543592\\
16772     & 0.285450405      & 0.200663851     & 0.120336499\\
16783     & 0.177947535      & 0.0855075048    & 0.0349500154\\
16794     & 0.122223156      & 0.0412474444    & 0.0118164242\\
16805     & 0.0858113122     & 0.0204249666    & 0.00413233507\\
16816     & 0.0605703043     & 0.0101897592    & 0.00145703714\\
16827     & 0.0428107206     & 0.00509204670   & 0.000514791120\\
16838     & 0.0302684024     & 0.00254566946   & --\\
16849     & 0.0214024008     & 0.00127279050   & --\\
168510    & 0.0151336781     & 0.000636389722  & --\\
168611    & 0.0107011079     & 0.000318194170  & --\\
168712    & 0.00756682272    & --              & --\\
168813    & 0.00535055108    & --              & --\\
1689%14    & 0.00378341085   & --              & --\\
1690%15    & 0.00267527545   & --              & --\\
1691%16    & 0.00189170541   & --              & --\\
1692%17    & 0.00133763772   & --              & --\\
1693%18    & 0.000945852704   & --             & --
1696\item \textbf{Triangle Function:} $\{1/4,1/2,1/4\}$
1699Scale & 1 dimension      & 2 dimension     & 3 dimension\\ \hline
17001     & 0.612372436      & 0.800390530     & 0.895954449  \\
17012     & 0.330718914      & 0.272878894     & 0.192033014\\
17023     & 0.211947812      & 0.119779282     & 0.0576484078\\
17034     & 0.145740298      & 0.0577664785    & 0.0194912393\\
17045     & 0.102310944      & 0.0286163283    & 0.00681278387\\
17056     & 0.0722128185     & 0.0142747506    & 0.00240175885\\
17067     & 0.0510388224     & 0.00713319703   & 0.000848538128 \\
17078     & 0.0360857673     & 0.00356607618   & 0.000299949455 \\
17089     & 0.0255157615     & 0.00178297280   & -- \\
170910    & 0.0180422389     & 0.000891478237  & --  \\
171011    & 0.0127577667     & 0.000445738098  & --  \\
171112    & 0.00902109930    & 0.000222868922  & --  \\
171213    & 0.00637887978    & --              & -- \\
1713%14   & 0.00451054902    & --              & -- \\
1714%15   & 0.00318942978    & --              & -- \\
1715%16   & 0.00225527449    & --              & -- \\
1716%17   & 0.00159471988    & --              & -- \\
1717%18   & 0.000112763724   & --              & --
1721\item \textbf{Haar Wavelet:} $\{0,1/2,1/2\}$
1724Scale & 1 dimension      & 2 dimension     & 3 dimension\\ \hline
17251     & 0.707167810      & 0.433012702     & 0.935414347 \\
17262     & 0.500000000      & 0.216506351     & 0.330718914\\
17273     & 0.353553391      & 0.108253175     & 0.116926793\\
17284     & 0.250000000      & 0.0541265877    & 0.0413398642\\
17295     & 0.176776695      & 0.0270632939    & 0.0146158492\\
17306     & 0.125000000      & 0.0135316469    & 0.00516748303
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