#include #include #include #include #include #define WCSLIB_GETWCSTAB // define this so that we don't try and redefine wtbarr // (this is a problem when using cfitsio v.3 and g++ v.4) #include #include #include void write_header_info(fitsfile *fptr, Param &par, string nature); void Cube::saveReconstructedCube() { /** * Cube::saveReconstructedCube() * * A function to save the reconstructed and/or residual arrays. * A number of header keywords are written as well, indicating the nature of the * reconstruction that has been done. * The file is always written -- if the filename (as calculated based on the * recon parameters) exists, then it is overwritten. */ int newbitpix = FLOAT_IMG; float *resid = new float[this->numPixels]; for(int i=0;inumPixels;i++) resid[i] = this->array[i] - this->recon[i]; float blankval = this->par.getBlankPixVal(); long *fpixel = new long[this->numDim]; for(int i=0;inumDim;i++) fpixel[i]=1; int status = 0; /* MUST initialize status */ fitsfile *fptrOld, *fptrNew; fits_open_file(&fptrOld,this->par.getImageFile().c_str(),READONLY,&status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); if(this->par.getFlagOutputRecon()){ string fileout = "!" + this->par.outputReconFile(); // ! so that it writes over an existing file. status = 0; fits_create_file(&fptrNew,fileout.c_str(),&status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); else { status = 0; fits_movabs_hdu(fptrOld, 1, NULL, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); status = 0; fits_copy_header(fptrOld, fptrNew, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); char *comment = new char[80]; long dud; status = 0; fits_update_key(fptrNew, TINT, "BITPIX", &newbitpix, "number of bits per data pixel", &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); status = 0; float bscale=1., bzero=0.; fits_update_key(fptrNew, TFLOAT, "BSCALE", &bscale, "PHYSICAL = PIXEL*BSCALE + BZERO", &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TFLOAT, "BZERO", &bzero, "", &status); fits_set_bscale(fptrNew, 1., 0., &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); // Need to correct the dimensions, if we have subsectioned the image... if(this->par.getFlagSubsection()){ fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &(this->axisDim[0]), comment, &status); fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS2", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS2", &(this->axisDim[1]), comment, &status); fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS3", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS3", &(this->axisDim[2]), comment, &status); } write_header_info(fptrNew, this->par, "recon"); if(this->par.getFlagBlankPix()) fits_write_pixnull(fptrNew, TFLOAT, fpixel, this->numPixels, this->recon, &blankval, &status); else fits_write_pix(fptrNew, TFLOAT, fpixel, this->numPixels, this->recon, &status); status = 0; fits_close_file(fptrNew, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); } } if(this->par.getFlagOutputResid()){ string fileout = "!" + this->par.outputResidFile(); // ! so that it writes over an existing file. status = 0; fits_create_file(&fptrNew,fileout.c_str(),&status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); else { status = 0; fits_movabs_hdu(fptrOld, 1, NULL, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); status = 0; fits_copy_header(fptrOld, fptrNew, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); status = 0; fits_update_key(fptrNew, TINT, "BITPIX", &newbitpix, "number of bits per data pixel", &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); status = 0; float bscale=1., bzero=0.; fits_update_key(fptrNew, TFLOAT, "BSCALE", &bscale, "PHYSICAL = PIXEL*BSCALE + BZERO", &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TFLOAT, "BZERO", &bzero, "", &status); fits_set_bscale(fptrNew, 1., 0., &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); // Need to correct the dimensions, if we have subsectioned the image... char *comment = new char[80]; long dud; if(this->pars().getFlagSubsection()){ fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &(this->axisDim[0]), comment, &status); fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS2", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS2", &(this->axisDim[1]), comment, &status); fits_read_key(fptrOld, TLONG, "NAXIS3", &dud, comment, &status); fits_update_key(fptrNew, TLONG, "NAXIS3", &(this->axisDim[2]), comment, &status); } write_header_info(fptrNew, this->par, "resid"); if(this->par.getFlagBlankPix()) fits_write_pixnull(fptrNew, TFLOAT, fpixel, this->numPixels, resid, &blankval, &status); else fits_write_pix(fptrNew, TFLOAT, fpixel, this->numPixels, resid, &status); fits_close_file(fptrNew, &status); } } delete [] resid; delete [] fpixel; } void write_header_info(fitsfile *fptr, Param &par, string nature) { /** * write_header_info(fptr, par, nature) * * A simple function that writes all the necessary keywords and comments * to the FITS header pointed to by fptr. * The keyword names and comments are taken from duchamp.hh * The parameter "nature" indicates what type of file is being written: * should be either "recon" or "resid". */ int status = 0; char *comment, *keyword; string explanation = "",ReconResid=""; fits_write_history(fptr, (char *)header_history1.c_str(), &status); fits_write_history(fptr, (char *)header_history2.c_str(), &status); fits_write_comment(fptr, (char *)header_comment.c_str(), &status); float valf = par.getAtrousCut(); fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, (char *)keyword_snrRecon.c_str(), &valf, (char *)comment_snrRecon.c_str(), &status); int vali = par.getReconDim(); fits_write_key(fptr, TINT, (char *)keyword_reconDim.c_str(), &vali, (char *)comment_reconDim.c_str(), &status); vali = par.getMinScale(); fits_write_key(fptr, TINT, (char *)keyword_scaleMin.c_str(), &vali, (char *)comment_scaleMin.c_str(), &status); vali = par.getFilterCode(); fits_write_key(fptr, TINT, (char *)keyword_filterCode.c_str(), &vali, (char *)comment_filterCode.c_str(), &status); if(nature == "recon"){ explanation = "Duchamp: This is the RECONSTRUCTED cube"; ReconResid = "RECON"; } else if(nature == "resid"){ explanation = "Duchamp: This is the RESIDUAL cube"; ReconResid = "RESID"; } else std::cerr << "WARNING : explanation not present!\n"; fits_write_comment(fptr, (char *)explanation.c_str(), &status); fits_write_key(fptr, TSTRING, (char *)keyword_ReconResid.c_str(), (char *)ReconResid.c_str(), (char *)comment_ReconResid.c_str(), &status); }