= Fedora Core 5 = {{{ yum install cfitsio libstdc++ compat-libf2c-32 boost python-matplotlib-tk python-numarray lapack blas ipython }}} == Binary packages == For standard fedora {{{ wget http://www.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/asap/current/asap-2.1.0-fc5.tar.bz2 }}} for 64bit fedora {{{ wget http://www.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/asap/current/asap-2.1.0-fc5-x86_64.tar.bz2 }}} {{{ tar jxf asap-2.1.0-fc5.tar.bz2 cd asap-2.1.0-fc5 su ./install }}} or {{{ tar jxf asap-2.1.0-fc5-x86_64.tar.bz2 cd asap-2.1.0-fc5-x86_64 su ./install }}} == From source == You need to install the corresponding "-devel" packages. As root {{{ }}}