

15:57 Changeset [1398] by Malte Marquarding
made n_ unsigned integer (from float) to maybe speed things up a bit


10:08 Ticket #124 (File missing in execution) closed by Malte Marquarding
duplicate: I have merged this with #125


18:08 Ticket #125 (Further to last message) created by m.burton@…
Malte Further to my last message, I noticed that there was a …
17:47 Ticket #124 (File missing in execution) created by m.burton@…
Malte I'm afraid there is some temporary file created during …
16:13 Ticket #123 (Missing asap-2.2.0-osx_ppc.tar.bz2) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have added the package to the ftp site.
14:27 Ticket #123 (Missing asap-2.2.0-osx_ppc.tar.bz2) created by m.burton@…
I am trying to install python on my PowerPC Mac. However the vital …
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