

16:27 Changeset [121] by mar637
added restfrequency selector


18:10 Changeset [120] by cal103
Added function register() to handle mouse events.
12:17 Changeset [119] by cal103
Added a histogram plotting function hist(); modified subplot() so that …


16:38 Changeset [118] by cal103
Added general control of the panel layout.


16:29 Changeset [117] by cal103
Changed from 1-relative to 0-relative as requested by Malte; …


13:47 Changeset [116] by mar637
Added SDFITS writing.
12:30 Changeset [115] by mar637
Aligned with asap v0.1a
11:29 Changeset [114] by mar637
Miscellaneous fixes.
11:29 Changeset [113] by mar637
version 0.1a
11:00 Changeset [112] by mar637
filling azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime
11:00 Changeset [111] by cal103
Initial revision
11:00 Changeset [110] by mar637
filling azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime …
10:59 Changeset [109] by cal103
Empty revision
10:59 Changeset [108] by mar637
added fixed parameters
10:58 Changeset [107] by mar637
added 'add' function
10:57 Changeset [106] by mar637
renaming of functions
10:57 Changeset [105] by mar637
added set/getCoordInfo, reworked summary, added columns for …
10:56 Changeset [104] by mar637
added azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime


10:59 Changeset [103] by mar637
initial revision of the python asap reader class


13:48 Changeset [102] by mar637
The main pyhton asap container class
13:47 Changeset [101] by mar637
the asap python math functions
13:47 Changeset [100] by mar637
The asap module file
13:43 Changeset [99] by mar637
added fitter
13:42 Changeset [98] by mar637
pyhton wrapper for SDFitter
13:41 Changeset [97] by mar637
enabled reset. disabled close
13:39 Changeset [96] by mar637
disbaled default constructor added copy function naming changes
13:37 Changeset [95] by mar637
added exception handling
12:19 Changeset [94] by mar637
chnaged nRows to nRow
12:19 Changeset [93] by mar637
added new tamplates
12:18 Changeset [92] by mar637
added fitter added exceptions
12:17 Changeset [91] by mar637
New Fitter class for ASAP.
12:16 Changeset [90] by mar637
added copy function renaming and update according to SDMemTable changes
12:14 Changeset [89] by mar637
changes summary to return std::string comment out unused getMask …
12:11 Changeset [88] by mar637
changes summary to return std::string comment out unused getMask …
12:08 Changeset [87] by mar637
chnged cerr's to throws, added rest function.
12:05 Changeset [86] by mar637
renamed multiply to scale.
12:03 Changeset [85] by mar637
bin function now bins all rows in the table. ALso fixed a couple of bugs.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.