

12:17 Ticket #219 (The text box in Notation window doesn' t accept keyboard input on Linux) closed by Kana Sugimoto
wontfix: This problem is due to a known issue between Tk/Tcl 8.4 and SCIM, …
11:58 Ticket #219 (The text box in Notation window doesn' t accept keyboard input on Linux) created by Kana Sugimoto
Notation window is loaded when 'notaion' mode is active in ASAP …


10:32 Ticket #218 (return entire SDFITS table row header as a dictionary) created by kuiper@…
asap should store everything in an SDFITS table, even if it doesn't …


05:48 Ticket #217 (How does auto_quotient(mode='time') recognize scans?) created by kuiper@…
What information in an SDFITS record tells ASAP that a scan is an OFF …


09:42 ScantableRedesignProposal edited by Malte Marquarding


16:13 InstallOsxSnowLeopard edited by Malte Marquarding
13:53 Ticket #216 (If your platform isn't listed - RedHat) created by stuart.weston@…
This is an IBM Blade Server we are using. [sweston@ska-blade1 ~]$ …
13:36 Ticket #215 (how to get columns not returned by get_column_names()) created by kuiper@…
When asap reads in one of my FITS files, what does it do with columns …


15:14 Changeset [1943] by Kana Sugimoto
merged a bug fix from trunk
15:00 Changeset [1942] by Kana Sugimoto
New Development: No JIRA Issue: No (a minor bug fix) …


06:14 Ticket #214 (No plotting with matplotlib 0.91 or 0.99?) created by martin.cordiner@…
I've tried installing ASAP on Centos 5.5, and it seems to work but has …


12:44 Changeset [1941] by Takeshi Nakazato
New Development: Yes/No JIRA Issue: No/Yes List JIRA …


14:28 Changeset [1940] by Takeshi Nakazato
New Development: No JIRA Issue: Yes Ready for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.