

19:00 Changeset [1758] by Kana Sugimoto
New Development: No JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS2065) …


19:03 Changeset [1757] by Kana Sugimoto
New Development: Yes JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-2211) …
14:42 Ticket #189 (issue with ASAP output in CLASS format) closed by Malte Marquarding
14:34 Ticket #189 (issue with ASAP output in CLASS format) created by belloche@…
Following my previous ticket regarding the output format 'CLASS' of …
14:14 Ticket #188 (issue with ASAP output in CLASS format) created by belloche@…
Dear ASAP helpdesk, I'm trying to export some MOPRA spectra into …


14:02 DeveloperMeetings edited by Malte Marquarding
14:02 DeveloperMeetings created by Malte Marquarding
13:59 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:58 DesignDocs created by Malte Marquarding
13:57 ParkesTutorials edited by Malte Marquarding
13:56 ParkesTutorials created by Malte Marquarding
13:45 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding


14:48 Ticket #187 (skydip method failing) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Fixed in asap-3.0.1
14:48 Changeset [1756] by Malte Marquarding
version bump
14:47 Changeset [1755] by Malte Marquarding
Patch release tag 3.0.1
14:45 Changeset [1754] by Malte Marquarding
Merged in bug fix from release branch
14:44 Changeset [1753] by Malte Marquarding
Ticket 187: corrected wrong variable names
14:43 Ticket #187 (skydip method failing) created by Malte Marquarding
Some late renaming of variables in opacity.py make it fail.


14:36 Ticket #186 (Move this trac to science redmine) created by Malte Marquarding
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.