

14:02 DeveloperMeetings edited by Malte Marquarding
14:02 DeveloperMeetings created by Malte Marquarding
13:59 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:58 DesignDocs created by Malte Marquarding
13:57 ParkesTutorials edited by Malte Marquarding
13:56 ParkesTutorials created by Malte Marquarding
13:45 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding


14:48 Ticket #187 (skydip method failing) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Fixed in asap-3.0.1
14:48 Changeset [1756] by Malte Marquarding
version bump
14:47 Changeset [1755] by Malte Marquarding
Patch release tag 3.0.1
14:45 Changeset [1754] by Malte Marquarding
Merged in bug fix from release branch
14:44 Changeset [1753] by Malte Marquarding
Ticket 187: corrected wrong variable names
14:43 Ticket #187 (skydip method failing) created by Malte Marquarding
Some late renaming of variables in opacity.py make it fail.


14:36 Ticket #186 (Move this trac to science redmine) created by Malte Marquarding


15:42 Ticket #179 (Release 3.0 by mid April 2010) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Done.
15:41 Ticket #176 (Mac OS X 10.6 install) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: asap-3.0.0 is available now.
15:10 Ticket #185 (Problems after installing ASAP3.0.0) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have changed the asap_update_data to explicitly use …


10:08 Ticket #185 (Problems after installing ASAP3.0.0) created by Simon Ellingsen
I've just installed ASAP 3.0 under snowleopard, but am having some …


09:51 Ticket #184 (asap - locale issues (on kaputar)) closed by Malte Marquarding
invalid: Hi Vince, this is an OS or python 2.4 issue. I don't get it under …
00:08 Ticket #184 (asap - locale issues (on kaputar)) created by vincent.mcintyre@…
asap doesn't seem to deal gracefully with locales different to POSIX. …


20:58 ObtainAsap edited by Malte Marquarding
20:57 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
15:17 ASAPSourceInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
15:11 InstallOsxLeopard edited by Malte Marquarding
15:07 ASAPInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
15:06 ASAPFedoraInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
09:38 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
09:36 AsapCommands edited by Malte Marquarding
09:30 AsapFaq edited by Malte Marquarding
09:27 ASAPMatplotlibInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
09:25 InstallOsxSnowLeopard created by Malte Marquarding
09:22 ASAPInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
09:21 ASAPSuSEInstall edited by Malte Marquarding


12:05 Changeset [1752] by Malte Marquarding
Merge from release branch to fix binary installer not including asap2to3
12:03 Changeset [1751] by Malte Marquarding
dist is root dir relative
11:53 Changeset [1750] by Malte Marquarding
Also need to add asap2to3 to binary installer
11:14 Changeset [1749] by Malte Marquarding
Merged fix from release branch
11:07 Changeset [1748] by Malte Marquarding
handle install of apps
10:57 Changeset [1747] by Malte Marquarding
Reoved test app
10:51 Changeset [1746] by Malte Marquarding
Create release tag for asap-3.0.0
10:50 Changeset [1745] by Malte Marquarding
Updated version info
10:48 Changeset [1744] by Malte Marquarding
Create release branch for asap-3.x
10:45 Changeset [1743] by Malte Marquarding
10:29 Changeset [1742] by Malte Marquarding
update to CHANGLOG entries
10:25 Changeset [1741] by Malte Marquarding
Version update
10:19 Changeset [1740] by Malte Marquarding
Tidy up of install targets and comman-line options


12:42 Changeset [1739] by Malte Marquarding
Replace matplotlib.numerix with numpy
12:38 Changeset [1738] by Malte Marquarding
Fix bug again where ipythonrc-asap isn't installed
12:15 Changeset [1737] by Malte Marquarding
gcc-4.4 fix to include cstring
12:14 Changeset [1736] by Malte Marquarding
gcc-4.4 fix to include cstring
12:13 Changeset [1735] by Malte Marquarding
gcc-4.4 fix to include cstring
12:11 Changeset [1734] by Malte Marquarding
gcc-4.4 fix to include cstring
12:09 Changeset [1733] by Malte Marquarding
gcc-4.4 fix to include cstring


15:02 Changeset [1732] by Kana Sugimoto
New Development: No JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-2064, 1801) …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.