

16:50 Changeset [1423] by Malte Marquarding
fixed wrong indentation
16:38 Changeset [1422] by Malte Marquarding
added scantable.history rc parameter to optionally suppress history …
16:02 Changeset [1421] by Malte Marquarding
added MOPS test data
12:51 Changeset [1420] by Malte Marquarding
typo fix
12:12 Ticket #134 (scantable constructor doesn't work for multiple asap files) created by Malte Marquarding
scantable(['a.asap', 'b.asap']) doesn't work. Need to handle …


15:35 Changeset [1419] by Malte Marquarding
some updates to make the asapmonitor work again
15:28 Changeset [1418] by Malte Marquarding
changed the name oof fields.css
15:26 Changeset [1417] by Malte Marquarding
added the javascript ajax library


11:28 Ticket #133 (history gets large when combining scans) created by Attila Popping <attila.popping@…>
would be good to disable history if you don't want to save it


15:03 Ticket #132 (merging scantable fails) created by Malte Marquarding
When trying to merge scantables, a not so enlightening message of 'oh …
15:01 Ticket #131 (Ferquency alignment isn't working) created by Malte Marquarding
I have some 16IF test data to work with/
14:19 Changeset [1416] by Malte Marquarding
Provide a more useful warning then 'oh oh'
13:47 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:46 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:46 ObtainAsap created by Malte Marquarding
13:43 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:40 MailingList created by Malte Marquarding
13:39 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
13:39 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
11:36 MopraTutorials edited by KateBrooks
11:35 MopraTutorials created by KateBrooks
11:34 WikiStart edited by KateBrooks


11:43 Ticket #130 (Plotting screen won't "stick") created by Kate.Brooks@…
Hello, Just a quick question ... how can I get the plotter window to …


14:33 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
14:27 ASAPOSXInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
14:26 ASAPSourceInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
13:59 Ticket #129 (Installation Error ... OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ...) closed by Malte Marquarding
11:58 Ticket #129 (Installation Error ... OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ...) created by brent.nicholas@…
Hello, trying to get ASAP working on my Intel Macbook. I followed the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.