

16:10 Changeset [1344] by mar637
minor fixes to quotients


12:10 Changeset [1343] by mar637
This is now jusrt a helper makfile for IDE, to enable them to call scons
12:09 Changeset [1342] by mar637
No longer used
11:35 Changeset [1341] by mar637
Updated website to point to ftp directly and the new trac server
11:27 Changeset [1340] by mar637
remove old rubbish tag
11:26 Changeset [1339] by mar637
remove old rubbish tags, frm when I didn't know how to use svn
11:10 WikiStart edited by Malte Marquarding
11:05 FitAsciiData created by Malte Marquarding
11:05 NegativeBandpassFlagging created by Malte Marquarding
11:05 TipsAndTricks edited by Malte Marquarding
10:49 Changeset [1338] by mar637
Added matched pair auto_quotient and made it the default 'mode'
10:48 Changeset [1337] by mar637
improvements to the selector. + operator now also 'AND's the query …
10:47 Changeset [1336] by mar637
removed debug print cout


12:25 Ticket #105 (Parkes K-band gain curve) created by Chris Phillips
Can the following gain curve be added to ASAP for Parkes (K-band). …


16:33 Ticket #104 (segmentation fault for time average) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Fixed in trunk. This has a (small) performance penalty.
16:22 Changeset [1335] by mar637
added custom fortran location. added darwin release mode options
16:21 Changeset [1334] by mar637
Use CountedPointer for STPol instance
16:18 Changeset [1333] by mar637
Fix for Ticket #104; protect the user from flagging the whole …
16:17 Changeset [1332] by mar637
small patch for fortran detection, when no fortran is found.
14:30 Ticket #103 (statd deamon not detected for a.summary and ...) closed by Malte Marquarding
worksforme: I tried on hydra and this is working fine. It must be specific to your …
12:27 Ticket #104 (segmentation fault for time average) created by anonymous
ASAP closes and reports a segmentation fault after I issue a time …
12:19 Ticket #103 (statd deamon not detected for a.summary and ...) created by erik.muller@…
ASAP reports that: ASAP>q.poly_baseline(order=0,mask=mask) …


14:07 Changeset [1331] by mar637
changed order of blas and lapack
13:51 Changeset [1330] by mar637
scons 0.96.1 can't add static libs with full path
13:37 Changeset [1329] by mar637
on darwin exit if scons < 0.96.95
13:33 Changeset [1328] by mar637
added LoadableModule alias for scons-0.96.1
13:28 Changeset [1327] by mar637
enabled customisable lib names
13:23 Changeset [1326] by mar637
only check for libcasa_casa
12:07 Changeset [1325] by mar637
Changes to use casacore instead of casa_asap/aips++\nAdded atnf PKSIO …
10:40 Changeset [1324] by mar637
moved to casacore
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.