

11:02 Changeset [1320] by mar637
merge from trunk, to get most recent bug fixes


20:57 Ticket #99 (scantable.convert_flux does not work for unkown telescope) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Fixed in trunk.
20:56 Changeset [1319] by mar637
Fix for Ticket #99; if etapp>0 and d>0 don't look up telescope
16:33 Ticket #99 (scantable.convert_flux does not work for unkown telescope) created by ttsutsum@…
Hi Malte, Steve Myers reported the following error. Is this a bug? It …


16:11 Ticket #78 (scantable.auto_quotient fails on specific data set) reopened by Malte Marquarding
This fix seem to have opened up another issue on the following data …


15:25 Ticket #98 (AIPSPATH is changed when importing ASAP) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Using the AIPSPATH now if it is defined.
15:14 Changeset [1318] by mar637
Fix for Ticket #97; corrected opacity formula. Forgot to check this in
15:11 Changeset [1317] by mar637
fixed deprecated import of sre
15:11 Changeset [1316] by mar637
Fix for Ticket #98; taking system AIPSPATH if defined
13:32 ASAPOSXInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.