

22:14 Changeset [167] by kil064
Reimplement 'bin' with insitu version as well
20:32 Changeset [166] by kil064
function 'average_pol' now has insitu version as well
20:31 Changeset [165] by kil064
Reimplement 'average_pol' with both insitu and 'outsit' versions
20:10 Changeset [164] by kil064
make a few more functions 'const'
16:23 Changeset [163] by kil064
consolidate code in 'private' functions rerwork function 'avergae_pol' …
16:22 Changeset [162] by kil064
add more 'private' functions
15:36 Changeset [161] by kil064
docuiment copy semantiocs for copy constructor and assignment


22:43 Changeset [160] by kil064
document that poly_baseline now operates on all rows in the scan
22:42 Changeset [159] by kil064
function auto_fit now loops over all rows in the scan
21:57 Changeset [158] by kil064
Correct spelling 'abscissa' -> 'abcissa'
21:45 Changeset [157] by kil064
function 'get_tsys' now returns a vector looping over all rows in table
21:42 Changeset [156] by kil064
comment out print statements for function 'get_tsys' as now returns a …
20:55 Changeset [155] by kil064
doc cxhanges previous entry should also have said that added 'insitu' …
20:53 Changeset [154] by kil064
make the get{IF,POl,Beam} functions const
20:52 Changeset [153] by kil064
add function 'add_insitu'
20:51 Changeset [152] by kil064
function 'add' and 'multiply' now take arg. doAll to indicate whether …
20:50 Changeset [151] by kil064
function 'add' and 'multiply' now take arg. doAll to indicate whether …
20:48 Changeset [150] by kil064
add arg. 'all' to functions 'scale' and 'add' to apply to either …
18:38 Changeset [149] by kil064
add 'add'
14:58 Changeset [148] by kil064
check this !=&other in assignment operator assign all state in …
14:57 Changeset [147] by kil064
add defualt value False to arg. clear in copy constrcutor
14:56 Changeset [146] by kil064
rework 'multiply' and 'multiplyInSitu' to use one common …


00:28 Changeset [145] by kil064
cahneg inertface so that function 'averages' and 'average' are …
00:27 Changeset [144] by kil064
merge functions 'average' and 'averages' into one that averages in …


23:36 Changeset [143] by kil064
rework binding to 'average_time'. Now invokes just one C++ function. …
23:04 Changeset [142] by kil064
modift doc for function 'average_time' to track change to functionaloity
13:23 Changeset [141] by mar637
added insitu to scale.
13:21 Changeset [140] by mar637
added scale_insitu
13:21 Changeset [139] by mar637
Added inSitu version of multiply/scale
13:20 Changeset [138] by mar637
Added assignment operator. Changed const casa::Table& table() to be …


15:57 Changeset [137] by kil064
split MathUtils::hanning function into MathUtils2.cc as the new …
13:58 Changeset [136] by kil064
add function statistics


15:53 Changeset [135] by kil064
add function 'stats' function 'rms' -> 'stddev'
15:48 Changeset [134] by kil064
remove libimages.a from link list
15:47 Changeset [133] by kil064
function 'rms' -> 'stats'
15:46 Changeset [132] by kil064
remove ImageUtil include add LatticeUtil include add new MaskedArray
15:45 Changeset [131] by kil064
replace function 'rms' with function 'statsitic'
15:44 Changeset [130] by kil064
Rewrite pretty much all of it to - use iterators rather than indexed …
15:37 Changeset [129] by kil064
average_scans -> average_time
15:36 Changeset [128] by kil064
function 'rms' -> 'stddev' add function 'stats' average_scan -> …


14:20 Changeset [127] by kil064
intergations -> integrations


17:48 Changeset [126] by mar637
fixed bug in _verbose. Test length first.
14:54 Changeset [125] by mar637
Moved to casa namespace. Adjusted the copyright to be ATNF.
12:16 Changeset [124] by mar637
added subplotting to plot(). Fixed verbose.
12:09 Changeset [123] by mar637
renamed set_verbose
12:08 Changeset [122] by mar637
renamed save to _save


16:27 Changeset [121] by mar637
added restfrequency selector


18:10 Changeset [120] by cal103
Added function register() to handle mouse events.
12:17 Changeset [119] by cal103
Added a histogram plotting function hist(); modified subplot() so that …


16:38 Changeset [118] by cal103
Added general control of the panel layout.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.