Custom Query (241 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#268 fixed new_average fails for Mopra broadband data Kana Sugimoto Malte Marquarding
Hi Kana,

has there been development of  a method in ASAP to merge adjacent IFs into a single IF in your group?
I had a user request here and wasn't sure if you have been working on this?


#267 feedback casapy fork of casacore breaks STFitter Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding

The components module of has been changed in casapy. This break normal builds.

#266 fixed hangs (at least on CASA) Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto

The issue is originally reported by Josh Marvil at NRAO. When he invokes on casapy (and possibly on ipython based applications) on TkAgg? backend, ipython enters Tk mainloop and never returns ipython prompt again. tries to show ALL windows under under the control of matplotlib and pauses ipython shell until all the Tk windows are closed.
ASAP plotter was a special plotter which is based on but has not been under the control of matplotlib. So, it's not plotted by but Tk mainloop waits for ASAP plotter to be closed because it's Tk window.

Proper behaviors to be employed:

  1. ASAP plotter won't generate the hidden plotter window at the start-up, but it only be generated at the first invocation of plotting operation, e.g., asapplotter.plot().
  2. Once the plotter is generated, it should be under control of matplotlib, and should also show the ASAP plotter, so that user can close ASAP plotter explicitly to get back from Tk.mainloop.
  3. When ASAP plotter is closed, it should properly removed from the list of plotters under the control of matplotlib.
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