Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (10 - 12 of 241)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#271 fixed Enable plotting spectra by sky position (from CAS-1814) Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto
  • enable plotting spectra based on their sky positions.
  • users should be able to specify grid center, spacing, and the spatial extent over which the spectra should be sampled.
#270 fixed 'rmedian' smoothing option not working? Malte Marquarding StacyMader

ASAP v4.0.0 (2011-10-05) on MacOSX 10.6

Using 'rmedian' to smooth a spectrum doesn't appear to do anything. All other kernel types appear okay though...

sc=scantable('2011-09-02_2210-P798_p301.34-8.21.rpf',average=False) av=sc.average_time(align=True) iav=av.average_pol() smooth=iav.smooth(kernel='rmedian',width=50,insitu=False) plotter.plot(smooth) # shows nothing, regardless of width

#269 fixed rc parameter scantable.reference no longer works Malte Marquarding simon.ellingsen@…
Hi Malte,

One of my students is running ASAP 4.0.0 under linux and we are having trouble getting the values in the .asaprc file recognised on startup.  I'm not sure if this is a bug, or something stupid that I'm doing.

The .asaprc file contains just a single line
scantable.reference        : .*(e|w|_R|\+R|\-R)$

The file has permissions 644 and I've had this setup working well under previous versions of ASAP.

On startup ASAP gives the following messages :
Loading ASAP...
loaded rc file /home/Ellen/.asaprc
Welcome to ASAP v4.0.0 (2011-10-05) - the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package

Please report any bugs via:

but when we type list_rcparameters() we get the following for scantable.reference :
# Control the identification of reference (off) scans
# This is has to be a regular expression
scantable.reference        : .*(e|w|_R)$

The data from Hobart has the references labelled with +R, so until I can correct this we can't use the auto_quotient method, which is a major pain.


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