Custom Query (241 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#39 wontfix reports illegal unit string for using scantable on multiple files - and a request. Malte Marquarding Erik M.

ASAP> s=scantable("../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-03_2100-M136.rpf","../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-03_2348-M136.rpf","../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-04_0524-M136.rpf") Auto averaging integrations Importing ../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-03_2100-M136.rpf...

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<console>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/", line 66, in init

self._fill([filename],unit, average)

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/", line 1510, in _fill


RuntimeError?: Unit::check Illegal unit string '../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-04_0524-M136.rpf'

The file "../Data_MPCOR/2006-05-04_0524-M136.rpf" contains ok data, I can run scantable on it separately, with success.

I'm not sure of the best way to load in multiple files. At the moment, there is a problem with averaging multiple scans together so I'm using scantable. depending on the limitations, I'd suggest that having a limit of only 4 files is not very useful for those needing to average many files together. I have >10 files that I need to avaerage together, for example.

#167 fixed Spectrum baseline removing: running fit Malte Marquarding EttoreCarretti

To implement spectrum baseline estimate (and removing) by a polynomial running fit.

It is similar to a running median (or running mean), but, for any channel, a polynomial fit is performed over a narrow range of channels centred on the channel itself. The baseline estimate is then the fit evaluated in the position of the channel. Both range width and polynomial degree should be set by the user. The polynomial degree default value could be 2 (quadratic fit) which I usually found very effective in other applications.

I implemented this method for other applications and found it very effective with complex baselines, which otherwise would require high degree polynomials if fit over the whole range with poor performances.

#180 worksforme masks and flagging Malte Marquarding G.Fuller@…

I'm trying to use a mask to flag out all of a spectrum except the region around a line at -250 km/s. So I do this


plotter.plot(csp) - show a spectrum from -2500 to +500 km/s


-- get back message The current mask window unit is km/s - Good


plotter.plot(csp) - the spectrum now runs from -2500 km/s to -500 km/s - Not what I expected or want.

Interestingly if I do this instead:




-- now the spectrum is apparently flagged - Definitely not what I expected or want.


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