Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 241)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#203 fixed GUI based notaion (from CAS-1801, 2064) Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto

Suggested at ALMA single dish functionality workshop: Enable GUI based notation for asapplotter.

#202 fixed plot relative velocities (offset) Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding

We need a way to be able to plot relative velocities, e.g. when plotting spectra at high velocities. This is can be used to emulate a rest frame plot.

#201 fixed scantable constructor broken Takeshi Nakazato Malte Marquarding

The latest changes for table identification means that for all types other than scantable and ms the constructor is broken.

Please fix and run tests.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.