Custom Query (241 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#270 fixed 'rmedian' smoothing option not working? Malte Marquarding StacyMader

ASAP v4.0.0 (2011-10-05) on MacOSX 10.6

Using 'rmedian' to smooth a spectrum doesn't appear to do anything. All other kernel types appear okay though...

sc=scantable('2011-09-02_2210-P798_p301.34-8.21.rpf',average=False) av=sc.average_time(align=True) iav=av.average_pol() smooth=iav.smooth(kernel='rmedian',width=50,insitu=False) plotter.plot(smooth) # shows nothing, regardless of width

#145 invalid .ipython-asap directory for 'ipythonrc' files? Malte Marquarding Vincent.McIntyre@…

I noticed that the CIAO package uses ipython, and it sets up a distinct .ipython directory for its own use, ~/.ipython-ciao.

I wondered if this was a useful feature for ASAP. In my ~/.ipython dierctory I can see various ipythonrc files with a suffix, eg ipythonrc-numeric, but what I'm suggesting is there is a distinct directory entirely, ~/.ipython-asap.

#98 fixed AIPSPATH is changed when importing ASAP Malte Marquarding jmcmulli@…

Hi Malte, Currently, when I: import asap

It changes the AIPSPATH to:

Out[8]: '/opt/casa2/darwin/python/2.5/asap darwin somwhere'

Is it possible to have a variable different from AIPSPATH used as this prevents smooth integration with the rest of CASA. Currently, it's worked around by:

casapath = os.environ['AIPSPATH']
import asap
os.environ['AIPSPATH'] = casapath
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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