Custom Query (18 matches)


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Status: assigned (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#181 plotting a saved file with one IF doesn't work Malte Marquarding defect normal 2.0 major
#212 On OSX 10.6: IERSpredict not found despite successfully running asap_update_data Malte Marquarding defect normal 2.0 blocker

Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#178 Implementation of opacity model Max Voronkov enhancement normal 2.0 normal
#183 Provide access to weather information Malte Marquarding enhancement normal 2.0 normal
#184 asap - locale issues (on kaputar) Malte Marquarding defect normal 2.0 normal
#185 Problems after installing ASAP3.0.0 Malte Marquarding question normal 2.0 normal
#188 issue with ASAP output in CLASS format Malte Marquarding defect normal 2.0 normal
#189 issue with ASAP output in CLASS format Malte Marquarding defect normal 2.0 normal
#191 please build for lenny/i386 Malte Marquarding task normal 2.0 normal
#214 No plotting with matplotlib 0.91 or 0.99? Malte Marquarding defect normal 1.0 major
#231 Spurious results from scans.opacity() Malte Marquarding defect normal major
#244 Error attempting to save scans to 'SDFITS' file Malte Marquarding question normal 1.0 blocker
#249 ASAP 3.0 scantables incompatible with 3.1 ? Malte Marquarding defect normal 1.0 critical
#179 Release 3.0 by mid April 2010 Malte Marquarding task high 2.0 critical
#180 masks and flagging Malte Marquarding defect high major
#190 please build for lenny/amd64 Malte Marquarding task high 2.0 normal
#193 Create casa::LogSink based logger Malte Marquarding enhancement high 2.0 major
#241 Can install asap 3.0.1 from source under opensuse 11.4 Malte Marquarding defect high 2.0 major
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