Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#94 Malte Marquarding AndrewWalsh <andrew.walsh@…> fixed Segmentation Fault when averaging fully masked scans

I am trying to edit bad data in ASAP. Some scans are bad, so I want to mask the entire scan. When I do this, and later time-average the data, ASAP crashes on me. Here is the script I use that will cause a crash:

s = scantable('2006-11-29_1258-M179.rpf')
q = s.auto_quotient()
sel2 = selector()
msk1 = q.create_mask([0,8200])

ASAP will crash on the last line of this script (called, with the following:

Auto averaging integrations
Importing 2006-11-29_1258-M179.rpf...
The current mask window unit is channel

/usr/bin/asap: line 54: 29374 Segmentation fault      $ip -ipythondir "${HOME}/.asap" -p 'asap' $*

Note that if I change the script so that channels 0 to 200 are masked (or indeed any number of channels != to all channels), ASAP will happily average scans.

I have also tried this on many files which contain more than two scans, with the same result.

Later. Andrew xxx

#110 Malte Marquarding herpin@… fixed export in FITS format

Hi As we are more familiar with CLASS software we intend to export the rpfits data via ASAP in a FITS format readable by CLASS. But the only format available is SDFITS which can't be read by CLASS. Having the possibility to export in a more common format like FITS would be very very useful (of course with all the header informations).

Moreover, the following informations are missing or impossible through ASAP:

  • image band frequency
  • RA/DEC of the source
  • LST time


#113 Malte Marquarding Simon.Ellingsen@… wontfix Declination coordinates separator incorrect

If you have a scantable scans and you issue either the commands print scans scans.summmary() The coordinates come back in the form hh:mm:ss.s i.e. the separator for the declination is a decimal point when it should be a : This is just a pain because you can't simply cut and paste these values into other programs as . is not a standard separator between degree and minutes or minutes and second in coordinate formats.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.