Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#260 Malte Marquarding StacyMader wontfix asap v4.0 list vs float TypeError with return from scan.get_restfreqs()

After upgrading to ASAP 4.0, running a script reported the following:

Leopard libedit detected. Found AT???? data. Importing 20111118/2011-11-18_0338-P000_SPOT_3100.rpf...

TypeError? Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/mad134/Home/pyspot/ in <module>()

89 errmsg('Will only process the first four scans.') 90

---> 91 if(nu/1.0e9 >= 12.0):

92 Diam = 54.5 # Parkes aperture [m] 93 else:

TypeError?: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'float'

The parameter nu is defined as nu = sc.get_restfreqs()[0]. ASAP reports this as:

In [2]: scan.get_restfreqs()[0] Out[2]: [3100000000.0]

So nu is now returned as a list instead of a float as per the previous version of ASAP. Is this a bug or by design in the new version?

#262 Malte Marquarding StacyMader wontfix skydip gives 'linst index out of range' when trying to plot.

Running skydip with plot=True produces the following:


IndexError? Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/mad134/Home/pyspot/20120211/<ipython console> in <module>()

/Library/Python?/2.6/site-packages/asap-4.0.0-py2.6.egg/asap/opacity.pyc in skydip(data, averagepol, tsky, plot, temperature, pressure, humidity)

197 n = len(airms) 198 for i in range(n):

--> 199 pylab.plot(airms[i], tsyss[i], 'o', color=colors[i])

200 pylab.plot(airms[i], fits[i], '-', color=colors[i]) 201 pylab.figtext(0.7,0.3-(i/30.0),

IndexError?: list index out of range

Using ASAP v4.0.0 (2011-10-05), Mac OSX 10.6.8.

#264 Malte Marquarding StacyMader fixed Option to 'mute' output of scan.get_tsys() and Tsys otput in skydip()

At the moment when one runes utilities such as skydip(), the routine prints Tsys values for each row. In the case of skydip(), one then has to scroll back up and look for the fitted parameters to the fit(s). is it possible to mute output of scan.get_tsys() ?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.