Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#246 Malte Marquarding stacy.mader@… wontfix boost on msx 10.6

Installing on Mac OS X 10.6:

pwd /Users/mad134/Downloads/asap-3.0.1-src

scons Restoring previous command-line options from 'options.cache' Checking for C++ library casa_casa... yes Checking for C header file Python.h... yes Checking for C++ library libboost_python... no

In SConstruct, I have:

("boostroot", "The root dir where boost is installed", None), ("boostlib", "The name of the boost python library",


("boostlibdir", "The boost library location", "/opt/local/lib/"), ("boostincdir", "The boost header file location", "/opt/local/include/boost/"),

Boost is installed in /opt/local/include/boost and /opt/local/lib/libboost_python.[a|dylib]

I can't see how it isn't picking up boost.

#248 Malte Marquarding… fixed Typo in subversion link

On the page the subversion link presented is missing a dash between asap and 3.0.0.

#249 Malte Marquarding Martin Cordiner <martin.cordiner@…> fixed ASAP 3.0 scantables incompatible with 3.1 ?

When trying to load ASAP scantables previously created using version 3.0.0, I get the error 'SEVERE: Invalid Table data type when accessing column in ROArrayColumn ctor for column RESTFREQUENCY'

Likewise, scantables created in 3.1.0 produce the same error when attempting to load them into 3.0.0. I attach an example scantable created in 3.0. Is there a fix or workaround for this problem?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.