Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#237 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed want to plot more panels with asapplotter

asapplotter currently limits the number of panels to 16. want to plot more panels.

#239 Takeshi Nakazato Takeshi Nakazato fixed POLTYPE should be 'stokes' for polarization averaged data

STMath::averagePolarizations() averages polarization components into one. The method sets POLNO as 0 for polarization averaged data. However, it is not enough since POLNO=0 means 'XX' for linear polarization while 'RR' for circular polarization so that it is confusing. The method should update POLTYPE as 'stokes' in addition.

This change seems reasonable since POLNO=0 means 'I' (total intensity) if POLTYPE is 'stokes'.

#240 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed statistic mode in asapplotter raises an error when specunit != 'channel'

Statistic mode in the single dish plotter raises an error in an occation, i.e., (1) specunit is set to one other than 'channel' and (2) a selected region to calculate statistics doesn't overwrap spectral range of IF0. This is a bug in asap plotter.

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