Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#218 Malte Marquarding kuiper@… wontfix return entire SDFITS table row header as a dictionary

asap should store everything in an SDFITS table, even if it doesn't use it. A function like get_scan_header() should return every scientifically meaningful parameter in the table header and the table row, except the spectrum, as a dictionary.

#219 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto wontfix The text box in Notation window doesn' t accept keyboard input on Linux

Notation window is loaded when 'notaion' mode is active in ASAP plotter and plotter canvas is clicked. It enables users add a note on the plotter using GUI. The text box in Notation window doesn't accept keyboard input on Linuxes which runs SCIM.

SCIM (Smart Common Input Method platform) is a platform which enables multi-language input and it seems to be distributed with various Linux distributions. Note SCIM may run if you install some of language support packages, even if your language setting is English.

#230 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed spec value mode imporovement & bug fix (partly from CAS-2765)

Spec value mode doesn't work in CASA when iterate over pages. Furthermore, I suspectu it doesn't work at all in stand alone ASAP package.

Also, I'd like to set spec value mode as a default in ASAP plotter.

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