Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#207 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed Enable plotazel and plotpointing without display (from CAS-2449)

Methods plotazel and plotpointing in asapplotter should be able to plot without display.

#208 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed Enable switching off axes labels of inner panels (from CAS-1808)
#214 Malte Marquarding martin.cordiner@… invalid No plotting with matplotlib 0.91 or 0.99?

I've tried installing ASAP on Centos 5.5, and it seems to work but has no plotting functionality. Under matplotlib 0.91.2, an error comes up complaining about a lack of 'findobj' support. After installing matplotlib, ASAP no longer recognises that matplotlib is installed.

Either way I have no plotting. Can you suggest a solution or fix?

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