Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (172 - 174 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#185 Malte Marquarding Simon Ellingsen fixed Problems after installing ASAP3.0.0

I've just installed ASAP 3.0 under snowleopard, but am having some problems.

I am running OSX 10.6.3 on a Macbook Pro. The installation seemed to work well, I had to install matplotlib again using the instruction in the ASAP install README. I did the asap_data_update and as best I can tell it worked OK (I have new files in the Python/site-package/asap/data directory).

ASAP starts OK, I can load raw data, but I get errors when I try and use the scantable.summary() command or plotter.plot()

I have removed my .asap directory and restarted my machine, but the problem persists. I have tried datasets from Parkes, Mopra and Hobart, all give the same problem. The output below shows the problem.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Loading ASAP...

Leopard libedit detected.

Welcome to ASAP v3.0.0 (2010-05-06) - the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package

Please report any bugs via:

[IMPORTANT: ASAP is 0-based] Type commands() to get a list of all available ASAP commands.

ASAP>data = scantable('2009-05-31_1901-M405.rpf') Auto averaging integrations Importing 2009-05-31_1901-M405.rpf... ASAP>data.summary() 2010-05-13 23:55:08 WARN MeasIERS::fillMeas(MeasIERS::Files, Double) (file measures/Measures/, line 309) Requested data table IERSeop97 cannot be found in the searched directories: 2010-05-13 23:55:08 WARN MeasIERS::fillMeas(MeasIERS::Files, Double) (file measures/Measures/, line 309)+ ./

... lots more similar messages and then at the end....

RuntimeError? Traceback (most recent call last)

/Volumes/My? Book/Data?/mopra/m405_7mm/<ipython console> in <module>()

/Library/Python?/2.6/site-packages/asap/ in summary(self, filename)

253 Default - no file output 254 """

--> 255 info = Scantable._summary(self, True)

256 if filename is not None: 257 if filename is "":

RuntimeError?: Couldn't convert frequency frame.


#188 Malte Marquarding belloche@… worksforme issue with ASAP output in CLASS format

Dear ASAP helpdesk,

I'm trying to export some MOPRA spectra into CLASS format from ASAP v3.0.1 (2010-05-25) on kaputar in Narrabri, using the task "save(...,format='CLASS')" but it does not work. It produces FITS files but CLASS (version oct09a on my desktop in Germany, the CLASS version in Narrabri being very very old) complains about the FITS format not being standard. I also checked with version may10d of CLASS and the problem was the same. Same issue when I try the ASAP output format 'FITS' instead of 'CLASS'. Here are the error messages:

LAS90>  file in test_IF0.fits
I-GAG,  Converting from ?... to IEEE
I-CONVERT,  File is [Unknown]
F-INPUT,  Non-standard file test_IF0.fits                                   

Best wishes, Arnaud Belloche (MOPRA observer, project M506)

#189 Malte Marquarding belloche@… invalid issue with ASAP output in CLASS format

Following my previous ticket regarding the output format 'CLASS' of ASAP, I just noticed that, although CLASS fails to read the fits file with the command "file in" as I reported, it does seem to work with the command "fits read". Sorry for the previous ticket.

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