Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#160 Malte Marquarding… fixed Changing the aspect ratio of plots

It would be good for the user to be able to control the aspect ratio of plots. Thanks.

#161 Malte Marquarding… invalid Flagged data remaining flagged when plotting different polarisation products

This may well be something I'm missing but I'm trying to plot different polarization products from a flagged data set (where I flagged either the beginning and end channels or everything outside the middle 100 km/s) but the flagging seems to disappear when I change between products and as a consequence the y-axis of the plots is being scaled by the complete bandpass. Ideally either the flags could be made to remain or the plotter made to only scale by what is included in the plotting range.

#163 Malte Marquarding anitat@… fixed set_sourcetype not working

I can't get data.set_sourcetype to work. The error message is

/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/asap/scantable.pyc in set_sourcetype(self, match, matchtype, sourcetype)

1547 self._setsourcetype(stype) 1548 self.set_selection(basesel)

-> 1549 s._add_history("set_sourcetype", varlist)

1550 1551 def auto_quotient(self, preserve=True, mode='paired'):

NameError?: global name 's' is not defined

Perhaps that 's' should be 'self'?

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