Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#128 Malte Marquarding vincent.mcintyre@… fixed no builds for debian 'etch'?


we are getting ready to move from 'sarge' to 'etch' and need builds of ASAP to be available.

Are these being done anywhere? In lynx:/export/DEBIANetch/lib/python2.4/site-packages there is no 'asap' directory tree, only some pyrap things.

Currently aips++ is being built on 'ritchie' (/DATA/RITCHIE_1/aips2mgr). Could the builds of ASAP be set up there as well?

It would be nice to have emt64/amd64 builds as well.

Cheers Vince

#130 Malte Marquarding Kate.Brooks@… fixed Plotting screen won't "stick"


Just a quick question ... how can I get the plotter window to remain up after I have executed a python script. At the moment the window disappears as soon as the next line command is executed (or as once the script ends).

I am using: plotter.plot(q)

Thanks, Kate

#132 Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding fixed merging scantable fails

When trying to merge scantables, a not so enlightening message of 'oh oh' is displayed.

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