Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#109 MarkCalabretta Simon.Ellingsen@… fixed ASAP doesn't recognise/read source coordinate information

ASAP doesn't read/recognise the source coordinate information from RPF files written with the Hobart multibeam correlator (standard ATNF multibeam correlator setup). For example scans = scantable('c071070506.rpf') scans.summary() Shows mostly correct information, but the RA and Dec are given as 00:00:00 etc for all sources.

This is not just a superficial problem, but it means that the velocity scale is incorrectly set as well. The coordinate information is written in the RPFITS file as it is correct when the same data is loaded with spc.

Please contact me for a sample file.

#114 Malte Marquarding Simon.Ellingsen@… wontfix ASAP fails to read RPFITS files directly from DVD

If you try and read RPFITS files directly from a DVD, rather than copying them to the harddrive first, ASAP returns the error:

ASAP>data = scantable('/Volumes/METHMB_PIGGYBACK_20/2007-04-29_2143_G5523501.rpf') Auto averaging integrations Importing /Volumes/METHMB_PIGGYBACK_20/2007-04-29_2143_G5523501.rpf...

Cannot open file

Failed to open MBFITS file: /Volumes/METHMB_PIGGYBACK_20/2007-04-29_2143_G5523501.rpf

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython console>", line 1, in ? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/asap/", line 70, in init

self._fill([filename], unit, average)

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/asap/", line 1741, in _fill

r._open(name, -1, -1)

RuntimeError?: Creation of PKSreader failed

When the same files are copied to the harddrive (with everything else the same), the files can be read OK.

#115 Malte Marquarding chris.phillips@… fixed Add median boxcar smoothing

Can the smooth/boxcar method please have an option to select between mean (currently) and median running average.

Either as a new option or a new kernel type.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.