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Results (106 - 108 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#82 Malte Marquarding m.burton@… worksforme Installing ASAP on a Mac

Malte & Chris

I'm once more valiantly trying to install the latest version of ASAP on my Mac, but am afraid I am getting no further than before.

I'm trying to follow the instructions on the wiki page, and have even tried both the alternatives for the matplotlibrc install (though I not quite sure what the second is supposed to be an alterbnative for).

The first problem comes with the command "ipython -pylab" (even when starting up a completing new terminal). Basically ipython is not recognised as a command. I can get "./ -pylab" to start, though it complains that it can import matplotlib. Though you do get as far as the prompt.

After that ASAP just doesn't run up.

I'm leaving a print out below.

This is all very frustrating, and I still haven't been able to look at any DFB data since leaving Oz at the end of July!!



Extracts fron the install, on a Mac OSX 10.4.7 PPC G4

mgb12:/Applications/ipython-0.7.2 mgb$ sudo python install Password: running install running build running build_py running build_scripts running install_lib running install_scripts changing mode of /System/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.3/bin/ip ython to 755 changing mode of /System/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.3/bin/ir unner to 755 changing mode of /System/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.3/bin/py color to 755 running install_data mgb12:/Applications/ipython-0.7.2 mgb$ ip ip6 ip6fw ipcrm ipseclog ip6config ipconfig ipcs ipfw mgb12:/Applications/ipython-0.7.2 mgb$ ipyton -pylab bash: ipyton: command not found mgb12:/Applications/ipython-0.7.2 mgb$ ipython -pylab bash: ipython: command not found mgb12:/Applications/ipython-0.7.2 mgb$ ./ -pylab ERROR: matplotlib could NOT be imported! Starting normal IPython. WARNING: Readline services not available on this platform. WARNING: The auto-indent feature requires the readline library WARNING: Proper color support under MS Windows requires Gary Bishop's readline library.You can find it at Gary's readline needs the ctypes module, from:

Defaulting color scheme to 'NoColor?' Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.7.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction to IPython's features. %magic -> Information about IPython's 'magic' % functions. help -> Python's own help system. object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]:


Loading ASAP... Can't find, or no execute permissions for 'ipython' Running asap through 'python': Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 1, in ?

ImportError?: No module named asap mgb12:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data mgb$

#83 Malte Marquarding t.tsutsumi@… fixed Saving a scantable to MS makes ASAP to abort

When I try to save a scantable to MS2 format using ASAP2.1(2006-09-11), it causes ASAP to abort. In this case, the writer, however, seems to complete writing to MS file without corrupting the data since I can read back the created MS file to ASAP without any problems.

  • Tak Tsutsumi

ASAP>scan=scantable('2005-05-08_0350.rpf') Auto averaging integrations Importing 2005-05-08_0350.rpf...

ASAP>'', 'MS2') STWriter: wrote 4 rows to

* glibc detected * double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08c4e048 *

#91 Malte Marquarding bugs wontfix Failure to read Tid sdf files

Jim Lovell reduced some Tid data and sent me the sdf files.

However I dont seem to be able to read them into ASAP. When I attempt to do so, I get crashed right out of python itself!


q =scantable(files)

Auto averaging integrations

Importing ./g0.21+0.00.sdf...

/Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/Current/bin/asap: line 54: 2588 Bus error $ip -ipythondir "${HOME}/.asap" -p 'asap' $*

mgb12:~/Desktop/Mopra? stuff/Tidbinbilla HC5N/hc5n_dss34_sdf mgb$

I will attach a couple of sample les for you to test.



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