Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#60 Malte Marquarding Jim.Cohen fixed Methanol Multibeam data has wrong rest frequency

When methanol multibeam data is read in the rest frequency is being set to 1420 MHz (OH). The rpfits file has the correct rest frequency

#61 Malte Marquarding Jim.Cohen fixed Need to change default polarisation

The methanol multibeam has circular feeds. ASAP is labelling this as libear. There needs to be some way of overriding the default polarisation labelling

#65 Malte Marquarding awalsh@… fixed fitter fixed parameters not working

The other thing is I have noticed some strange behaviour when setting initial guesses. For something like "peakfixed=0", I find the behaviour changes depending on the number of gaussian components I am fitting. If I have one gaussian component, it all works fine if all the numbers are 0, as it should happen. However, when I have two components, I need to set the first component to "peakfixed=1" and the second to "peakfixed=0" in order to allow both peak heights to be flexible. ie. if the first "peakfixed=0", the the height for that component is fixed!

If I go to 3 gaussians, it gets even more complicated. To allow all components to be flexible I need the following:

component 0: peakfixed=0 component 1: peakfixed=1 component 2: peakfixed=0

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