Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#45 Malte Marquarding Chris Phillips fixed Requirement 6.2-5 Multibeam MX mode

Support for MX observing with multibeam is needed. MX mode is observing a point source, cycling through each beam. There are a numbr of ways this could be implemented, consult with Jim Caswell on possible solutions. One possible solution is a multistep process which should work for general MX observations:

  • Form a reference spectra by averaging the data. This could either be done as a meadian average for each beam for all data OR making a mean average of each beam for each making sure to not include spectra including the source (see below for discussion on reference beam).
  • Use this average spectra as a reference in a quotient spectra with original data
  • Optionally data the quotient data and discard beams that were not on source
  • Optionally average the onsource beam data together (ie average data from each beam together)

For this to work the onsource beam need top be known. This is called (in TCS or livedata) the reference beam. Apparently livedata knows which beam this is. Consultation with Mark C. is probably needed to find out how to know this

#46 Malte Marquarding Chris Phillips fixed Requirement 6.7-13 FFT spectra

A method to FFT spectra is needed. The FFT spectrum should be plottable (amplitude at the minimum, real and imaginary optionally if feasible). It is necessary to be able to flag spectrally the FFT spectrum. The user will then need to FFT the data back to a frequency spectrum. Preferaby the same FFT method will do the forward and reverse transform (ie user does not need to specify .fft and .ifft for example).

#47 Malte Marquarding Chris Phillips wontfix Plot using "rest frequency" frame

One reference frame it should be possible to plot/fit etc data in is the rest frame of the source. This would mean that frequency plots would then correspond to rest frequency. To allow this a reference velocity is needed. This should be added as a function related to set_freqframe etc.

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