Custom Query (241 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#150 Malte Marquarding Simon.Ellingsen@… fixed ASAP Velocities incorrect

We have been monitoring a particular spectral line source with Hobart (Mon R2) for more than a year now. We observe with fixed frequency and align in velocity when averaging the data during ASAP processing. When comparing spectra taken months apart we noticed differences of around 1 km/s between the same features in different spectra.

We have data collected with the ATCA and Hobart on the same day. Processing the ATCA data in miriad and the Hobart data in ASAP the velocities are different there as well. The source coordinates and observing frequency are recorded correctly in the RPFITS files (as best we can tell) and ASAP identifies the data as coming for Hobart.

#152 Malte Marquarding m.burton@… fixed Failure to install ASAP 2.3

I'm afraid I cant manage to install ASAP 2.3 following the directions on the wiki page on my Mac OSX 10.5.6. Basically I get an Interpeter mismatch for Python, and have had to resort back to ASAP 2.1 in order to reduce my Mopra spectra.

I have successfully installed Python 2.4.4, iPython 0.9.1.

The documentation does seem a little out of date, referring to earlier versions of the software??

The error on installation is as follows:

narrabri-guest-58:asap-2.3.0-osx-10.5-x86 mgb$ sudo ./install Looking fo all required libraries... Skipping test. (ldd/otool is not available) Looking for dependent python modules...

All required modules were found.

Found previous installation of ASAP. Removing... Installing asap module in /Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/asap Installing asap scripts in /Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/bin Warning - no data directory present Please run asap_update_data after the installation is completed. Installation completed. narrabri-guest-58:asap-2.3.0-osx-10.5-x86 mgb$ sudo asap_update_data Checking if an update is required. Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?) Abort trap

Whereas, going back to asap 2.1 the installation works:

narrabri-guest-58:asap-2.1.1-osx_x86 mgb$ sudo ./install Looking fo all required libraries... Skipping test. (ldd/otool is not available) Looking for dependent python modules...

All required modules were found.

Found previous installation of ASAP. Removing... Installing asap module in /Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/asap Installing asap scripts in /Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/bin Installation completed. narrabri-guest-58:asap-2.1.1-osx_x86 mgb$ sudo asap_update_data Checking if an update is required. Update required. Downloading asap data archive.... Extracting data archive in /Library/Frameworks/Python?.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/asap.. narrabri-guest-58:asap-2.1.1-osx_x86 mgb$

#153 Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding fixed plotter.plot_lines failing

plotter.plot_lines is failing as follows.

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/asap/asaplotbase.pyc in vline_with_label(self, x, y, label, location, rotate, **kwargs)
    776         if rotate > 0.0: lbloffset = 0.03*len(label)
    777         peakoffset = 0.01
--> 778         xy0 = ax.transData.xy_tup((x,y))
    779         # get relative coords
    780         xy = ax.transAxes.inverse_xy_tup(xy0)

AttributeError: 'CompositeGenericTransform' object has no attribute 'xy_tup'

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