Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#64 Malte Marquarding george.kosugi@… fixed linefinder.find_lines significantly slower than in release 1.2

The polynomial fit method in CASA/ASAP2.1a sometimes crashes by throwing exceptions of RuntimeError?. I'll attach several sdfits files and short python script which can re-generate errors in my environment. However, in ASAP1.2.1, which I used to use, no error occures. Could you please investigate it?

The other problem is the slowness of linefinder.find_lines, which is also used in my ALMA heuristic pipeline script. It became more than 4 times slower compared to ASAP1.2.1. Did anybody complained about it? I believe the robustness and accuracy got enhanced.... but no descriptions in the manual....

#66 Malte Marquarding Chris Phillips fixed Cannot run average_pol on circular data

Average_pol refuses to average two circular polarisations.

Additionally for data with "4" polarisations (e.g. XX YY Re(XY) Im(XY), average_pol should just average the two parallel pols to stokes I.

#67 Malte.Marquarding Chris Phillips fixed fitter.set_gauss_parameters causes a segfault

f.set_gauss_parameters is segfauting asap. Run the test script /u/phi196/code/asap/Release2.1.0b/test (in that directory)

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