Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#98 Malte Marquarding jmcmulli@… fixed AIPSPATH is changed when importing ASAP

Hi Malte, Currently, when I: import asap

It changes the AIPSPATH to:

Out[8]: '/opt/casa2/darwin/python/2.5/asap darwin somwhere'

Is it possible to have a variable different from AIPSPATH used as this prevents smooth integration with the rest of CASA. Currently, it's worked around by:

casapath = os.environ['AIPSPATH']
import asap
os.environ['AIPSPATH'] = casapath
#99 Malte Marquarding ttsutsum@… fixed scantable.convert_flux does not work for unkown telescope

Hi Malte,

Steve Myers reported the following error. Is this a bug? It seems to me it should work for GBT if the eta and d are given.


The messages from Steve follows: ---

I can't get scantable_convert_flux to work on GBT data, even if I give it eta and d, e.g.


which gives /home/ballista/casa/daily/linux_gnu/python/2.5/asap/ in convert_flux(self, jyperk, eta, d, insitu)

952 if d is None: d = -1.0 953 if eta is None: eta = -1.0

--> 954 s = scantable(self._math._convertflux(self, d, eta, jyperk))

955 s._add_history("convert_flux", varlist) 956 print_log()

<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError?'>: Unrecognized instrument - use function scan.set_instrument to set

even though the manual says this is the way to do unrecognized instruments.

#103 Malte Marquarding erik.muller@… worksforme statd deamon not detected for a.summary and q.poly_baseline(order=0,mask=mask)

ASAP reports that:
* It looks as if the statd deamon is not running on your Linux system
* which means that no locks can be used on NFS files
* so a lock is always granted and NFS files are not properly shared.
* SUSE 6.1 systems might come without the statd package.
* You can get it from /pub/linux/devel/gcc/knfsd-1.4.1.tar.gz
* It looks as if the statd deamon is not running on your Linux system
* which means that no locks can be used on NFS files
* so a lock is always granted and NFS files are not properly shared.
* SUSE 6.1 systems might come without the statd package.
* You can get it from /pub/linux/devel/gcc/knfsd-1.4.1.tar.gz
* It looks as if the statd deamon is not running on your Linux system
* which means that no locks can be used on NFS files
* so a lock is always granted and NFS files are not properly shared.
* SUSE 6.1 systems might come without the statd package.
* You can get it from /pub/linux/devel/gcc/knfsd-1.4.1.tar.gz
* It looks as if the statd deamon is not running on your Linux system
* which means that no locks can be used on NFS files
* so a lock is always granted and NFS files are not properly shared.
* SUSE 6.1 systems might come without the statd package.
* You can get it from /pub/linux/devel/gcc/knfsd-1.4.1.tar.gz

The tasks still run, but it takes a long time..

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