Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#72 Malte Marquarding Chris Phillips fixed linecatalog.reset() fails

linecatalog.reset() gives the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in ?
  File "/u/phi196/data/pkgs/asap/asap/", line 98, in reset
TypeError: unbound method Boost.Python.function object must be called with linecatalog instance as first argument (got nothing instead)


#75 Malte.Marquarding Chris Phillips wontfix Subversion tag added to asap startup and beta tarballs?

The subversion version (at time of compilation) should be reported when starting asap, along with the asap version. This is particularly important with beta versions as there is not a rigid release versioning.

It would also be useful to incorporate the subversion version into the name of the tarball when creating a binary distrobution.

#76 Chris Phillips Simon.Ellingsen@… wontfix FC3 binary for ASAP 2.1 doesn't work for me

I've installed the ASAP 2.1 binary for FC3, but it doesn't work properly for me (FC3 system). The install script appeared to work properly, the asap_update_data doesn't work for me (probably related to having to give username/password for external web sites from UTas). I've downloaded the asap_data.tar.bz2 from the web site and extracted it into /usr/local/share/asap. This is what I get when I type ASAP (below)

P.S. I'm happy to try installing ASAP 2.1 from source to see if that works.

I haven't updated matplot lib (I'm running version 0.87.3)

Loading ASAP...

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/", line 314, in ?

from asap._asap import Log as _asaplog

ImportError?: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/ undefined symbol: ffopentest

WARNING: Loading of asap failed.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 1, in ?

NameError?: name 'welcome' is not defined

WARNING: Failure executing code: 'print welcome()'


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