20 years |
kil064 |
function stokesLength() -> nStokes()
getStokesSpectrumLabel …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function polarizationLabel
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions
20 years |
mar637 |
* added merging of history tables
20 years |
mar637 |
* Added history support.
* Added version keyword to SDMemTable.
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions getRowRange and rowInRange
make gain/el correction the …
20 years |
kil064 |
convertInstrument moved to SDAttr
fix bug in convertFLux where …
20 years |
kil064 |
function convertInstrument moved to SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
move function convertInstrument to SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
move function convertInstrument into here from SDMemTable
fix error in …
20 years |
kil064 |
fix bug in setFlags to do with Xpol and iterating
20 years |
kil064 |
add a new getStokesSPectrum function (for the writer) which gets all …
20 years |
kil064 |
add templates for Stokes writing for the SDWriter
20 years |
kil064 |
handle STokes output now in SDFITS/MS formats. Getting messy.
20 years |
kil064 |
new functions for the SDWriter to handle Stokes output
for SDFITS / …
20 years |
mar637 |
a class to transfer fit parameters.
20 years |
kil064 |
add Tid aperture efficiency data
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFitTable to handle fits and expose them to python vi the sdfit …
20 years |
kil064 |
make sure i register the StokesVirtualMachine class
20 years |
mar637 |
More std::vector <-> casa::Vector templates
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to SDPolUtil
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDPolUtil::stokesData templates
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDPol2
20 years |
kil064 |
make templatyed function SDPolUtil::stokesData to handle stokesMask …
20 years |
kil064 |
move SDMemTable::rotateXYPhase to SDMath
20 years |
mar637 |
added _addfit
20 years |
mar637 |
* added FITS subtable for fitting and relevant functions to set fits …
20 years |
mar637 |
added template for Vector<Vector<x> > where x = Int, Bool, String - …
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFitTable
20 years |
mar637 |
* Added extendLastArrayAxis
20 years |
kil064 |
make format case insensitive
20 years |
kil064 |
eradicate the last of the ArrayAccessor code for VectorIterator
and …
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to SDmemTable::rowAsMaskedArray interface
20 years |
kil064 |
remove arg 'useSelection ' from rowAsmAskedArray as it
is never used …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function convertStokes
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion argument
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion
20 years |
kil064 |
fix output reference pixel calculation
add stokes conversion
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokesConversion to function rowAsMaskedArray
20 years |
kil064 |
add function SDPolUtil::stokesMask
fix error in nPol check in …
20 years |
kil064 |
make stokesCOl_ read only
add toStokes arg. to function rowAsMaskedArry
20 years |
kil064 |
comment out SDStokesEngine::isWritbale for now as its causing troubel…
20 years |
kil064 |
make it work for nPol=1,2 or 4
20 years |
kil064 |
consolidate cursor selection so that when function
setCursorSlice is …
20 years |
kil064 |
add arg 'doAll' to rotateXYPhase and no longer'
use direct python binding
20 years |
kil064 |
add function getCircularSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add function getCircularSepctrum
fix bug in getSTokesSPectrum where …
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions
20 years |
kil064 |
getStokesSpectrum can now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarzations
20 years |
kil064 |
Now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarizations in SDStokesEngine
20 years |
kil064 |
add paOffset to function SDmemTable::getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add getStokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add BaseMappedArrayEngine for SDPol.cc (Stokes Virtual column)
20 years |
kil064 |
add getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
handle cross polarization
20 years |
kil064 |
classes to do some polarimetric processing
SDPolUtil …
20 years |
kil064 |
First go at handling polarimetric data
- Add STOKES (virtual) …
20 years |
kil064 |
handle the cross correlation
- place in polarization axis as …
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDPol
20 years |
mar637 |
cerr to cout changes were appropriate.
20 years |
mar637 |
added default arg to summary
20 years |
kil064 |
fix problems in average_time with output scan information being off by …
20 years |
mar637 |
fixed reder rest behaviour. renamed all pyhton_SDReader functions to "_"
20 years |
kil064 |
reference pixel caluclation was 1-rel instead of 0-rel
20 years |
kil064 |
add rest freq specification by line name
add function spectraLines to …
20 years |
kil064 |
remove VelocityAligner templates
20 years |
kil064 |
add perFreqID arg to function frequencyAlign
20 years |
kil064 |
add support in frequency alignment for a perIF (caters to
manual …
20 years |
kil064 |
add a secondary index argument to the SDDataDesc container
20 years |
kil064 |
bit more info to user for restFreq selection
20 years |
kil064 |
Detect Year now in selecting beam/aperture efficiency data
20 years |
kil064 |
merge SDMemTable::{selectRestFrequcy,setRestFrequencies} into one …
20 years |
kil064 |
support rest freqs being a column in SDmemTable
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to SDMemTable::getSpecytralCoordinate
20 years |
kil064 |
add support for RestFreqID now beung a column in SDMemTable
20 years |
kil064 |
rmeove debug statements
20 years |
kil064 |
support RESTFREQID column in SDMemTable object
20 years |
kil064 |
have another go at summary function. this time
rework with list of …
20 years |
kil064 |
doc only
20 years |
mar637 |
added template for Vector<Int>(vector<int>)
20 years |
kil064 |
add function scanBoundaries
20 years |
mar637 |
* enabled getScan for lists of scanno
* auto renumbering of scanids
* …
20 years |
mar637 |
Made refBeam 0-based.
20 years |
vor010 |
LineFinder: help is improved. Initial code for
automatic baseline …
20 years |
vor010 |
SDLineFinder: bug corrections, setOption method
has been added + …
20 years |
vor010 |
SDLineFinder: work around to detect weak and broad lines
as well as to …
20 years |
kil064 |
add a couple of special case adjustments in function summary
20 years |
kil064 |
addEntry template
20 years |
kil064 |
rework summary function to handle scan boundary
more straightforardly …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function addEntry
20 years |
kil064 |
gain elevation poly moved to SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
move gain elevation info into here from SDMath
20 years |
kil064 |
document where Mopra numbers come from
init -> initData
20 years |
kil064 |
chgange binding to setInstrument
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
track change in SDMath::convertFLux interface
20 years |
kil064 |
rework convertFLux stuff using new SDAttr and looking up values
where …
20 years |
kil064 |
new class to hold instrument attributes like beam efficiencies, …
20 years |
vor010 |
SDLineFinder - further interface changes to achieve a better structure …
20 years |
vor010 |
SDLineFinder - interface of auxiliary classes
has been changed to …