20 years |
kil064 |
doc cxhanges
previous entry should also have said that added 'insitu' …
20 years |
kil064 |
make the get{IF,POl,Beam} functions const
20 years |
kil064 |
add function 'add_insitu'
20 years |
kil064 |
function 'add' and 'multiply' now take arg. doAll to
indicate whether …
20 years |
kil064 |
function 'add' and 'multiply' now take arg. doAll to
indicate whether …
20 years |
kil064 |
check this !=&other in assignment operator
assign all state in …
20 years |
kil064 |
add defualt value False to arg. clear in copy constrcutor
20 years |
kil064 |
rework 'multiply' and 'multiplyInSitu' to use one common …
20 years |
kil064 |
cahneg inertface so that function 'averages' and 'average' are …
20 years |
kil064 |
merge functions 'average' and 'averages' into one that averages
in …
20 years |
mar637 |
added scale_insitu
20 years |
mar637 |
Added inSitu version of multiply/scale
20 years |
mar637 |
Added assignment operator.
Changed const casa::Table& table() to be …
20 years |
kil064 |
split MathUtils::hanning function into MathUtils2.cc as the
new …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function statistics
20 years |
kil064 |
remove libimages.a from link list
20 years |
kil064 |
function 'rms' -> 'stats'
20 years |
kil064 |
remove ImageUtil include
add LatticeUtil include
add new MaskedArray …
20 years |
kil064 |
replace function 'rms' with function 'statsitic'
20 years |
kil064 |
Rewrite pretty much all of it to
- use iterators rather than indexed …
20 years |
mar637 |
Moved to casa namespace.
Adjusted the copyright to be ATNF.
20 years |
mar637 |
renamed save to _save
20 years |
mar637 |
added restfrequency selector
20 years |
mar637 |
filling azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime
20 years |
mar637 |
filling azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime …
20 years |
mar637 |
added fixed parameters
20 years |
mar637 |
added 'add' function
20 years |
mar637 |
renaming of functions
20 years |
mar637 |
added set/getCoordInfo, reworked summary, added columns for …
20 years |
mar637 |
added azimuth,elevation,parangle,refbeam,fieldname,tcal,tcaltime
20 years |
mar637 |
added fitter
20 years |
mar637 |
pyhton wrapper for SDFitter
20 years |
mar637 |
enabled reset. disabled close
20 years |
mar637 |
disbaled default constructor
added copy function
naming changes
20 years |
mar637 |
added exception handling
20 years |
mar637 |
chnaged nRows to nRow
20 years |
mar637 |
added new tamplates
20 years |
mar637 |
added fitter
added exceptions
20 years |
mar637 |
New Fitter class for ASAP.
20 years |
mar637 |
added copy function
renaming and update according to SDMemTable changes
20 years |
mar637 |
changes summary to return std::string
comment out unused getMask …
20 years |
mar637 |
changes summary to return std::string
comment out unused getMask …
20 years |
mar637 |
chnged cerr's to throws, added rest function.
20 years |
mar637 |
renamed multiply to scale.
20 years |
mar637 |
bin function now bins all rows in the table. ALso fixed a couple of bugs.
21 years |
mar637 |
chnaged namesapce form "atnf_sd" to "asap"
21 years |
mar637 |
a) Move to CASA form AIPS.
b) stricter error checking
21 years |
mar637 |
updated to use CASA include paths and .h guards.
21 years |
mar637 |
a) Changed interface to "taql" to allow for source name seraches.
b) …
21 years |
mar637 |
Added support of source direction.
21 years |
mar637 |
Added support of source direction. This is reflected in the …
21 years |
mar637 |
Update to use python 2.3.
21 years |
mcalabre |
Fixed the argument list in the call to PKSwriter::write().
21 years |
mcalabre |
Added restFreq to the argument list for PKSwriter::write().
21 years |
mcalabre |
Added restFreq to the argument list for PKSreader::read().
21 years |
mmarquar |
moved cfitsio into one block
21 years |
mmarquar |
Statically linking libwcs. Removed -w option.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Removed duplicate template.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Removedd class and replaces with namespace.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Fixed vaious warnings arising when compiled without warning suprssion.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Fixed various errors arising when compiled without warning suppression.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Replaced class and statics with a namespace. Functions now global in …
21 years |
mcalabre |
Removed Glish libraries from the link list after restructuring …
21 years |
mcalabre |
Removed duplicate instantiation of
template void …
21 years |
mcalabre |
Removed default initializers from function definitions.
21 years |
mmarquar |
statically linked all the "external" libraries. Hardly adds any size …
21 years |
mmarquar |
changed includes from <> to ""
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added all the new templates needed.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Changed the include to reflect the changes to SDWriter.h
21 years |
mmarquar |
Changes to reflect split up of SDMemTableWrapper.h. Added new function …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added a few default args and wrapper for nScans().
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added wrappers for all the new functions. Changed the file to reflect …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Moved the class from SDWriter.h to here.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Moved the wrapper class inot own file.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Split up SDMemTableWrapper into the various classes in contained.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Removed other Wrapper classes and put them into their own files. …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Removed name_ related fields and functions.
Changed getTime to sprint …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Split up SDMemTableWrapper into the various classes in conaitned.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Fixed various defects. Added averaging of multiple scans, rms, and …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added resize function.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Minor edits to verbose info. added empty close function. Switched …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added MathUtils, and -lwcs
21 years |
mmarquar |
added default args and getabscissa
21 years |
mmarquar |
added hanning,baseline
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added python wrappers for type double
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added wrappers for baseline,hanning and getAbscissa.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added templates for hanning, and vector conversions
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added handling of frequencies, SpectralCoordinate and an abscissa …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added baseline and hanning functions. Also added copying of scanid and …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Various Vector functions not present in aips++. Maybe move them there …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added std:: scope to string.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added scope std:: to string.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added frequency information handling.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added reading of frequency information. Also added the getAll flag to …
21 years |
mcalabre |
Added support for SDWriter.
21 years |
mcalabre |
Added python_SDWriter().
21 years |
mcalabre |
Python binding to C++ SDWriter class.
21 years |
mcalabre |
ASAP class to write out single dish spectra.
21 years |
mcalabre |
Added new member functions:
Array<Float> getSpectrum(uInt …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Changed scanid member from uInt to Int