20 years |
kil064 |
remove pa offset from getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
rework bindings for stokes conversion and associated functions
20 years |
mar637 |
* Added history support.
* Added version keyword to SDMemTable.
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFitTable to handle fits and expose them to python vi the sdfit …
20 years |
kil064 |
move SDMemTable::rotateXYPhase to SDMath
20 years |
mar637 |
added _addfit
20 years |
kil064 |
add arg 'doAll' to rotateXYPhase and no longer'
use direct python binding
20 years |
kil064 |
add function getCircularSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add paOffset to function SDmemTable::getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add getStokesSpectrum
20 years |
mar637 |
added default arg to summary
20 years |
kil064 |
add rest freq specification by line name
add function spectraLines to …
20 years |
kil064 |
merge SDMemTable::{selectRestFrequcy,setRestFrequencies} into one …
20 years |
kil064 |
support RESTFREQID column in SDMemTable object
20 years |
kil064 |
chgange binding to setInstrument
20 years |
mar637 |
renamed a lot to _* to hide it in the class
20 years |
kil064 |
add setInstrument
20 years |
kil064 |
add function 'set_fluxunit'
20 years |
mar637 |
* added method to retrieve flux unit
20 years |
kil064 |
Correct spelling 'abscissa' -> 'abcissa'
20 years |
kil064 |
function 'get_tsys' now returns a vector looping over all rows
in table
20 years |
mar637 |
Moved to casa namespace.
Adjusted the copyright to be ATNF.
20 years |
mar637 |
renamed save to _save
20 years |
mar637 |
renaming of functions
20 years |
mar637 |
disbaled default constructor
added copy function
naming changes
21 years |
mar637 |
chnaged namesapce form "atnf_sd" to "asap"
21 years |
mar637 |
a) Changed interface to "taql" to allow for source name seraches.
b) …
21 years |
mar637 |
Added support of source direction.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Added a few default args and wrapper for nScans().
21 years |
mmarquar |
added default args and getabscissa
21 years |
mmarquar |
Removed name function. Add default args to getspectrum/getmask.
21 years |
mmarquar |
Moved SDHeader from SDReader to SDConatiner. Added header to …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Updated data container. Changed the axis order in the spectrum/flag …
21 years |
mmarquar |
Initial revision