# # ChangeLog for trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 02/18/25 03:20:27 Tue, 07 Jun 2011 13:49:53 GMT WataruKawasaki [2186] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.h (modified) * trunk/src/ScantableWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_Scantable.cpp (modified) New Development: Yes JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-3149 ... Tue, 10 May 2011 05:02:56 GMT Malte Marquarding [2163] * trunk/src/LineCatalog.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/PKSFiller.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/PKSFiller.h (modified) * trunk/src/STAsciiWriter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STAttr.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STFiller.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STFitter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STLineFinder.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STPol.h (modified) * trunk/src/STPolLinear.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STWriter.h (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.h (modified) * trunk/src/ScantableWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_asap.h (modified) Remove various compiler warnings Fri, 08 Apr 2011 12:08:35 GMT WataruKawasaki [2127] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified) New Development: No JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-2776 ... Fri, 08 Apr 2011 11:01:15 GMT WataruKawasaki [2125] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/RowAccumulator.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/python_Scantable.cpp (modified) New Development: No JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-2776 ... Mon, 02 Aug 2010 07:28:20 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1819] * trunk/Makefile (copied) * trunk/SConstruct (modified) * trunk/apps (modified) * trunk/apps/Makefile (copied) * trunk/apps/asap2to3.cpp (modified) * trunk/external-alma (copied) * trunk/getsvnrev.sh (copied) * trunk/python (modified) * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) * trunk/python/asapfitter.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplot.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplotbase.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplotgui.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplotgui_gtk.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplotgui_qt4.py (copied) * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) * trunk/python/asapplotter.py (modified) * trunk/python/asapreader.py (modified) * trunk/python/casatoolbar.py (copied) * trunk/python/compatibility.py (copied) * trunk/python/coordinate.py (copied) * trunk/python/env.py (copied) * trunk/python/interactivemask.py (copied) * trunk/python/lagflagger.py (copied) * trunk/python/linecatalog.py (modified) * trunk/python/logging.py (copied) * trunk/python/opacity.py (copied) * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) * trunk/python/selector.py (modified) * trunk/python/simplelinefinder.py (copied) * trunk/src (modified) * trunk/src/AsapLogSink.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/AsapLogSink.h (copied) * trunk/src/FillerBase.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/FillerBase.h (copied) * trunk/src/FillerWrapper.h (copied) * trunk/src/IndexedCompare.h (copied) * trunk/src/Lorentzian1D.h (copied) * trunk/src/Lorentzian1D.tcc (copied) * trunk/src/Lorentzian1D2.tcc (copied) * trunk/src/Lorentzian1DParam.h (copied) * trunk/src/Lorentzian1DParam.tcc (copied) * trunk/src/Makefile (copied) * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/NROFiller.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/NROFiller.h (copied) * trunk/src/PKSFiller.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/PKSFiller.h (copied) * trunk/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/RowAccumulator.h (modified) * trunk/src/SConscript (modified) * trunk/src/STAsciiWriter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STAtmosphere.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/STAtmosphere.h (copied) * trunk/src/STCoordinate.h (copied) * trunk/src/STFITSImageWriter.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/STFITSImageWriter.h (copied) * trunk/src/STFiller.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STFiller.h (modified) * trunk/src/STFitter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STFrequencies.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STFrequencies.h (modified) * trunk/src/STHeader.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMolecules.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMolecules.h (modified) * trunk/src/STSelector.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STSelector.h (modified) * trunk/src/STWriter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STWriter.h (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.h (modified) * trunk/src/ScantableWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/Templates.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_Filler.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_LogSink.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_STAtmosphere.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_STCoordinate.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/python_STSelector.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/python_Scantable.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/python_SrcType.cpp (copied) * trunk/src/python_asap.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/python_asap.h (modified) New Development: No JIRA Issue: No (merge alma branch to ... Mon, 29 Jun 2009 02:04:00 GMT Malte Marquarding [1570] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified) Ticket #167: c++ part of running polynomial smoothing Thu, 31 Jan 2008 04:17:03 GMT Malte Marquarding [1412] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) use stl type array iterators as in the new version of casacore Fri, 13 Jul 2007 02:06:33 GMT mar637 [1382] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) use the next value in slider from i+hwidth not i Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:02:35 GMT mar637 [1376] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) removed debug cout Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:43:56 GMT mar637 [1373] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) Added running median to smooth. This addresses Ticket #115 Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:07:38 GMT mar637 [1325] * trunk/SConstruct (modified) * trunk/external/SConscript (added) * trunk/external/atnf (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/FITSreader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/FITSreader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBFITSreader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBFITSreader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSFITSreader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSFITSreader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMBrecord.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMBrecord.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2reader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2reader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2writer.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2writer.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSreader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSreader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSwriter.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSreader.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSreader.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSwriter.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSwriter.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/PKSIO/makefile (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks/makefile (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks/pks_maths.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks/pks_maths.h (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks/pksmb_support.cc (added) * trunk/external/atnf/pks/pksmb_support.h (added) * trunk/scons/casa.py (deleted) * trunk/scons/utils.py (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils2.cpp (deleted) * trunk/src/SConscript (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/Templates.cpp (deleted) Changes to use casacore instead of casa_asap/aips++\nAdded atnf PKSIO ... Thu, 06 Apr 2006 03:45:58 GMT mar637 [996] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STAsciiWriter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STAsciiWriter.h (modified) * trunk/src/STAttr.h (modified) * trunk/src/STFiller.h (modified) * trunk/src/STLineFinder.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMath.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/STWriter.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/Scantable.cpp (modified) more fixes after compiling with -Wall. Wed, 05 Apr 2006 02:48:20 GMT mar637 [983] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cpp (moved) * trunk/src/MathUtils2.cpp (moved) file xtension rename .cc -> .cpp Fri, 17 Feb 2006 04:04:14 GMT mar637 [829] * trunk/src/MathUtils.cc (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils.h (modified) * trunk/src/MathUtils2.cc (modified) asap2 integration