20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion arg. to function 'save'
20 years |
kil064 |
arg. 'all' -> 'allaxes' to be consistent with asapmath.py
use same …
20 years |
kil064 |
add rotate_xyphase
20 years |
mar637 |
Made note about reader limitation on rpfits.
fixed up summary (again)
20 years |
mar637 |
Added catch for illegal filenames in summary to file.
20 years |
mar637 |
Added handling of environment variables throughout.
20 years |
mar637 |
Minor fixes around asapreader/sdreader
20 years |
kil064 |
add lines arg to funciton set_restfreqs
20 years |
kil064 |
merge set_restfreqs and select_restfreqs into 1
20 years |
kil064 |
add function select_restfreq
20 years |
mar637 |
* added verbose flag for scantable.summary
* enabled get_scan(list)
20 years |
kil064 |
add binding to function set_instrument (instead of direct pythin binding)
20 years |
kil064 |
finally fix scantable constructor for 'unit' handling.
i really must …
20 years |
kil064 |
remve 'unit' from reader constructor
20 years |
kil064 |
handle user specified unit (reader/constructor) at python level now not C++
20 years |
kil064 |
add unit arg to constructor to take advantage of new reader feature
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to asapreader interface
20 years |
mar637 |
Added deafult filename warning.
Added warning to internal plotter.
20 years |
kil064 |
document function 'save' better for 'image fits' output
20 years |
kil064 |
add set_doppler
20 years |
mar637 |
* rewrote save to avoid using empty filenames
* rewrote stat,tsys …
20 years |
kil064 |
modify stats function to pass row number arg to C++ statistics
20 years |
mar637 |
added rcParams to support rc style default parameters, read from .asaprc
20 years |
kil064 |
document ascii file save capability
20 years |
kil064 |
imporve docs for function 'save'
20 years |
kil064 |
allow FITS format in function 'save'
20 years |
mar637 |
* empty log message *
20 years |
mar637 |
Added a constructor from foreign types (e.g. rpfits)
Reworked output …
20 years |
kil064 |
Correct spelling 'abscissa' -> 'abcissa'
20 years |
kil064 |
comment out print statements for function 'get_tsys'
as now returns a …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function 'stats'
function 'rms' -> 'stddev'
20 years |
mar637 |
fixed bug in _verbose. Test length first.
20 years |
mar637 |
added subplotting to plot(). Fixed verbose.
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFITS writing.
20 years |
mar637 |
version 0.1a
20 years |
mar637 |
The main pyhton asap container class