18 years |
mar637 |
changed order of blas and lapack
18 years |
mar637 |
on darwin exit if scons < 0.96.95
18 years |
mar637 |
enabled customisable lib names
18 years |
mar637 |
only check for libcasa_casa
18 years |
mar637 |
Changes to use casacore instead of casa_asap/aips++\nAdded atnf PKSIO …
18 years |
mar637 |
merge from asap2.1.1 release tag
18 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.1b tag
18 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1 branch
18 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
added module test action. fixed makedist target including install script.
19 years |
mar637 |
fix for install target for ipythonrc-asap
19 years |
mar637 |
fix depency of makedist on install
19 years |
mar637 |
complete rework of install target, added data install, and also …
19 years |
mar637 |
modified inatll tree to also include data dir
19 years |
mar637 |
finishing touches to making scons makedist=xyz work
19 years |
mar637 |
reworked creating binary dist
19 years |
mar637 |
fix for 64bit path replacement
19 years |
mar637 |
enabled custom library directories. Multiple level check for cfitsio
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed error in moduledir hack for 64bit
19 years |
mar637 |
more work on a modular scons set up
19 years |
mar637 |
changed to use scons environments. added cutom paths.
19 years |
mar637 |
more fixes to 64bit install
19 years |
mar637 |
more fixes to casa detection
19 years |
mar637 |
add tree install
19 years |
mar637 |
added -fPIC to 64bit CPPFLAGS, as thsi is need even for static libs
19 years |
mar637 |
moved helper functions into scons subdir. added disttar builder. …
19 years |
mar637 |
more clever use of python…
19 years |
mar637 |
added more auto-detection of libs
19 years |
mar637 |
Initial rev of scons files