# ChangeLog for branches/alma/python
# Generated by Trac 1.6
# 03/14/25 08:34:10

Mon, 02 Aug 2010 06:10:43 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1818]
	* branches/alma (modified)
	* branches/alma/SConstruct (modified)
	* branches/alma/external-alma/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2reader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external-alma/atnf/PKSIO/PKSrecord.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external-alma/atnf/pks/pks_maths.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/env.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/python/logging.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/AsapLogSink.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/AsapLogSink.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/FillerBase.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/FillerBase.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/FillerWrapper.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/Makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/NROFiller.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/NROFiller.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/PKSFiller.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/PKSFiller.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/SConscript (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_Filler.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/python_LogSink.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.h (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: No (merge)

Fri, 30 Jul 2010 04:46:03 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1782]
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSmsg.cc (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSmsg.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/pks_maths.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapreader.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/SConscript (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: No (merge)

Fri, 30 Jul 2010 01:32:50 GMT Malte Marquarding [1781]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	Fix for handling multiple restfrequencies. list of list didn't work ...

Thu, 29 Jul 2010 06:29:30 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1770]
	* branches/alma (modified)
	* branches/alma/INSTALL (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/opacity.py (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: No (to merge the alma ...

Wed, 14 Jul 2010 04:53:59 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1768]
	* branches/alma/python/casatoolbar.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	        Ready for ...

Wed, 14 Jul 2010 04:14:52 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1767]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No (no effect)

Wed, 14 Jul 2010 04:10:43 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1766]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No (a bug fix)

Tue, 13 Jul 2010 13:25:48 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1765]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/casatoolbar.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No (bug fixes)

Thu, 01 Jul 2010 04:26:36 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1759]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplot.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No (a bug fix)

Fri, 18 Jun 2010 09:00:13 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1758]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS2065)

Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:03:06 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1757]
	* branches/alma (modified)
	* branches/alma/COPYING (modified)
	* branches/alma/INSTALL (modified)
	* branches/alma/Makefile (added)
	* branches/alma/SConstruct (modified)
	* branches/alma/apps (copied)
	* branches/alma/apps/SConscript (copied)
	* branches/alma/apps/asap2to3.cpp (copied)
	* branches/alma/bin/asap (modified)
	* branches/alma/bin/install (modified)
	* branches/alma/doc/CHANGELOG (modified)
	* branches/alma/doc/userguide.tex (modified)
	* branches/alma/examples/waterfall.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEDataset.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEDataset.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEFXDataset.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEFXDataset.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEFXReader.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEFXReader.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEReader.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/ASTEReader.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/FITSreader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/FITSreader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBFITSreader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBFITSreader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBrecord.cc (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/MBrecord.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRO45FITSReader.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRO45FITSReader.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRO45Reader.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRO45Reader.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRODataRecord.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRODataset.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NRODataset.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROFITSDataset.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROFITSDataset.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROOTFDataset.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROOTFDataset.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROReader.cc (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/NROReader.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSFITSreader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSFITSreader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMBrecord.cc (deleted)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMBrecord.h (deleted)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2reader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2reader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2writer.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSMS2writer.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSreader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSreader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSrecord.h (copied)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/PKSwriter.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSreader.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSreader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSwriter.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/SDFITSwriter.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/SrcType.h (added)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/PKSIO/makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/pks_maths.cc (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/pks_maths.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/pksmb_support.cc (deleted)
	* branches/alma/external/atnf/pks/pksmb_support.h (deleted)
	* branches/alma/getsvnrev.sh (added)
	* branches/alma/monitor/cgi-bin/asapconfig.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/monitor/cgi-bin/asapmon.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/monitor/cgi-bin/obsconfig.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/monitor/htdocs/asapmon.html.template (modified)
	* branches/alma/monitor/htdocs/prototype.js (copied)
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplinefind.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplot.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui_gtk.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui_qt4.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapreader.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/compatibility.py (added)
	* branches/alma/python/coordinate.py (added)
	* branches/alma/python/lagflagger.py (added)
	* branches/alma/python/opacity.py (added)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/selector.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/simplelinefinder.py (added)
	* branches/alma/scons/quietinstall.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/scons/utils.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/share/ipy_user_conf.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/IndexedCompare.h (added)
	* branches/alma/src/Makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STAsciiWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STAtmosphere.cpp (added)
	* branches/alma/src/STAtmosphere.h (added)
	* branches/alma/src/STAttr.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STCoordinate.h (added)
	* branches/alma/src/STDefs.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFITSImageWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFocus.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFocus.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFrequencies.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STLineFinder.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STLineFinder.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STPol.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWriter.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/ScantableWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STAtmosphere.cpp (added)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STCoordinate.cpp (added)
	* branches/alma/src/python_Scantable.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/test (modified)
	* branches/alma/test/data/MOPS.rpf (copied)
	* branches/alma/test/data/atca_spectrum.dat (copied)
	* branches/alma/test/data/mopra_g327.3-0.6.sdfits (copied)
	* branches/alma/test/file-io.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/test/linefind.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/test/parkes-pol.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/test/simple_linefind.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/test/test_scantable.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/Makefile (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/_build (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/_static (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/_static/basic.css (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/_templates (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/conf.py (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/index.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/python_introduction.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/tutorial_1.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/tutorial_2.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/tutorial_3.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/tutorial_4.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/tutorials/tutorial_5.rst (copied)
	* branches/alma/web/index.html (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-2211)

Fri, 30 Apr 2010 05:02:51 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1732]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-2064, 1801)

Wed, 28 Apr 2010 04:33:35 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1729]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:42:50 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1724]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/casatoolbar.py (added)
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)

Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:38:20 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1723]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801, CAS-2064) ...

Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:44:01 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1717]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1817)

Wed, 17 Mar 2010 08:03:05 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1714]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1817)

Tue, 16 Feb 2010 07:35:38 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1702]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1077)

Tue, 16 Feb 2010 05:29:35 GMT WataruKawasaki [1701]
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1800 + ...

Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:58:52 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1699]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:31:55 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1698]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1077)

Wed, 10 Feb 2010 08:39:06 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1693]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/selector.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STSelector.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STSelector.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STSelector.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_SrcType.cpp (added)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.h (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1908

Mon, 08 Feb 2010 05:22:11 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1686]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Thu, 04 Feb 2010 09:44:44 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1685]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1810

Thu, 04 Feb 2010 09:42:12 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1684]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.h (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1810

Tue, 02 Feb 2010 07:47:39 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1682]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Fri, 29 Jan 2010 07:14:51 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1681]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Fri, 29 Jan 2010 03:07:38 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1680]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Fri, 29 Jan 2010 03:02:29 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1679]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Thu, 28 Jan 2010 06:48:32 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1678]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Wed, 27 Jan 2010 07:29:48 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1677]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STMath.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1823

Wed, 27 Jan 2010 00:43:10 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1676]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1920

Wed, 13 Jan 2010 01:50:13 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1673]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STMath.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1799

Fri, 04 Dec 2009 23:37:58 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1667]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Thu, 03 Dec 2009 05:36:08 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1666]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Fri, 27 Nov 2009 04:54:30 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1662]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:56:29 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1660]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-729 and 1147

Fri, 13 Nov 2009 06:33:49 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1659]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1441)

Thu, 05 Nov 2009 10:40:21 GMT WataruKawasaki [1655]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1433)

Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:47:17 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1653]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1431)

Wed, 21 Oct 2009 04:17:15 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1651]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1441)

Wed, 21 Oct 2009 02:54:00 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1650]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1441)

Wed, 07 Oct 2009 17:03:03 GMT TakTsutsumi [1649]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No (regression test ...

Thu, 01 Oct 2009 05:17:33 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1640]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui_qt4.py (added)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1077)

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 07:56:00 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1639]
	* branches/alma/python/selector.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STSelector.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STSelector.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STSelector.cpp (modified)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1429)

Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:04:34 GMT WataruKawasaki [1637]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1434)

Fri, 18 Sep 2009 08:42:35 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1634]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.h (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1422

Wed, 16 Sep 2009 07:11:16 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1633]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STMath.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes  CAS-1422

Fri, 11 Sep 2009 02:18:38 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1632]
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Tue, 08 Sep 2009 08:47:19 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1631]
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1424

Fri, 04 Sep 2009 05:49:39 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1630]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Thu, 03 Sep 2009 10:33:39 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1629]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1428)

Thu, 03 Sep 2009 05:23:44 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1628]
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Thu, 03 Sep 2009 05:15:48 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1627]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Tue, 25 Aug 2009 01:58:00 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1625]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Fri, 21 Aug 2009 19:54:39 GMT TakTsutsumi [1624]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Tue, 18 Aug 2009 07:57:23 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1623]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Mon, 17 Aug 2009 07:27:12 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1622]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Sat, 15 Aug 2009 10:46:28 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1621]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Sat, 15 Aug 2009 09:00:32 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1620]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Sat, 15 Aug 2009 08:33:15 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1619]
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui_gtk.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Thu, 06 Aug 2009 06:05:48 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1615]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-729, CAS-1147

Thu, 06 Aug 2009 05:48:39 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1614]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/linecatalog.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-729, CAS-1147

Thu, 06 Aug 2009 00:36:30 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1613]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Wed, 05 Aug 2009 07:48:43 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1612]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/linecatalog.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-729, CAS-1147

Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:58:28 GMT TakTsutsumi [1605]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:35:47 GMT TakTsutsumi [1603]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotgui.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/linecatalog.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/selector.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/LineCatalog.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/LineCatalog.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Makefile (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFrequencies.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STHeader.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STHeader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STLineFinder.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STSelector.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWeather.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWeather.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_asap.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No, merge with asap2.3.1
	            JIRA Issue: ...

Mon, 08 Jun 2009 08:11:11 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1566]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Wed, 08 Apr 2009 09:20:34 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1562]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1298)

Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:27:14 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1530]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1079)

Fri, 06 Mar 2009 01:24:17 GMT TakTsutsumi [1522]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:22:57 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1517]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1079)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:39:09 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1515]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1079)

Thu, 05 Feb 2009 02:55:33 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1498]
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Wed, 04 Feb 2009 00:01:51 GMT TakTsutsumi [1496]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:50:25 GMT TakTsutsumi [1494]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 01:56:22 GMT Takeshi Nakazato [1461]
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1085

Thu, 18 Dec 2008 08:36:57 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1460]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/interactivemask.py (added)

	New Development: Yes
	            JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1080)

Thu, 18 Dec 2008 00:07:16 GMT TakTsutsumi [1457]
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Fri, 12 Dec 2008 05:47:56 GMT Kana Sugimoto [1456]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

	New Development: No
	            JIRA Issue: No
	      Ready to ...

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 06:04:01 GMT TakTsutsumi [1446]
	* branches/alma/Makefile (added)
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asaplotbase.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Makefile (added)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/MathUtils.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/RowAccumulator.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STAsciiWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFiller.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFrequencies.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STFrequencies.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMath.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMathWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMolecules.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STMolecules.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STWriter.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Scantable.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/ScantableWrapper.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/Templates.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STMath.cpp (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_Scantable.cpp (modified)

	Merged recent updates (since 2007) from nrao-asap

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 05:34:57 GMT TakTsutsumi [1445]
	* branches/alma/python/__init__.py (modified)

Fri, 14 Dec 2007 23:46:22 GMT TakTsutsumi [1401]
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	add unflag to flag function

Thu, 26 Jul 2007 16:08:12 GMT TakTsutsumi [1389]
	* branches/alma/python/asapfitter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapmath.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/asapplotter.py (modified)
	* branches/alma/python/scantable.py (modified)

	merged from NRAO version of ASAP2.1 with ALMA specific modifications

Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:41:55 GMT Malte Marquarding [1386]
	* branches/alma (copied)
	* branches/alma/src/STFitter.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/STHeader.h (modified)
	* branches/alma/src/python_STFiller.cpp (modified)

	created alma branch for NRAO

Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:49:25 GMT mar637 [1378]
	* trunk/python/__init__.py (modified)

	changed trac ticket url