17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
changed the name oof fields.css
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added the javascript ajax library
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Provide a more useful warning then 'oh oh'
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added example for waterfall plots
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
only add weight if there is a valid channel
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
removed debug cout
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use stl type array iterators as in the new version of casacore
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added getEpoch member function
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Mark C added brightness unit to PKSreader/writer
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use english spelling of centre not center
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use pylab as a reference
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added apps directory for c++ binaries e.g. test/debug programs
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
work with the latest version of casacore; made release mode default. …
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added warning about large tabke linux bug
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
minor corrections
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
removed some hardcoded locations
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
implemented iterator to iterate through rows
17 years |
TakTsutsumi |
add unflag to flag function
17 years |
TakTsutsumi |
added unflag parameter to flag function
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Mark C added brightness unit to getHeader()
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
made n_ unsigned integer (from float) to maybe speed things up a bit
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
changed sourcecode->svn
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added -Wall flag to debug target
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
some minor documentation fixes
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
some minor fixes for typos and outdated info
18 years |
TakTsutsumi |
Changes to handle GBT MS data
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
didn't setup times in case of asdatetime
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
merge from alma branch to get alma/GBT support. Commented out fluxUnit …
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fix for scanning data, where direction can change per cycle not only …
18 years |
TakTsutsumi |
merged from NRAO version of ASAP2.1 with ALMA specific modifications
18 years |
TakTsutsumi |
merged from NRAO version of ASAP2.1 with ALMA specific modifications
18 years |
TakTsutsumi |
merged from NRAO version of ASAP 2.1 with ALMA specific modifications
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
created alma branch for NRAO