19 years |
mar637 |
added stub for mx_quotient
19 years |
mar637 |
add mxExtract the first step to do MX quotients
19 years |
mar637 |
temporary hack for import of methanol multibeam data
19 years |
mar637 |
enabled custom library directories. Multiple level check for cfitsio
19 years |
mar637 |
added hack to prevent scons from failing when ditr doesn't exists
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed error in moduledir hack for 64bit
19 years |
mar637 |
more work on a modular scons set up
19 years |
mar637 |
added numpy/numarray detection
19 years |
mar637 |
set svn:keywords
19 years |
mar637 |
changed revision tag
19 years |
mar637 |
A linecatlog class for asap. Initial revision
19 years |
mar637 |
changed to use scons environments. added cutom paths.
19 years |
mar637 |
changed to use scons environments
19 years |
mar637 |
more fixes to 64bit install
19 years |
mar637 |
more fixes to casa detection
19 years |
mar637 |
added linecatalog to python inteface
19 years |
mar637 |
add tree install
19 years |
mar637 |
utility to install directory trees
19 years |
mar637 |
added -fPIC to 64bit CPPFLAGS, as thsi is need even for static libs
19 years |
mar637 |
install file for python code
19 years |
mar637 |
added static lib build for asap
19 years |
mar637 |
moved helper functions into scons subdir. added disttar builder. …
19 years |
mar637 |
scons utilities
19 years |
mar637 |
fixes for pylint reported violations
19 years |
mar637 |
added entry for merge()
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed up import of MaskedArray to make it usable with numpy and numarray
19 years |
mar637 |
added patch from Tak, so the constructor works with ms directories.
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed indentation
19 years |
mar637 |
towards a working version
19 years |
mar637 |
added uint template used by Scantable::getNumbers
19 years |
mar637 |
add getNumbers utility function, which is now called by all function …
19 years |
mar637 |
added detection of telesope for paddle scan rejection as this was …
19 years |
mar637 |
removed print statement
19 years |
mar637 |
first version which compiles
19 years |
mar637 |
Don't need this anymore. We use track now.
19 years |
mar637 |
added doxygen documentation
19 years |
mar637 |
more clever use of python…
19 years |
mar637 |
added doxygen documentation
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed ifndef
19 years |
mar637 |
added documentation
fixed ifndef
19 years |
mar637 |
added default legend font size; added proper raise for wrong argument; …
19 years |
mar637 |
removed hardcoding of legend font size
19 years |
mar637 |
moved average_channel into average_time as an addition weight
19 years |
mar637 |
fix to legend location.
19 years |
mar637 |
reduced number of * imports. added plotter.papertype to rcparams
19 years |
mar637 |
added legend placing/disable to set_legend. Changed decimate from 2048 …
19 years |
mar637 |
moved mpl version check to class import. It prints warning now. No …
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed bug introduced in last chheck-in. get_fit instead of getfit
19 years |
mar637 |
removed FITS output, added drop_scan function
19 years |
mar637 |
Fix for ticket #54
19 years |
mar637 |
remove encomapssing asap namespace, add asap:: scope to Scantable
19 years |
mar637 |
added more auto-detection of libs
19 years |
mar637 |
alternative plotter widget based on GTk. Not used anywhere - yet
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of spectrum and mask for plotting. THIS isn't tested …
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of homemade masking; This probably breaks old (woody) …
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of homemade masking; some work on aut-scaling label …
19 years |
mar637 |
only import scantable form scantable
19 years |
mar637 |
use draw instead of show
19 years |
mar637 |
asap2 compliance
19 years |
mar637 |
Initial rev of scons files
19 years |
mar637 |
using obsType to skip paddle scans
19 years |
mar637 |
move all the environment set-up into python asap module. only detect …
19 years |
mar637 |
make storage rcparam casa-insensitive
19 years |
mar637 |
added scan averaging to average_channel
19 years |
mar637 |
enabled another constructor to handle disk based tables; chnaged this …
19 years |
mar637 |
added rc parameter scanatble.storage
19 years |
mar637 |
added errors to class; added fit convergence test; optional …
19 years |
mar637 |
Ticket #50 - arbitrary quotient
19 years |
mar637 |
Ticket #48 - enable disk based scantable. added scan averaging to …
19 years |
mar637 |
PKSreader/writer addition keyword obstype
19 years |
mar637 |
minor updates and fixes
19 years |
mar637 |
enhancement ticket #35. median scantable; also added get_column
19 years |
mar637 |
enhancement ticket #35. median scantable
19 years |
mar637 |
added Scantable::getDirectionString; added Scantable::setSourceType
19 years |
mar637 |
removed the 10% edge removal in estimate. It disabled the mask. Defect …
19 years |
mar637 |
Enhancement Ticket #50; arbitrary quotients.
19 years |
phi196 |
Added release version column and a couple more requirements
19 years |
phi196 |
Minor updates
19 years |
mar637 |
resolved requirement
19 years |
mar637 |
a list of known useres of the package
19 years |
mar637 |
Added feature Ticket #42; The user can now plot the fits adn reject them.
19 years |
mar637 |
Tracking changes in PKSreader/writer for MOPS support.
19 years |
mar637 |
merge from Release2.0
19 years |
mar637 |
Fix for Ticket #37; left over variable form asap1.
19 years |
mar637 |
Version bump for minor bug release
19 years |
mar637 |
Fix for Ticket #38; typo aligendlst caused this.
19 years |
mar637 |
requirements completion matrix as of Release2.0
19 years |
mar637 |
merge from branches/Release2.0
19 years |
mar637 |
also added CHANGLOG to dist
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed typo
19 years |
mar637 |
added extra changes to Release2.0 notes
19 years |
phi196 |
Updated for release 2.0
19 years |
phi196 |
Ticker #9 final asap2.0 updates
19 years |
mar637 |
merge from trunk
19 years |
mar637 |
Ticket #29. added Table Column OPACITY. This is not used anywhere yet
19 years |
mar637 |
merge from trunk
19 years |
mar637 |
Bug fix for default value in set_*
19 years |
mar637 |
Remove beta from version number
19 years |
mar637 |
This is the official Release branch for version 2.0
19 years |
mar637 |
small update