# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 03/02/25 01:59:01 Mon, 31 Jan 2005 10:28:33 GMT kil064 [340] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) add unit arg to constructor to take advantage of new reader feature Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:54:39 GMT kil064 [339] * trunk/python/asapreader.py (modified) add unit to constructor Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:54:05 GMT kil064 [338] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDReader.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDReaderWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_SDReader.cc (modified) add brightness unit to constructor Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:34:50 GMT kil064 [337] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) set defaulkt brightness units dpenending upon telescope Mon, 31 Jan 2005 08:52:46 GMT kil064 [336] * trunk/src/SDContainer.cc (modified) add return True to setSpectrum Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:33:50 GMT kil064 [335] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) oops back out of a couple of RESTFREQID changes that I included by ... Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:21:24 GMT kil064 [334] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) track change to asapreader interface Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:18:50 GMT kil064 [333] * trunk/python/asapreader.py (modified) allow IF and beam selection Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:17:22 GMT kil064 [332] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDReader.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDReaderWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_SDReader.cc (modified) add IF and beam selection Mon, 31 Jan 2005 04:48:36 GMT vor010 [331] * trunk/python/asaplinefind.py (modified) * trunk/src/SDLineFinder.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDLineFinder.h (modified) Line searching algorithm is now in the separate class LFRunningMean. ... Mon, 31 Jan 2005 01:11:36 GMT kil064 [330] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) reqork frequency alignment to - only make the required numnber of ... Mon, 31 Jan 2005 01:05:22 GMT kil064 [329] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) make sure call attach() function in all constructors Sun, 30 Jan 2005 15:41:07 GMT kil064 [328] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) fix non-compile typo Sun, 30 Jan 2005 15:40:52 GMT kil064 [327] * trunk/src/SDContainer.cc (modified) format better in SDDataDesc::summary Sun, 30 Jan 2005 15:27:49 GMT kil064 [326] * trunk/src/SDContainer.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDContainer.h (modified) add class SDDataDesc Sun, 30 Jan 2005 11:12:03 GMT kil064 [325] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) more preciion for ref val in freq table summary Sun, 30 Jan 2005 07:01:46 GMT kil064 [324] * trunk/src/SDWriter.cc (modified) the majority of the frequency information for each row was not being ... Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:36:37 GMT kil064 [323] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) remove debug state,ment Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:30:41 GMT kil064 [322] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) cache all the ScalarColumn and ArrayColumn objects to avoid ... Fri, 28 Jan 2005 08:12:45 GMT kil064 [321] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) add listing of Frequency table to summary function Fri, 28 Jan 2005 08:12:28 GMT kil064 [320] * trunk/src/SDContainer.h (modified) document SDFreqTable functions a bit Fri, 28 Jan 2005 03:47:22 GMT kil064 [319] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) function 'freq_align' now takes interpolation method string Fri, 28 Jan 2005 03:46:59 GMT kil064 [318] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) frequency alignment now takes interpolation methd argumenbt Fri, 28 Jan 2005 03:46:42 GMT kil064 [317] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) add interpolatiun method argument to function 'frequencyAlign' Thu, 27 Jan 2005 15:09:40 GMT kil064 [316] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add arg. 'weight' to function average_pol Thu, 27 Jan 2005 15:09:17 GMT kil064 [315] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) add arg 'weightStr' to function SDMath::averagePol Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:52:02 GMT kil064 [314] * trunk/src/SDContainer.h (modified) add a missing ; :-( Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:53:42 GMT kil064 [313] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) replace velocity alignment bvy fredquemncy alignment function Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:52:31 GMT kil064 [312] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) replace veloicity alignment by frequency alignment function Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:51:06 GMT kil064 [311] * trunk/src/python_SDMath.cc (modified) replace velocity alignment function by frequency alignment one Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:50:33 GMT kil064 [310] * trunk/src/SDTemplates.cc (modified) replace VelocityAlignment template with FrequencyAlignment Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:49:56 GMT kil064 [309] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) remove 'velocityALignment' functions for new 'frequencyAlignment' ones Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:48:53 GMT kil064 [308] * trunk/src/SDContainer.cc (modified) use function 'near' in function SDFreqTable:addFrequency to test ... Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:47:48 GMT kil064 [307] * trunk/src/SDContainer.h (modified) document units in SDFreqTable fix probklem with refPix being Int ... Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:47:09 GMT kil064 [306] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) implement function getSDFreqTable which was empty before Thu, 27 Jan 2005 04:27:35 GMT kil064 [305] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) document when cursor reset to 0 on output scan Thu, 27 Jan 2005 04:23:12 GMT kil064 [304] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) reset cursor to 0 few some output scan tables Thu, 27 Jan 2005 04:00:47 GMT kil064 [303] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) add function resetCursor Thu, 27 Jan 2005 03:25:21 GMT kil064 [302] * trunk/python/asapfitter.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplinefind.py (modified) getmask -> _getmask Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:00:39 GMT kil064 [301] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add function resample Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:00:25 GMT kil064 [300] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_SDMath.cc (modified) add resample wrappers Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:00:06 GMT kil064 [299] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) add resample function Tue, 25 Jan 2005 06:33:05 GMT kil064 [298] * trunk/python/asapfitter.py (modified) fix typo Tue, 25 Jan 2005 06:16:46 GMT vor010 [297] * trunk/bin/install.sh (modified) * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) * trunk/python/asaplinefind.py (added) * trunk/src/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/SDLineFinder.cc (added) * trunk/src/SDLineFinder.h (added) * trunk/src/python_SD.cc (modified) * trunk/src/python_SD.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_SDLineFinder.cc (added) SDLineFinder: C++ class and python binder have been added. This is ... Tue, 25 Jan 2005 03:58:20 GMT kil064 [296] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add arg. 'tsys' to simple_math and scale (optioanl application to Tsys) Tue, 25 Jan 2005 03:57:23 GMT kil064 [295] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) track some small changes to SDMath interface (addition of doTSys arg ... Tue, 25 Jan 2005 03:56:37 GMT kil064 [294] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) move some code into function generateVelocityAligners add arg. ... Tue, 25 Jan 2005 03:55:54 GMT kil064 [293] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) better documentation for a couple of functions Mon, 24 Jan 2005 07:23:45 GMT kil064 [292] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) track changes to enum SDDefs::Instrument Mon, 24 Jan 2005 07:23:22 GMT kil064 [291] * trunk/src/SDDefs.h (modified) make telescope enums more consistent with what comes out of SDReader ... Mon, 24 Jan 2005 07:10:18 GMT kil064 [290] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) check for file's existence and issue useful message if not there Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:56:42 GMT kil064 [289] * trunk/bin/install.sh (modified) remove no-longer present install file change group protections at ... Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:54:41 GMT kil064 [288] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) track changes to SDMemTable interfgace Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:54:22 GMT kil064 [287] * trunk/src/SDFITSImageWriter.cc (modified) trak change to SDMemTable interface Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:53:53 GMT kil064 [286] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) consolidate some SpectralCoordinate creation activities in ... Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:38:16 GMT mar637 [285] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) added test for $DISPLAY env variable. Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:21:14 GMT kil064 [284] * trunk/src/SDReader.cc (modified) handle environment variable in file name Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:17:50 GMT mar637 [283] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) Added deafult filename warning. Added warning to internal plotter. Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:14:07 GMT mar637 [282] * trunk/python/asapplotter.py (modified) removed comment on j=i Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:13:36 GMT mar637 [281] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) * revamped summary Function, added postion and number of integr. per ... Mon, 24 Jan 2005 03:15:19 GMT kil064 [280] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) document function 'save' better for 'image fits' output Mon, 24 Jan 2005 03:12:39 GMT kil064 [279] * trunk/src/SDFITSImageWriter.cc (modified) write output files into a directory Mon, 24 Jan 2005 02:51:59 GMT kil064 [278] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) another place the version string is set Mon, 24 Jan 2005 02:48:57 GMT kil064 [277] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) change version number to 0.2 (previous change lost somehow) Mon, 24 Jan 2005 01:34:32 GMT kil064 [276] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) add set_doppler Mon, 24 Jan 2005 01:31:27 GMT kil064 [275] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) finalize implement DOPPLER setting and using. Before it was just ... Mon, 24 Jan 2005 01:23:19 GMT mar637 [274] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) minor cosmetic changes. version no++ Sun, 23 Jan 2005 14:01:04 GMT kil064 [273] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add arg. 'reftime' to function 'align' Sun, 23 Jan 2005 14:00:14 GMT kil064 [272] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) add reference time arg. to function 'VelocityAlignment' Sun, 23 Jan 2005 09:27:12 GMT kil064 [271] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) document function 'align' more fully Sun, 23 Jan 2005 09:22:00 GMT kil064 [270] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) use new MaskedArray(IPosition,IPOsition) slice operator to simplyify ... Sun, 23 Jan 2005 08:24:16 GMT kil064 [269] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add function 'align' Sun, 23 Jan 2005 08:24:00 GMT kil064 [268] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) * trunk/src/python_SDMath.cc (modified) add insitu version of function veliocityAlignment Sun, 23 Jan 2005 08:23:45 GMT kil064 [267] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) split velocitryAlign into towo functins Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:43:25 GMT kil064 [266] * trunk/examples/test.py (modified) getspectrum -> _getspectrum Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:41:37 GMT kil064 [265] * trunk/examples/test.py (modified) set_selection -> set_cursor Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:39:24 GMT kil064 [264] * trunk/src/python_SDMath.cc (modified) add function 'align' Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:39:05 GMT kil064 [263] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) add base frame as well to function getCoordInfoI() Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:37:42 GMT kil064 [262] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) add functiom VelocityAlignment Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:37:09 GMT kil064 [261] * trunk/src/SDTemplates.cc (modified) add templates to support SDMath::VelocityAlignment Sat, 22 Jan 2005 05:42:38 GMT vor010 [260] * trunk/src/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTableWrapper.h (modified) SDMemTable & SDMemTableWrapper: formatSec and summary are now const ... Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:33:45 GMT mar637 [259] * trunk/python/asapfitter.py (modified) *renaming in scantable Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:31:17 GMT mar637 [258] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) *renaming all -> allaxes * added rcParams Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:28:02 GMT mar637 [257] * trunk/python/asapplotter.py (modified) *renaming in scantable *added custom x/y axis labels Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:25:08 GMT mar637 [256] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) * rewrote save to avoid using empty filenames * rewrote stat,tsys ... Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:22:46 GMT mar637 [255] * trunk/python/__init__.py (modified) *lots of renaming * added list_rcparameters selection -> cursor * ... Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:03:53 GMT mar637 [254] * trunk/src/SDContainer.h (modified) added setLength to SDFreqTable Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:03:20 GMT mar637 [253] * trunk/src/SDTemplates.cc (modified) added tovector double template Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:02:59 GMT mar637 [252] * trunk/src/python_SDMemTable.cc (modified) renamed a lot to _* to hide it in the class Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:02:25 GMT mar637 [251] * trunk/src/SDMemTable.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTable.h (modified) * trunk/src/SDMemTableWrapper.h (modified) * added getRestFreqs * filled in some of getSDFreqTable - not fully ... Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:36:03 GMT kil064 [250] * trunk/src/python_SDMath.cc (modified) track change to SDMathWrapper funcitn names Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:35:44 GMT kil064 [249] * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) rename some functions. quotient now implemented via SDMath::binaryOperate Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:34:59 GMT kil064 [248] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMath.h (modified) remove function 'quotient' and put its functionality into function ... Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:09:39 GMT kil064 [247] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) fix error in nRow test in function quotient Fri, 21 Jan 2005 03:06:18 GMT kil064 [246] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) in 'quotient' describe that ref can have one row Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:28:15 GMT kil064 [245] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add arg. 'preserve' to quotient. also document algorithm Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:27:47 GMT kil064 [244] * trunk/src/SDMath.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.cc (modified) * trunk/src/SDMathWrapper.h (modified) Add arg 'preserve' to quotient method to preserve continuum (or not) Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:27:12 GMT kil064 [243] * trunk/src/SDTemplates.cc (modified) coupled more MA templates Fri, 21 Jan 2005 01:31:45 GMT kil064 [242] * trunk/python/asapmath.py (modified) add b_operate gain_el (polynomials) opacity Fri, 21 Jan 2005 01:30:33 GMT kil064 [241] * trunk/python/scantable.py (modified) modify stats function to pass row number arg to C++ statistics ...