ASAP OS X (10.4)install

This might or might not work with 10.3. Obviously, steps specific for 10.4 have to be omitted.

Getting stuff has pre-packaged python modules.
From the section Mac OS X 10.4 (stock Python 2.3.5)
get From the section Mac OS X 10.3 (stock Python 2.3.0)
Next get ipython and run:
tar zxvf ipython-0.6.15.tar.gz
sudo python install
sudo ln -s ../../System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/bin/ipython /usr/bin/ipython

Tweaking it

Run the following in a terminal:
OSX comes with your own pimp pre-installed, so better use him!
sudo python `python -c "import pimp; print pimp.__file__"` -i readline
Then as 'root' or 'sudo' edit
In this file replace
backend : GTKAgg
backend : TkAgg

Now we have to patch matplotlib: Get this and run:

sudo cp -f /Library/Python/2.3/matplotlib/

Oh yeah there is ASAP, too

Get this. Unpack and run.
tar jxvf asap_osx.tar.bz2
sudo sh


Now you should be able to run "asap". On first run you might have to answer a few set-up questions (ipython) and get a lot of font related errors (matplotlib). Ignore these.