ASAP Homepage


The ATNF Spectral Analysis Package is a new software package to reduce single-dish, single-pointing spectral line observations. At this stage it is tuned towards data from ATNF instruments and reads/writes rpfits, sdfits and ms data. A release 1.2 of ASAP is available on linux systems at ATNF more...


Here are some example plots.

How to run

To get started, simply type "asap" at the *nix command line prompt.
Loading ASAP...
Welcome to ASAP v1.2 (2005/11/24) - the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package

Please report any bugs to:

[IMPORTANT: ASAP is 0-based]
Type commands() to get a list of all available ASAP commands.



ASAP has a cookbook for general use, and a reference manual for people who want to write scripts to reduce and analyse their data.

More detailed help is available via the help function.



ASAP is 0-based, i.e. all ranges (vectors) go from 0..n-1, if n is the number of elements.