import os import sys import distutils.sysconfig import platform import SCons # try to autodetect numpy def get_numpy_incdir(): try: # try to find an egg from pkg_resources import require tmp = require("numpy") import numpy return numpy.__path__[0]+"/core/include" except Exception: # now try standard package try: import numpy return numpy.__path__[0]+"/core/include" except ImportError: pass return "" def get_libdir(): return os.path.basename(distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')) LIBDIR = 'lib' #get_libdir() EnsureSConsVersion(1,0,0) opts = Variables("options.cache") opts.AddVariables( ("extraroot", "Addition tree to look for packages", None), ("extraflags", "Additional build flags", None), PathVariable("casacoreroot", "The location of casacore", "/usr/local"), BoolVariable("casacorestatic", "Link statically against casacore", False), ("boostroot", "The root dir where boost is installed", None), ("boostlib", "The name of the boost python library", "boost_python"), ("boostlibdir", "The boost library location", None), ("boostincdir", "The boost header file location", None), ("cfitsioroot", "The root directory where cfistio is installed", None), ("cfitsiolibdir", "The cfitsio library location", None), ("cfitsiolib", "The cfitsio library name", "cfitsio"), ("cfitsioincdir", "The cfitsio include location", None), ("rpfitslib", "The rpfits library name", "rpfits"), ("rpfitsroot", "The root directory where rpfits is installed", None), ("rpfitslibdir", "The rpfits library location", None), ("pyraproot", "The root directory where libpyrap is installed", None), ("numpyincdir", "numpy header file directory", get_numpy_incdir()), BoolVariable("enable_pyrap", "Use pyrap conversion library from system", False), ("pyraplib", "The name of the pyrap library", "pyrap"), ("pyraplibdir", "The directory where libpyrap is installed", None), ("pyrapincdir", "The pyrap include location", None), EnumVariable("mode", "The type of build.", "release", ["release","debug"], ignorecase=1), EnumVariable("makedoc", "Build the userguide in specified format", "none", ["none", "pdf", "html"], ignorecase=1), BoolVariable("apps", "Build cpp apps", True), BoolVariable("alma", "Enable alma specific functionality", False), ) env = Environment( toolpath = ['./scons'], tools = ["default", "utils", "casa"], ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ[ 'PATH' ], 'HOME' : os.environ[ 'HOME' ] }, options = opts) env.Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) env.SConsignFile() if not ( env.GetOption('clean') or env.GetOption('help') ): conf = Configure(env) if conf.env.get("extraroot", None): conf.env.AddCustomPackage('extra') conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()]) if not conf.CheckHeader("Python.h", language='c'): Exit(1) pylib = 'python'+distutils.sysconfig.get_python_version() if env['PLATFORM'] == "darwin": conf.env.Append(FRAMEWORKS=["Python"]) else: if not conf.CheckLib(library=pylib, language='c'): Exit(1) conf.env.AddCustomPackage('boost') libname = conf.env["boostlib"] if libname.find(".") > -1 and os.path.exists(libname): conf.env.AppendUnique(LIBS=[env.File(libname)]) else: if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(libname, 'boost/python.hpp', language='c++'): Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLib("m"): Exit(1) # test for cfitsio conf.env.AddCustomPackage('cfitsio') libname = conf.env["cfitsiolib"] if not conf.CheckHeader("fitsio.h"): #SuSE is being special conf.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=['/usr/include/libcfitsio0']) if not conf.CheckHeader("fitsio.h"): Exit(1) if libname.find(".") > -1 and os.path.exists(libname): conf.env.AppendUnique(LIBS=[env.File(libname)]) else: if not conf.CheckLib(libname, language='c'): Exit(1) conf.env.AddCustomPackage('rpfits') if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(conf.env["rpfitslib"], "RPFITS.h", language="c"): Exit(1) libpath = "" for p in [conf.env["casacoreroot"], conf.env.get("extraroot", "")]: pth = os.path.join(p, "include", "casacore") if os.path.exists(pth): libpath = os.path.join(p, LIBDIR) conf.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[pth,pth+'/..']) break cclibs = ["casa_python", "casa_images", "casa_ms", "casa_coordinates", "casa_lattices", "casa_fits", "casa_measures", "casa_scimath", "casa_scimath_f", "casa_tables", "casa_casa"] if conf.env["casacorestatic"]: libs = [ env.File(os.path.join(libpath, "lib"+lib+".a")) \ for lib in cclibs ] else: conf.env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH=libpath) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader("casa_casa", "casa/aips.h", language='c++', autoadd=0): Exit(1) libs = cclibs conf.env.PrependUnique(LIBS=libs) if not conf.CheckLib('stdc++', language='c++'): Exit(1) if conf.env["alma"]: conf.env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DUSE_CASAPY']) if conf.env.get("extraflags"): flags = conf.env.ParseFlags(conf.env["extraflags"]) conf.env.MergeFlags(flags) env = conf.Finish() opts.Save('options.cache', env) env["version"] = "4.3.x" if env['mode'] == 'release': if env["PLATFORM"] != "darwin": env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-O1', '-s']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-O2"]) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-g", "-W", "-Wall"]) # Export for SConscript files Export("env") # build externals ext = env.SConscript("external-alma/SConscript") # build library so = env.SConscript("src/SConscript", variant_dir="build", duplicate=0) apps = env.SConscript("apps/SConscript") # test module import, to see if there are unresolved symbols def test_module(target,source,env): pth = str(target[0]) mod = os.path.splitext(pth)[0] sys.path.insert(2, os.path.split(mod)[0]) __import__(os.path.split(mod)[1]) print "ok" return 0 def test_str(target, source, env): return "Testing module..." taction = Action(test_module, test_str) env.AddPostAction(so, taction) if env.GetOption("clean"): Execute(Delete(".sconf_temp")) Execute(Delete("options.cache")) Execute(Delete(".sconsign.dblite")) if env["makedoc"].lower() != "none": env.SConscript("doc/SConscript")